Linnaei anteckningar efter Olof Rudbeck d. y:s [sic] föreläsningar om Svenska faglar / med inledning och förklaringar av Einar Lönnberg. |
LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 |
4692 |
Almqvist & Wiksells |
1932 |
The Linnean types of Ichneumon flies. |
ROMAN, A. (Abraham), 1872-. |
4633 |
Almqvist & Wiksells |
1932 |
A catalogue of the works of Linnaeus (and publications more immediately relating thereto) preserved in the libraries of the British Museum (Bloomsbury) and the British Museum (Natural History) (South Kensington) / [compiled by Basil Harrington Soulsby]. |
SOULSBY, Basil Harrington, 1864-1933. |
3677 |
Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum |
1933 |
Linné och lövängen. |
SERNANDER, Rutger, 1866-1944. |
4619 |
Isaac Marcus Boktr. |
1934 |
Sveden : en bergsmansgård i Stora Kopparbergslagen / av Sigurd Erixon. |
ERIXON, Sigurd Emanuel, 1888-1968. |
4673 |
Victor Pettersons Bokindustriaktiebolag |
1934 |
Catalogue of the exhibition of books to be held in a locality of the Royal Zoological Institution "Natura Artis Magistra," ... comprising: I. Botanical Incunabula ... II. Linnaeana exhibited on occasion of the bicentenary of Linnés ''Systema Naturae'', Ed. 1 ... III. Books quoted in Dr. Sirks Historical introduction to his "Botany in the Netherlands". |
HUNGER, F. W. T. (Friedrich Wilhelm Tobias), 1874-. |
4469 |
s.n |
1935 |
Råshult och Stenbrohult : där Linné föddes och växte upp : kort historisk och vägledning / utgiven av Hembygdsföreningen Linné i Stenbrohult. |
4652 |
Sm�landspostens Boktryckeri |
1935 |
Linné som naturforsker og Laege / O. Helms. |
HELMS, O. (Otto), 1866-1942. |
4536 |
s.n |
1935 |
Linnés avhandling Migrationes Avium 1757 / Svensk översättning av C.A. Brolén ; inledning och kommentar av Einar Lönnberg. |
LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 |
4043 |
Almqvist & Wiksells |
1935 |
Linnés Hammarby : vägvisare. |
SERNANDER, Rutger, 1866-1944. |
4392 |
Almqvist & Wiksells |
1936 |
The Linnean Ichneumon types of the Stockholm Museum. |
ROMAN, A. (Abraham), 1872-. |
4634 |
Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri |
1936 |
Carl von Linné und das Problem der Entstehung der Arten. |
4585 |
Nornen-Verlag |
1936 |
An index to the authors (other than Linnaeus) mentioned in the catalogue of the works of Linnaeus preserved in the libraries of the British Museum, second edition, 1933 / [by C. Davies Sherborn]. |
SHERBORN, Charles Davies, 1861-1942. |
3677* |
Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum |
1936 |
Linnaea borealis L. in England ... / Robert J. Flintoff. |
FLINTOFF, Robert John, 1873-1941. |
4868 |
T. Buncle |
1936 |
Caroli Linnaei Determinationes in hortum siccum Joachimi Burseri : the text of the manuscript in the Linnaean collections / edited by Spencer Savage. |
LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 |
620b |
Printed for the Linnean Society by Taylor & Francis |
1937 |
Catalogue of the exhibits in the Society's library on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary celebrations. |
SAVAGE, Spencer. |
4591 |
Linnean Society |
1938 |
Linnaeus and the species concept. |
RAMSBOTTOM, John, 1885-1974. |
4389 |
Linnean Society of London |
1938 |
Exhibit illustrating Linnaeus's development as a botanist. |
SAVAGE, Spencer. |
4593 |
Linnean Society |
1938 |
The ''Critica Botanica'' of Linnaeus / translated by the late Sir Arthur Hort ; revised by M.L. Green ; with an introduction by Sir Arthur W. Hill. |
LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 |
3919 |
Ray Society |
1938 |
Exhibition of a selection from the Linnaean Collections and the Society's archives : 150th Anniversary celebrations, May 1938. |
SAVAGE, Spencer. |
4590 |
Linnean Society |
1938 |