Union Catalogue

All records for The Linnean Society of London (973 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Ur Linnés tankevärld och religiösa liv : några Linné-studier. MALMESTRÖM, Elis, 1895-1977. 4388 Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokf�rlag 1932 Digital version available
Valda avhandlingar av Carl von Linne i oversattning utgivna av Svenska Linne-Sallskapet [Nos. 1-63]. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 1331 Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-Aktiebolag 1921 Digital version available
Vaniloquentiae botanicae specimen, a M. Io. Gottlieb Gleditsch in consideratione epicriseos Siegesbeckianae in scripta botanica Linnaei, pro rite obtinendo sexualistae titulo, nuper evulgatum, jure vero retorsionis refutatum et elusum. SIEGESBECK, Johann Georg. 626 s.n 1741 Digital version available
Vaxternas krafter (Vires Plantarum): akademisk avhandling under Linnes presidium, Uppsala 1747 / oversatt fran latinet av Telemak Fredbarj och Albert Boerman. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 4103 Svenska Linn�s�llskapet 2008 Digital version available
Vegetabilia europaea in commodum botanicorum per europam peregrinantium ex systemate plantarum Caroli a Linne collecta, et novis plantis ac descriptionibus adaucta curante Joanne Nep. Laicharding ... LINNAEUS, Carl 13 Sumtibus Joann.Thom. Nobil. de Trattnern 1790 Digital version available
Vernatio arborum, quam consent. ampliss. Facult. Medica, in Regia Academia Upsaliensi, sub praesidio ... Caroli Linnaei ... submittit Haraldus Barck ... LINNAEUS, Carl 1739 Exc. L.M. Hojer 1753 Digital version available
Viata si opera botanistului Linné. POP, Emil. 4578 Universitatea "V. Babes 1958 Digital version available
Vie de Linné, rédigeé sur les documens autographes laissés par ce grand homme, et suivie de l'analyse de sa correspondance avec les principaux naturalistes de son époque / par A. L. A. Fée. FÉE, Antoine Laurent Apollinaire, 1789-1874. 2680 F.G. Levrault ; Treuttel et Wurtz 1832 Digital version available
Vires plantarum, dissertatione academica, cum cons. Ampliss. Facult. Medicae in Regia Academia Upsaliensi, sub praesidio viri experientissimi et celeberrimi, Dn. Doct. Caroli Linnaei ... examini publico subjectae a Friderico Hasselquist ... In Auditor. Gustaviano, die Junii Anni MDCCXLVII. Horis ante meridiem solitis. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 1461 1747 Digital version available
Viridarium Grisley Lusitanicum Linnaeanis nominibus illustratum Jussu Academiae in Lucem Editum. VANDELLI, Domenico, 1732-1815. 731a Regalis Academiae Scientiarum 1789 Digital version available
Vita Caroli Linnaei : Carl von Linnés självbiografier. UGGLA, Arvid Hj. (Arvid Hjalmar), 1883-1964. MALMESTRÖM, Elis, 1895-1977. 4384 Almqvist & Wiksell 1957 Digital version available
Vita Caroli Linnaei. ÄHRLING, Ewald, 1837-1888. 4544 Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien 1888 Digital version available
Voyages and travels in the Levant; in the years 1749,50,51,52. Containing Observations in Natural History, Physick, Agriculture, and Commerce: Particularly on the Holy Land, and the Natural History of the Scriptures. Published ... by Charles Linnaeus; Voyages and travels in the Levant; in the years ... HASSELQUIST, Fredrik, 1722-1752. 3582 Printed for L. Davis & C. Reymers 1766 Digital version available
Växter i Linnés landskap. [Plants in the Linnean landscape]. MANKTELOW, Mariette. 4046 Universitetstryckeriet 2004 Digital version available
What Linnaeus saw : a scientist's quest to name every living thing. BEIL, Karen Magnuson. 4876 Norton Young Readers, an imprint of W.W. Norton & Company 2019 Digital version available
Wälborne Herr Archiater--" : Johan Otto Hagströms brev till Abraham Bäck, 1747-1791. HAGSTRöM, Johan Otto, 1716 - 1792 1716-1792. 4081 �sterg�tlands medicinhistoriska s�llskap 1997 Digital version available
[A System of Vegetables ... Translated [by Erasmus Darwin & others] from the Thirteenth edition (as published by Dr. Murray) of the Systema Vegetabilium [1774] of the late Professor Linneus: and from the Supplementum Plantarum [1781] of the present Professor Linneus. By a Botanical Society, at Lichfield]; [A System of Vegetables...Translated [by Erasmus.. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 580a John Jackson 1783 Digital version available
[Beskrivningar av 50 medaljer slagna till Carl von Linnés ära]. HYCKERT, Bror Edvard. 3393 Kungl. Boktryckeriet. P.A. Norstedt & Soner 1906 Digital version available
[Caroli Linnaei ... Genera plantarum ...]. LINNAEUS, Carl 284 Impensis Laurentii Salvii 1754 Digital version available
[Caroli Linnaei ... Genera plantarum ...]. LINNAEUS, Carl 297 Impensis Laurentii Salvii 1754 Digital version available