Union Catalogue

All records for The Royal Library (1301 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Theses medicæ / quas consensu experient. Facult. Medicæ in Regia Academia Uppsaliensi, præside ... Dn. Doct. Carolo Linnæo ... ; pro gradu doctoris summisque in medicina privilegiis more majorum obtinendis, publico submittet examini Jo. Christ. Dan. Schreber, Thuringus ... diem XIV. Junii anni MDCCLX ... Linné, Carl von 2111 s. n. 1760 Digital version available
Theoria generationis et fructificationis plantarum cryptogamicarum Linnaei : retractata et aucta : C. tab. 42. coloratis / auctore Ioanne Hedwig. Hedwig, Johannnes 693 ex Officina Breitkopfio - Haerteliana 1798 Digital version available
Theoria generationis et fructificationis plantarum Cryptogamicarum Linnæi mere propriis observationibus et experimentis superstructa : dissertatio quae praemio ab Academia Imperiali Petropolitana pro anno 1783, proposito ornata est / auctore Ioanne Hedwig. Hedwig, Johannnes 692 typis Academiæ Imper. Scientiarum 1784 Digital version available
The prince of botanists Carl Linnæus / by Norah Gourlie. Gourlie, Norah. 4348 Witherby 1953 Digital version available
The natural history of British birds; or a selection of the most rare, beautiful, and interesting birds which inhabit this country : the descriptions from the Systema naturæ of Linnæus, with general observations, either original, or collected from the latest and most esteemed English ornithologists and embellished with figures, drawn, engraved, and coloured from the original specimens / by E. Donovan. Donovan, Edward. 131 1794-1819 Digital version available
The life of Sir Charles Linnæus, knight of the Swedish Order of the Polar Star, etc. etc. : to which is added a copious list of his works, and a biographical sketch of the life of his son / by D. H. Stoever ; translated from the original German by Joseph Trapp. Linné, Carl von 2627 by E. Hobson for B. and J. White 1794 Digital version available
The life of Linnæus, the celebrated Swedish naturalist : to which is added, a short account of the botanical systems of Linnæus and Jussieu, with a slight glance at the discoveries of Goëthe, the great German poet : compiled from authentic sources / by D. C. Carr. Carr, Daniel C. 2690 printed by James Shalders 1837 Digital version available
The language of botany: : being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science, pricipally by Linneus : with familiar explanations, and an attempt to establish significant English terms : the whole interspersed with critical remarks / by Thomas Martyn. Martyn, Thomas 34b for B. and J. White 1796 Digital version available
The language of botany: : being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science, pricipally by Linneus : with familiar explanations, and an attempt to establish significant English terms : the whole interspersed with critical remarks / by Thomas Martyn. Martyn, Thomas 752 for B. and J. White 1796 Digital version available
The genera vermium exemplified by various specimens of the animals contained in the orders of the Intestina et Mollusca Linnaei = Les genres des vers exemplifiés par divers échantillons des animaux contenus aux ordres des intestins et mollusques de Linné / drawn from nature by James Barbut. Barbut, James. 108 publish'd according to Act of Parliament by J. Barbut, March 1st; 1788; and sold by B. White & Son; J. Sewell; P. Elmsley; Egerton; & Robson & Co. 1783 Digital version available
The flora of Jamaica : a description of the plants of that island, arranged according to the natural orders : with an appendix, containing an enumeration of the genera according to the Linnaean system, and an essay on the geographical distribution of the species / Vol. 1, Ranunculacæ - Leguminosæ. by James Macfadyen. Macfadyen, James 845i Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman ;John Smith & Son 1837 Digital version available
The families of plants : with their natural characters, according to the number, figure, situation and proportion of all the parts of fructification / translated from the last edition (as published by Dr. Reichard) of the Genera plantarum, and of the Mantissæ plantarum of the elder Linneus, and from the Supplementum plantarum of the younger Linneus, with all the new families of plants from Thunberg and L'Heritier. To which is prefix'd an accented catalogue of the names of the plants, with the adjectives apply'd to them, and other botanic terms, for the purpose of teaching their right pronunciation ; by a Botanical Society at Lichfield. Linné, Carl von 321 John Jackson 1787 Digital version available
The families of plants : with their natural characters, according to the number, figure, situation and proportion of all the parts of fructification / translated from the last edition (as published by Dr. Reichard) of the Genera plantarum, and of the Mantissæ plantarum of the elder Linneus, and from the Supplementum plantarum of the younger Linneus, with all the new families of plants from Thunberg and L'Heritier. To which is prefix'd an accented catalogue of the names of the plants, with the adjectives apply'd to them, and other botanic terms, for the purpose of teaching their right pronunciation ; by a Botanical Society at Lichfield. Linné, Carl von 24 John Jackson 1787 Digital version available
The families of plants : with their natural characters, according to the number, figure, situation and proportion of all the parts of fructification / translated from the last edition (as published by Dr. Reichard) of the Genera plantarum, and of the Mantissæ plantarum of the elder Linneus, and from the Supplementum plantarum of the younger Linneus, with all the new families of plants from Thunberg and L'Heritier. To which is prefix'd an accented catalogue of the names of the plants, with the adjectives apply'd to them, and other botanic terms, for the purpose of teaching their right pronunciation ; by a Botanical Society at Lichfield. Linné, Carl von 3838 John Jackson 1787 Digital version available
The elements of botany : containing the history of the science: with accurate definitions of all the terms of art, exemplified in eleven copper-plates; the theory of vegetables; the scientific arrangement of plants, and names used in botany; rules concerning the general history, virtues an uses of plants : being a translation of the Philosophia Botanica, and other treatises of the celebrated Linnæus : to which is added an Appendix, wherein are described some plants lately found in Norfolk and Suffolk, illustrated with three additional copper-plates, all taken from the life / by Hugh Rose. Linné, Carl von 470 T. Cadell 1775 Digital version available
The early naturalists : their lives and work (1530-1789) / by L. C. Miall. Miall, Louis Compton 2980 MacMillan 1912 Digital version available
The classes and orders of the Linnaean system of botany : illustrated by select specimens of foreign and indigenous plants / Vol. I-III. [by Richard Duppa]. Duppa, Richard 804 printed by T. Bensley, Bolt-Court, Fleet-Street, for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster Row 1816 Digital version available
The civil and natural history of Jamaica. In Three parts. Containing, I. An accurate description of that island, its situation and soil; with a brief account of its former and present state, government, revenues, produce and trade. II. A history of the natural productions, including the various sorts of native fossils; perfect and imperfect vegetables, quadrupedes, birds, fishes, reptiles and insects; with their properties and uses in mechanics, diet, and physic. III. An account of the nature of climates in general, and their different effects upon the human body, with a detail of the diseases arising from this source, particularly within the tropics. In three dissertations : the whole illustrated with fifty copper-plates : in which the most curious productions are represented of the natural size, and delineated immediately from the objects / Part I-III. by Patrick Browne. Browne, Patrick 636 printed for the Author, and sold by T. Osborne, and J. Shiption 1756 Digital version available
The calendar of flora, Swedish and English : made in the year 1755 / [Benjamin Stillingfleet]. Stillingfleet, Benjamin 4458 printed for the author and sold by R. and J. Dodsley ... and S. Baker 1761 Digital version available
The botanist's repository for new and rare plants [only] : containing coloured figures of such plants, as have not hitherto appeared in any similar publication ; with all their essential characters, botanically arranged, after the sexual system of the celebrated Linnaeus : to each description is added a short history of the plant, as to its time of flowering, culture, native place of growth, when introduced and by whom : [no. 1-21] / the whole executed by Henry Andrews. Andrews, Henry Charles 750k printed by T. Bensley and published by the author 1797 Digital version available