Union Catalogue

All records for The Linnean Society of London (974 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Index of the books and authors cited in the zoological works of Linnaeus (Index librorum et auctorum in operibus zoologicis Linneai citatorum) / by John L. Heller; edited by John M. Penhallurick. HELLER, John Lewis, 1906-1988 1953-. 4051 Ray Society 2007 Digital version available
Index perfectus ad Caroli Linnaei Species plantarum, nempe earum primam editionem, (anno 1753). Collatore Ferdinando de Mueller. LINNAEUS, Carl 483 M'Carron, Bird & Socii impresserunt 1880 Digital version available
Index plantarum, quae continentur in Linnaeani systematis [vegetabilium] editione novissima decima quarta. [By Baron N.J. von Jacquin]. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 584 Typis et sumptibus Christiani Friederici Wappler 1785 Digital version available
Index supellectilis Lapidae, quam collegit, in Classes & Ordines digessit, specificis Nominibus ac synonymis illustravit ... [with the co-operation of Carl Linnaeus]. Editio altera. LINNAEUS, Carl 3610 Apud Cornelium Haak 1750 Digital version available
Index supellectilis lapideae, quam collegit Johannes Fredericus Gronovius. LINNAEUS, Carl 3609 s.n 1740 Digital version available
Index to the Linnaean Herbarium in Riksmuseum, Stockholm (S). 4671 s.n May 1973. Digital version available
Index to the Linnean Herbarium with indication of the types of species marked by Carl von Linné. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 3491/3 Linnean Society of London. 1912 Digital version available
Institutes of botany; containing accurate, compleat and easy descriptions of all the known genera of plants; translated from the Latin of the celebrated Charles von Linné ... To which are prefixed I. A view of the ancient and present state of botany. II. A synopsis, exhibiting the essential or striking characters which serve to discriminate genera of the same class and order... MILNE, Colin, 1743 or 4-1815. 660 Sold by Griffin ... 1771-1772 Digital version available
Institutes of botany; containing accurate, compleat and easy descriptions of all the known genera of plants; translated from the Latin of the celebrated Charles von Linné ... To which are prefixed I. A view of the ancient and present state of botany. II. A synopsis, exhibiting the essential or striking characters which serve to discriminate genera of the same class and order... MILNE, Colin, 1743 or 4-1815. 316 Sold by Griffin ... 1771-1772 Digital version available
Institutions of entomology: being a translation of Linnaeus's Ordines et Genera Insectorum [in the ''Systema Naturae, editio duodecima reformata'' Tom.1. pars 2.1766]...collated with the different systems of Geoffroy, Schaeffer and Scopoli; together with observations of the Translator. By T.P. Yeats; Institutions of entomology: being a translation ... LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 94 R. Horsfield 1773 Digital version available
Instructio musei rerum naturalium, quam consensu experient. et nobiliss. Facult. Medic. Upsal. sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei ... subjicit ... David Hultman ... LINNAEUS, Carl. 1770 Exc. Laur. Magnus Hojer 1753 Digital version available
Instructio peregrinatoris, quam, consent. nobiliss. Facultat. Medica in Regia Academia Upsaliensi, sub praesidio viri nobiliss. et experientiss. Dn. Doct. Caroli Linnaei ... publicae censurae submittit Ericus And. Nordblad, Gevalia Gestricius. In Auditorio Carol. Major. D. IX. Maji, Ann. MDCCLIX. LINNAEUS, Carl 2022 s.n 1759 Digital version available
Ipsa Linnaei conchylia. The shells of Linnaeus, determined from his manuscripts and collections ... Also, an exact reprint of the Vermes testacea of the ''Systema Naturae'' and ''Mantissa''. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 112 Williams and Norgate 1855 Digital version available
Jacobi Theodori Klein ... Historiae avium prodromu cum praefatione de ordine animalium in genere. Accessit historia muris alpini et vetus vocabularium animalium msc. cum figuris. KLEIN, Jacob Theodor. 3882 apud Joham Schmidt 1750 Digital version available
Joannis Martyn Historia plantarum rariorum. MARTYN, John. 621 Ex Typographia Richardi Reily 1728(-37) Digital version available
Joannis Physiophili Specimen monachologiae methodo Linnaeana. BORN, Ignaz, Edler von, 1742-1791. 3729 [s.n.], Impensis J. Johnson 1783 Digital version available
Joh. Eberh. Ferber ... Hortus agerumensis, exhibens plantas saltem rariores, exoticas & officinales quas horto proprio intulit secundum methodum Linnaei sexualem digestus; Joh.Eberh. Ferber... Hortus agerumensis, exhibens... FERBER, Johan Eberhard, 1678-1761. 340 typis Petri G. Nystrom 1739 Digital version available
Johan Ernst Gunnerus og Carl von Linné brevveksling 1761-1772 / utgitt av Leiv Amundsen; med bistand av ... Rolf Nordhagen og Erling Sivertsen. GUNNERUS, Johan Ernst, 1718-1773. 4641 Universitetsforlaget 1976 Digital version available
Johannes A. Scopoli - Carl Linnaeus : Dopisovanje = Correspondence, 1760-1775 / [prevod pisem v slovenski jezik, angleški prevod [ter uvodno besedilo]] Darinka Soban. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 4223 Prirodoslovno dru�tvo Slovenije = Slovenian Natural History Society 2004 Digital version available
Johannis Gesneri ... Dissertationes physicae de vegetabilibus quarum prior partium vegetationis structuram, differentias et usus, posterior vero partium fructificationis structuram, differentias, ac usus sistit. In quibus elementa botanica celeb. Linnaei dilucide explicantur; Johannis Gesneri ... Dissertationes ... GESNER, Johann. 262 s.n s.d Digital version available