Union Catalogue

Browse Records by Partner

Argentina Current number

Founded in 1934, the Institute of Botany Darwinion (IBODA) is a subsidiary of the Argentine National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) execution unit, and the National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences.

54 records
Belgium Current number
Meise BG

The library of the Meise Botanic Garden (formerly the National Botanic Garden of Belgium) is one of the most important in Europe concerning descriptive botany. Click here to visit our website.

504 records
Denmark Current number
CUL North

Click here to visit our website.

1300 records
Germany Current number

The Library was founded in 1815 and holds a wide range of literature on plants from all over the world from five centuries, among them precious and very rare books. Click here to visit our website.

350 records
Staatsbibliothek Berlin

The Staatsbibliothek Berlin is one the largest libraries in Europe, and one of the most important academic research libraries in the German-speaking world. Click here to visit our website.

596 records
Spain Current number
Madrid BG

The library of the Real Jardín Botánico forms part of the CSIC Library Network. It supports teaching and scientific research in botany. Click here to visit our website.

266 records
Sweden Current number

The Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library is a division within Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, holding old and rare books in medicine and allied sciences, covering five centuries. Click here to visit our website.

5 records
Stockholm UL

The Stockholm University Library is one of Sweden’s leading scientific libraries and one of Stockholm’s most visited cultural institutions. Important collections include material on deposit from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Click here to visit our website.

2104 records
Uppsala UL

Uppsala University Library is one of the oldest libraries in Scandinavia. Click here to visit our website.

1980 records
Switzerland Current number
Geneva Library Network

Includes material of the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de Genève (Conservatory and Botanical Garden of Geneva) and the Muséum d'histoire naturelle de la Ville de Genève (Natural History Museum of Geneva). Formerly known as the Geneva Library Network.

750 records
MJBC Lausanne

The Library of the Musée et jardin botanique de Lausanne was founded in 1824. Its collection covers plant biology in its entirety.

155 records
United Kingdom Current number
British Library

The National Library of the UK. Click here to visit our website.

2112 records

The world’s oldest active biological society (founded in 1788) has in its keeping the botanical, zoological and library collections of Carl Linnaeus. Click here to visit our website.

978 records
NHM London

The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD. Click here to visit our website.

2121 records
RBG Edinburgh

The Library of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) is Scotland's national reference collection for specialist botanical and horticultural resources. Click here to visit our website.

349 records

One of the most important botanical reference sources in the world, Library, Art & Archives contains more than half a million items. Click here to visit our website.

1133 records
RHS Lindley Library

RHS Libraries hold the finest collection of horticultural literature in the world and important collections of botanical art, archival papers, photographs and artefacts. Covering over 500 years of gardening history, art and science, together they offer a unique insight into horticulture both past and present. Our collections are used by researchers, students and gardeners from all over the world. To find out more, click here to visit our website.

197 records
Science Museum

The home of human ingenuity, come and visit award-winning exhibitions, iconic objects and stories of incredible scientific achievement for free.

130 records
United States Current number
Missouri BG

The Missouri Botanical Garden's Peter H. Raven Library is globally recognized as one of the most comprehensive libraries of botanical literature in the world. To find out more, click here

0 records

The Library’s outstanding collections represent over a century of commitment to botanical and environmental research. Click here to visit our website.

998 records