Quæstio historico naturalis, Cui bono? /
quam breviter solutam, consensu experientiss. Facult. Medicæ in illustri Academia Upsaliensi, præside ... Dn. Doct. Carolo Linnæo, ... ; ad diem XXI. Octobr. anni MDCCLII, ... publicæ ventilationi modeste offert Christophorus Gedner, Eliæ fil. Fierdhundrensis. |
Linné, Carl von |
1691 |
excudit Laur. Magn. Höjer, Reg. Acad. typ. |
1752 |
Quid Linnæo patri debeat medicina, dissertatione academica breviter adumbratum /
quam ... publicæ proponit ventilationi Sveno Andreas Hedin ... respondente Christophoro Carlander. |
Hedin, Sven Anders |
990 |
Typis Joh. Edman |
1784 |
Promotionsformulär använt av Carolus Linnæus vid medicine doktorspromotion den 31 oktober 1754 /
[red. Arvid Hj. Uggla]. |
Uggla, Arvid Hjalmar Linné, Carl von |
4426 |
Almqvist & Wiksell |
1941 |
Prolepsis plantarum, quam ... Præside ... Carolo Linnaeo ... /
publico examini submittit Hinricus Ullmark ... |
Linné, Carl von |
2141 |
1760 |
Professor Linnæi upsats på de medicinal wäxter som i apothequen bewaras, och hos oss i fädernes-landet wäxa. |
Linné, Carl von |
354 |
1741 |
Professor Linnæi upsats på de medicinal wäxter som i apothequen bewaras, och hos oss i fädernes-landet wäxa. |
Linné, Carl von |
355 |
1743 |
Professor Carl Linnæi Förtekning, af de färgegräs, som brukas på Gotland ock Öland. |
Linné, Carl von |
369 |
1742 |
Professor C. Linnæi samling af et hundrade wäxter upfundne på Gothland, Öland och Småland. |
Linné, Carl von |
362 |
1741 |
Professor C. Linnæi samling af et hundrade wäxter upfundne på Gothland, Öland och Småland. |
Linné, Carl von |
363 |
1743 |
Prodromus floræ Danicæ /
quem, suffrag. experient. Facult. Medic. in Regia academia Upsaliensi, præside ... Carolo Linnæo ... ; publicæ censuræ sistit Georgius Tycho Holm, Fyonia-Danus ... d. II. Jun. anni MDCCLVII ... |
Linné, Carl von |
1952 |
excud. L. M. Höjer, reg. acad. typogr. |
1757 |
Proceedings of the centenary and bicentenary congress of biology, Singapore, December 2-9, 1958 :
papers delivered in the University of Malaya in commemoration of the works of Darwin, Wallace and Linnaeus /
ed. by R.D. Purchon. |
Purchon, R. D. Linné, Carl von |
4254 |
University of Malaya Press |
1960 |
Principia botanices illustrata, seu Partes fructificationis, characteribus, terminis technicis, figuris illustratae, ad systema botanices Linneanum intelligendum, tractandum adaptatae in usum praelectionum ab Engelbert Jörlin. |
Jörlin, Engelbert. |
659 |
litteris Berlingianis, et impensis Joh. Lundblad |
1786 |
Principia botanica or, A concise and easy introduction to the sexual botany of Linnæus :
with the genera, their mode of growth (as tree, shrub, or herb), the number of species to each genus, where principally native, and the number indigenous to the British Isles : arranged in columns under each class and order, and digested alphabetically under several generic distinctions, by which means most plants may be thus far ascertained : together with three indexes, I. of the Linnaean genera accented, with the British names, II. of the trivial names as were the genera of old authors, III. of the British names, with the Linnaean genera, to which are added many of the specific names : also a table of several vegetable drugs not in the indexes /
by R[obert] W[aring] D[arwin]. |
Darwin, Robert Waring |
714 |
printed by Allin and Co. and sold by G. G. J. and J. Robinson, No. 25, Pater-noster-Row, London, and all other booksellers |
1787 |
Primitiae florae Butisbacensis, sive Sex decades plantarum rariorum inter alias circa Butisbacum sponte nascentium, cum observanibus methodos plantarum Turnefortianam, Rivinianam, Rajanam, Knautianam, et Linnaeanam potissimum concernentibus, recensitae et ... Iohan. Casimiri Hertii ... inscriptae /
a Philip Conrado Fabricio ... |
Fabricius, Philipp Conrad |
629a |
Literis Wincklerianis |
1743 |
Potus theae /
quem dissertatione medica, venia nobiliss. Fac. Med. in Reg. Acad. Ups. præside ... Carolo von Linné, ... ; ... d. 7. Decembr. 1765 publico submittit examini h.a.m.s. Petrus C. Tillæus, Vestmannus. |
Linné, Carl von |
2310 |
s. n |
1765 |
Pomerantz med et inneslutit foster /
Ingifven af ... grefve Carl G. Tessin och beskrifven af Carl Linnæus. |
Linné, Carl von |
412 |
1745 |
Plantæ tinctoriæ /
quod, de quibus specimen botanico-oeconomicum, consensu ampliss. Facult. Med. in illustri Upsaliensi Athenaeo, præside ... Dn. Doct. Carolo Linnæo, ... ; publico bonorum examini modeste submittit ... Engelbertus Jörlin, Bahusia-Gothoburgens ... die XVI Maji, anno MDCCLIX ... |
Linné, Carl von |
2030 |
s. n. |
1759 |
Plantæ rariores Camschatcenses /
quas consensu ampliss. facult. med. in Reg. acad. Upsal. præside ... Carolo Linnæo ... ; publico examini modeste submittit Jonas P. Halenius, Uplandus ... d. XXII. Dec. anni MDCCL ... |
Linné, Carl von |
1612 |
s.n |
1750 |
Plantæ rariores Africanæ /
quas consens. experient. Facult. Med. in Reg. academ. Upsaliensi. Præside ... Carolo Linnæo .. ; publico examini submittit Jacob Printz Dalekarlus ... die XX Decemb. anni MDCCLX ... |
Linné, Carl von |
2147 |
literis direct. Laurentii Salvii |
1760 |
Plantæ hybridæ /
quas, annuent. exper. et nobiliss. fac. med. in illustri acad. Upsaliensi, sub præsidio ... Caroli Linnæi ... ; publicæ bonorum disquisitione sistit stipendiarius Nesselianus, Johan. J:nis Haartman, Austro-Finlandus ... diem XXIII. Nov. anni MDCCLI ... |
Linné, Carl von |
1632 |
s. n. |
1751 |