Union Catalogue

All records for The Linnean Society of London (974 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Linné som kulturpersonlighet : nagra Linné-studier. MALMESTRÖM, Elis, 1895-1977. 3073 J. A. Lindblads F�rlag 1925 Digital version available
The visit of Carl Linnaeus to England in 1736. JACKSON, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927. 3077 Almqvist & Wiksell 1926 Digital version available
Linne i Lund : föredrag i Kungl. Fysiografiska Sällskapet den 2 December 1927 / av Otto Gertz. GERTZ, Otto D. , 1878-1948. 3088b H�kan Ohlssons Boktryckeri 1928 Digital version available
Linné und Fabricius : zu ihrem Leben und Werk : drei Faksimiles zu Linnés 150 Todestag mit einem Nachwort über das natürliche System / herausgegeben von Julius Schuster. SCHUSTER, Julius. 3092 Verlag der M�nchner Drucke 1928 Digital version available
Linnaeus : prince of botanists. ANGUS, George A. 3096b Philosophical Society of England 1929 Digital version available
Linné und Berlin : Berliner Festschrift zu Linnés hundertfünfzigstem Todestage 1778-1928. BRYK, Felix, 1882-1957. 3106 Gustav Feller 1930 Digital version available
Linnéporträtt : vid Uppsala Universitets minnesfest på tvåhundraårsdagen af Carl von Linnées födelse : å Universitetets vägnar / af Tycho Tullberg. TULLBERG, Tycho, 1842-1920 3321 Aktiebolaget Ljus 1907 Digital version available
[History of the portrait of Carl von Linné painted by Alexander Roslin, with some further remarks on the Lapland drum in the Hoffman portrait]. JACKSON, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927. 3335 Linnean Society of London 1911 Digital version available
[Beskrivningar av 50 medaljer slagna till Carl von Linnés ära]. HYCKERT, Bror Edvard. 3393 Kungl. Boktryckeriet. P.A. Norstedt & Soner 1906 Digital version available
[Engraved plate of Designs used by Linnaeus in connexion with his Herbarium]. LINNAEUS, Carl 3431 s.n 1737 Digital version available
Plantarum icones hactenus ineditae, plerumque ad plantas in herbario Linnaeo conservatas delineatae. SMITH, James Edward, Sir, 1759-1828 1759-1828. 3437 Impensis Benj. White et Filii 1789(-91) Digital version available
Linnean Cabinet of Minerals : a catalogue of the genuine and entire collection of the late celebrated Swedish naturalist, Sir Charles Linne, together with many valuable posthumous additions, (the whole having correct reference to last improved edition of the Systema Naturae, by Professor Gmelin;) which will be sold by auction by Mr. King, at his Great Room, King-Street, Covent-Garden, on Tuesday, March 1, 1796, and following day ... KING, Thomas, fl. 1781-1822. 3442 s.n 1796 Digital version available
Annotationes de plantis Scandinavicis Herbarii Linnaeani, in Museo Societ. Linnaeanae Londin. asservati, / auctore Carolo Hartman. HARTMAN, Carl Johan, 1790-1849 1824-1884. 3463 Norstedt & S�ner 1852 Digital version available
Carl von Linné. JAHN, Ilse. 3471 Teubner 1978 Digital version available
Osservazioni sull' erbario di Linneo. VISIANI DE, Roberto. 3478 G. Pellas 1870 Digital version available
Linnean type-specimens of birds, reptiles, batrachians and fishes in the Zoological Museum of the R. University in Upsala. LÖNNBERG, Einar, 1865-1942. 3495 P.A.Norstedt & S�ner 1896 Digital version available
Studier öfver Salices i Linnés Herbarium. ENANDER, Sven Johan, 1847-1928. 3502 Almqvist & Wiksells 1907 Digital version available
A Linnaean herbarium in the Natural History Museum in Stockholm. LINDMAN, C. A. M. (Carl Axel Magnus), 1856-1928. 3503 Almqvist & Wiksells 1907-1909 Digital version available
Exhibition of a selection from the Linnean collections : Fifth International Botanical Congress 1930. 3532 Linnean Society 1930 Digital version available
A catalogue of the Linnaean Herbarium / compiled and annotated by Spencer Savage. SAVAGE, Spencer. 3536b Printed for the Linnean Society of London by Taylor & Francis 1945 Digital version available