Union Catalogue

All records for New York Botanical Garden (998 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Botanologia, nunc primum edita, praefatione historica, annotationibus criticis, nomenclatura Linnaeana illustrata a R.F. Fristedt ... Franck, Johannes, 1590-1661. 867a E. Berling 1877 Digital version available
Flora de Filipinas, por el p. fr. Manuel Blanco ... adicionada con el manuscrito inéditó del p. fr. Ignacio Mercado, las obras del p. fr. Antonio Llanos, y de un apéndice con todas las nuevas investigaciones botáncias referentes al Archipiélago filipino. Ramos, Manuel Blanco, 1778-1845. 4920 Estab. tip. de Plana y ca. 1877-83 Digital version available
Hepaticologiens utveckling från äldsta tider till och med Linné. Lindberg, S. O., 1835-1889. 867b Frenckell 1877] Digital version available
Om Linnés betydelse i botanikens historia. Med anledning af Linné-festen i Lund den 10 Januari 1878. Agardh, Jacob Georg, 1813-1901. 2763 Fr. Berlings boktr. och stilgjuteri 1878 Digital version available
Carl von Linné i Smålands nation. Anteckningar, af P.J. Lindal. Lindal, P. J. 2772 J. Thimgrens boktr. 1878 Digital version available
Anteckningar öfver Nemesis Divina, utgifne af Elias Fries och Th. M. Fries. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 1065 Lundquistska bokhandeln 1878 Digital version available
Om Linnés betydelse i botanikens historia. Med anledning af Linné-festen i Lund den 10 Januari 1878. Agardh, Jacob Georg, 1813-1901. 868 Fr. Berlings boktr. och stilgjuteri 1878 Digital version available
Svenska arbeten i urval och med noter utgifna af Ewald Ährling. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 2484 A. Bonnier 1878-1880 Digital version available
Über die Bedeutung Linné's in der Geschichte der Botanik. Ein Blatt zur Linné-Feier in Lund am 10 Januar 1878, von J.G. Agardh. Agardh, Jacob Georg, 1813-1901. 2764 1878] Digital version available
La phytographie; ou, L'art de décrire les végétaux considérés sous différents points de vue, par Alph. de Candolle. Candolle, Alphonse de, 1806-1893. 2792 G. Masson 1880 Digital version available
Index perfectus ad Caroli Linnaei Species plantarum, nempe earum primam editionem, (anno 1753). Collatore Ferdinando de Mueller. Mueller, Ferdinand von, 1825-1896. 483 M'Carron, Bird & socii impresserunt. 1880 Digital version available
Early European researches into the flora of China / by E. Bretschneider. Bretschneider, E., 1833-1901. 488 China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for the year 1880 Digital version available
Pflanzen-Atlas : nach dem Linné'ischen System : 80 fein colorirte Tafeln mit mehr als 800 Abbildungen und erläuternden Text / von Carl Hoffman. Hoffmann, Carl, 1802-1883. 871a Verlag von Jul. Hoffmann ... 1881 Digital version available
Guide to the literature of botany. Being a classified selection of botanical works, including nearly 6000 titles not given in Pritzel's 'Thesaurus.' By Benjamin Daydon Jackson ... Jackson, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927. 2665 Pub. for the Index society, by Longmans, Green & Co. 1881 Digital version available
Histoire de la botanique, de la minéralogie et de la géologie depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours, par Ferdinand Hoefer. Hoefer, M. 1811-1878 2797a Hachette et cie 1882 Digital version available
Contributions to North American botany. 1.[2. Studies of Aster and Solidago in the older herbaria.Novitiae Arizonicae, etc.: characters of the new plants of certain recent collections, mainly in Arizona and adjacent districts. Gray, Asa, 1810-1888. 3482 1882] Digital version available
Carl von Linnés brefvexling : förteckning upprättad / af Ewald Ährling. Ährling, Ewald, 1837-1888. 2485 Kongl. boktryckeriet :P.A. Norstedt & söner 1885 Digital version available
The beginnings of natural history in America. An address delivered at the sixth anniversary meeting of the Biological Society of Washington. By G. Brown Goode ... Goode, G. Brown 1851-1896. 2836 Printed for the Society 1886 Digital version available
Catalogus systematicus bibliothecae Horti Imperialis Botanici Petropolitani / curavit Ferdinandus ab Herder = Sistematicheskīĭ katalog biblīoteki Imperatorskago S.-Peterburgskago botanicheskago sada / sostavil F. E. fon Gerder. Herder, Ferdinand von, 1828-1896. 3659 Typis Academiae Caesareae Scientiarum 1886 Digital version available
Illustrierte Flora von Nord- und Mittel-Deutschland, mit einer Einführung in die Botanik. Potonié, H. 1857-1913. 877 Moritz Boas 1887 Digital version available