Union Catalogue

All records for The Linnean Society of London (977 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
A catalogue of the Linnaean Herbarium / compiled and annotated by Spencer Savage. SAVAGE, Spencer. 3536b Printed for the Linnean Society of London by Taylor & Francis 1945 Digital version available
Caroli a Linne ... Praelectiones in ordines naturales plantarum. E proprio et Jo. Chr. Fabricii ... edidit Paulus Diet. Giseke ... Accessit uberior palmarum et scitaminum expositio praeter plurium novorum generum reductiones cum mappa geographico-genealogica affinitatum ordinum, et aliquot fructuum palmarum figurae. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 3546 Impensis Benj. Gottl. Hoffmanni 1792 Digital version available
Carl von Linnés forbindelse med Norge / af Ove Dahl (udgivet af det Kongl. Norske Videnskabers Selskab i Anledning af 200-aarsdagen for Linnés Fødsel 23. Mai 1907). DAHL, Ove, 1862-. 3548 Adresseavisens Bogtrykkeri 1907 Digital version available
Collegium Diaeteticum eller Academiska forelasningar ofver Diaeten. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 3549 s.n s.d Digital version available
Linnés Vorlesungen über die Cultur der Pflantzen / utgifven af M. B. Swederus. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 3551 Akademiska Boktryckeriet 1907 Digital version available
Linnés föreläsningar öfver djurriket [1748, 1751-1752] med understöd af Svenska staten för Uppsala Universitet / utgifna och försedda med förklarande anmärkningar af Einar Lönnberg. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 3553 A.-B. Akad. Bokhandeln; R. Friedl�nder & Sohn 1913 Digital version available
Petri Artedi sueci ... Ichthyologia sive opera omnia de piscibus scilicet: Bibliotheca ichthyologica. Philosophia ichthyologica. Genera piscium. Synonymia specierum. Descriptiones specierum. Omnia in hoc genere perfectiora, quam antea ulla. / Posthuma ... Edidit Carolus Linnaeus ... [5 parts bound in 1]. ARTEDI, Peter, 1705-1735. 3563 Apud Conradum Wishoff 1738 Digital version available
Fredric Hasselquists ... Iter Palaestinum eller Resa til Heliga landet förrättad ifrån år 1749 til 1752, med beskrifningar, rön, anmärkningar, öfver de märkvärdigaste naturalier ... / utgifven af Carl Linnaeus. HASSELQUIST, Fredrik, 1722-1752. 3577 Trykt p� Lars Salvii k�stnad 1757 Digital version available
Voyages and travels in the Levant; in the years 1749,50,51,52. Containing Observations in Natural History, Physick, Agriculture, and Commerce: Particularly on the Holy Land, and the Natural History of the Scriptures. Published ... by Charles Linnaeus; Voyages and travels in the Levant; in the years ... HASSELQUIST, Fredrik, 1722-1752. 3582 Printed for L. Davis & C. Reymers 1766 Digital version available
Petri Loefling ... Iter Hispanicum, eller resa til spanska länderna uti Europa och America, förrättad ifrän år 1751 til år 1756 ... Utgifven ... af Carl Linnaeus. LOFLING, Peter. 3588 Tryckt p� Direct. Lars Salvii 1758 Digital version available
Peter Loeflings ... Reise, nach den spanischen Landern in Europa und America in den Jahren 1751 bis 1756. ... herausgegeben von Herrn Carl von Linné ... LOFLING, Peter. 3589 bey Gottlieb August Lange 1766 Digital version available
Lars Robergs ... Tal, holne for publique promotioner, vid Upsala Academie, nu forst efter auctors tid utgifne af C.L. ROBERG, Laurentius. 3597 Uplagde pa Lars Salvii kostnad 1747 Digital version available
Anmärkningar öfver boskapssjukan uti Vivarais ... BOISSIER DE LA CROIX DE SAUVAGES, François, 1706-1767. 3598 Tryckt hos Lars Salvius 1748 Digital version available
Index supellectilis lapideae, quam collegit Johannes Fredericus Gronovius. LINNAEUS, Carl 3609 s.n 1740 Digital version available
Index supellectilis Lapidae, quam collegit, in Classes & Ordines digessit, specificis Nominibus ac synonymis illustravit ... [with the co-operation of Carl Linnaeus]. Editio altera. LINNAEUS, Carl 3610 Apud Cornelium Haak 1750 Digital version available
Adriani van Royen ... Florae Leydensis prodromus, exhibens plantas quae in Horto Academico Lugduno-Batavo aluntur. ROYEN VAN, Adrianus van, 1704-1779. 3611 Apud Samuelem Luchtmans 1740 Digital version available
Handbuch der botanischen Literatur : für Botaniker, Bibliothekare, Buchhändler und Auctionatoren mit Angabe der Preise und Recensionen = Bibliotheca botanica : secundum botanices partes, locos, chronologiam, formam, auctores, volumen, titulos, pretium, et recensiones concinnata. MILTITZ, Friedrich Joseph Franz Xaver von. 3647 August R�cker 1829 Digital version available
A catalogue of the works of Linnaeus (and publications more immediately relating thereto) preserved in the Libraries of the British Museum (Bloomsbury) and the British Museum (Natural History) (South Kensington). WOODWARD, B. B. (Bernard Barham), 1853-1930. 3676 Printed by order of the trustees of the British Museum 1907 Digital version available
An index to the authors (other than Linnaeus) mentioned in the catalogue of the works of Linnaeus preserved in the libraries of the British Museum, second edition, 1933 / [by C. Davies Sherborn]. SHERBORN, Charles Davies, 1861-1942. 3677* Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum 1936 Digital version available
A catalogue of the works of Linnaeus (and publications more immediately relating thereto) preserved in the libraries of the British Museum (Bloomsbury) and the British Museum (Natural History) (South Kensington) / [compiled by Basil Harrington Soulsby]. SOULSBY, Basil Harrington, 1864-1933. 3677 Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum 1933 Digital version available