Union Catalogue

All records for The Linnean Society of London (978 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
The lord treasurer of botany : Sir James Edward Smith and the Linnaean collections. KENNETT, Tom. 4912 Linnaean Society of London 2016 Digital version available
L : 50 objects, stories & discoveries from the Linnean Society of London. CHARMANTIER, Isabelle. BERWICK, Leonie. 4914 The Linnean Society of London 2020 Digital version available
Magnol's Botanicum Monspeliense and Linnaeus's Flora Monspeliensis. MAGNOL, Pierre, 1638-1715. 4915 s.n 1973 Digital version available
Skaparens afsikt med naturens verk : en promotionsföreläsning af Linné 1763 / meddelad af Arvid Hj. Uggla. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 4916 Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri 1947 Digital version available
Morbi artificum : a post-Ramazzinian academic dissertation on occupational diseases by a pupil of Carl von Linné = Morbi artificum : akademska disertacija o profesionalnim bolestima ucenika Carla von Linnéa u razdoblju nakon Ramazzinija. SKRAGGE, Nicolaus. 4929 Hrvatsko znanstveno dru�tvo za povijest zdravstvene kulture 2021 Digital version available
Min Linné. SCHLYTER, Anna-Karin. 4936 BoD Books on Demand 2022 Digital version available
La feuille verte. 4940 Conservatoire et jardin botaniques de la ville de Gen�ve 1982- Digital version available
Parasollmossan (Splachnum) : akademisk avhandling under Linnés presidium 1750 / översatt från latinet av Johnny Strand ; med kommentarer av Ingvar Svanberg och biografiska noteringar av Erik Hamberg. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 4942 Svenska Linn�s�llskapet 2003 Digital version available
Carl von Linnés skrivbord. 4953 Bukowski's 2019? Digital version available
The man who organized nature : the life of Linnaeus. BROBERG, Gunnar 1942-2022 4955 Princeton University Press 2023 Digital version available
Den Svenske Pan (Pan Svecicus) : akademisk avhandlung under Linnés presidium, 1749 / Carl von Linné ; översatt från latinet av Leif Feltenius ; med kommentarer och biografiska noteringar av Bengt Carlsson and Håkan Rydin. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 4967 Svenska Linn�s�llskapet 2024 Digital version available
Every living thing : the great and deadly race to know all life. ROBERTS, Jason (President of Panmedia Corporation). 4968 Riverrun 2024 Digital version available
Der Mann, der die Welt, ordnete : Roman. MEYER, Axel S. , 1968-. 4969 Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag 2022 Digital version available
Peter Artedi : reformer of 18th century zoology. Volume I, Peter Artedi's life and works. PIETSCH, Theodore W. 4978 Stockholm University Press 2024 Digital version available
On a manuscript list of the Linnean Herbarium in the handwriting of Carl von Linné presumably compiled in the year 1755 ... to which is appended a Catalogue of the Genera in the Herbarium, with the numbers of sheets of specimens. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 3491/2 Linnean Society 1907 Digital version available
Index to the Linnean Herbarium with indication of the types of species marked by Carl von Linné. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 3491/3 Linnean Society of London. 1912 Digital version available
Catalogue of the Linnean specimens of amphibia, insecta, and testacea, noted by Carl von Linné / transcribed and codified by Benjamin Daydon Jackson. JACKSON, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927. 3491/4 Linnean Society of London 1913 Digital version available
Notes on a catalogue of the Linnean Herbarium. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 3491/6 Printed for the Linnean Society by Taylor & Francis 1922 Digital version available