Union Catalogue

All records for New York Botanical Garden (998 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Tentamen supplementi ad Systematis vegetabilium Linnaeani editionem decimam sextam. Auctore Antonius Sprengel. Sprengel, Anton, 1803-1851. 617 Sumtibus Librariae Dieterichianae 1828 Digital version available
Jussieu's und De Candolle's natürliche Pflanzen-Systeme, nach ihren Grundsätzen entwickelt und mit den Pflanzen-Familien von Agardh, Batsch und Linné, so wie mit den Linné'schen Sexual-System verglichen. Für Vorlesungen und zum Selbstunterricht, von Carl Fuhlrott. Mit einer Vorrede von C. G. Nees von Esenbeck. Fuhlrott, Carl, 1804-1877. 837 Eduard Weber 1829 Digital version available
Literas XInas ad Alex. Gardenium D. Med. Carolinensem datas necdum promulgatas. Edidit A.F. Lueders. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 2472 Typis C.F. Mohr 1829 Digital version available
An encyclopaedia of plants : comprising the description, specific character, culture, history, application in the arts, and every other desirable particular respecting all the plants indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain, combining all the advantages of a Linnean and Jussieuean species plantarum, an historia plantarum, a grammar of botany, and a dictionary of botany and vegetable culture / edited by J.C. Loudon ; the specific characters by an eminent botanist ; the drawings by J.D.C. Sowerby and the engravings by R. Branston. Loudon, J. C. 1783-1843. 837a Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green 1829 Digital version available
Jussieu's und De Candolle's natürliche Pflanzen-Systeme, nach ihren Grundsätzen entwickelt und mit den Pflanzen-Familien von Agardh, Batsch und Linné, so wie mit den Linné'schen Sexual-System verglichen. Für Vorlesungen und zum Selbstunterricht, von Carl Fuhlrott. Mit einer Vorrede von C. G. Nees von Esenbeck. Fuhlrott, Carl, 1804-1877. 4282 Eduard Weber 1829 Digital version available
Flora Devoniensis: or A descriptive catalogue of plants growing wild in the county of Devon, arranged both according to the Linnaean and natural systems, with an account of their geographical distrubution, etc., by J. P. Jones and J. F. Kingston. Jones, John Pike, 1790-1857. 837* Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green 1829 Digital version available
Loudon's Hortus Britannicus. A catalogue of all the plants indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain. Part I. The Linnaean arrangement... Part II. The Jussieuean arrangement... Edited by J.C. Loudon. Loudon, J. C. 1783-1843. 838a Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green 1830 Digital version available
Epistolae ineditae Caroli Linnaei : addita parte commercii literarii inediti, inprimis circa rem botanicam, J. Burmanni, N. L. Burmanni, Dillenii, Halleri, Schmidelii, J. Gesneri, Oederi, Pallasii, Vandelli et Thunbergii ; annis 1736-1793 / ex litteris autographis edidit H. C. van Hall. Hall, H. C. van 1801-1874. 2473 apud W. van Boekeren 1830 Digital version available
Opisanie roślin w Litwie, na Wołyniu, Podolu i Ukrainie dziko rosnacych, iako i oswoionych podług wydania szesnastego układu roślin Linneusza / przez Józefa Jundziłła. Jundziłł, Józef, 1794-1877. 618 Jósef Zawadzki 1830 Digital version available
Sweet's Hortus britannicus : or a catalogue of plants, indigenous, or cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain, arranged according to their natural orders, with references to the Linnean class and order to which each genus belongs ... / by Robert Sweet. Sweet, Robert, 1783-1835. 832c J. Ridgway 1830 Digital version available
An introduction to systematical and physiological botany, comprehending the history, elements, and language of botany; the Linnaean artificial system; the natural systems of Linnaeus and Jussieu; the anatomy and physiology of plants; and the harmonies of vegetation. Castle, Thomas, 1804?-1840? 836a Cox 1830 Digital version available
Flora germanica excursoria ex affinitate regni vegetabilis naturali disposita, sive principia synopseos plantarum in Germania terrisque in Europa media adjacentibus sponte nascentium cultarumque frequentius, auctore Ludovico Reichenbach. Reichenbach, H. G. Ludwig 1793-1879. 838e Apud C. Cnobloch 1830-1833 Digital version available
Flora germanica excursoria ex affinitate regni vegetabilis naturali disposita, sive principia synopseos plantarum in Germania terrisque in Europa media adjacentibus sponte nascentium cultarumque frequentius, auctore Ludovico Reichenbach. Reichenbach, H. G. Ludwig 1793-1879. 842a Apud C. Cnobloch 1830-1833 Digital version available
Caroli Linnaei ... Genera plantarum. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 327 Sumtibus Dieterichianis 1830-31 Digital version available
Conspectus litteraturae botanicae in Suecia ab antiquissimis temporibus usque ad finem anni 1831, notis bibliographicis et biographis auctorum adjectis. Exhibitus a Johanne Em. Wikström. Wikström, Joh. Em. 1789-1856. 3649 P.A. Norstedt 1831 Digital version available
Flora suecica : enumerans plantas sueciæ indigenas, cum synopsi classium ordinumque, characteribus generum, differentiis specierum, synonymis citationibusque selectis, locis regionibusque natalibus, descriptionibus habitualibus nomina incolarum et qualitates plantarum illustrantibus : post Linnæum edita / a Georgio Wahlenberg. Wahlenberg, Georgius, 1780-1851. 829d Impensis Palmblad 1831-1833 Digital version available
Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus secundum systema sexuale digestas. Olim curante Carolo Ludovico Willdenow. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 529 G.C. Nauck 1831-1833 Digital version available
A general system of gardening and botany; containing a complete enumeration and description of all plants hitherto known ... Founded upon Miller's Gardener's dictionary, and arranged according to the natural system. By George Don. Don, George, 1798-1856. 842 Printed for C. J. G. and F. Rivington 1831-37 Digital version available
Vie de Linné, rédigeé sur les documens autographes laissés par ce grand homme, et suivie de l'analyse de sa correspondance avec les principaux naturalistes de son époque; par A. L. A. Fée ... Fee, Antoine Laurent Apollinaire, 1789-1874. 2680 F. G. Levrault [etc.] 1832 Digital version available
Flora Jadrensis, complectens plantas phaenogamas hucusque in agro Jadertino detectas et secundum systema Linnaeano-Sprengelianum redactas, a And. Alschinger. Alschinger, Andreas, 1791-1864. 842be Typographia Battara 1832 Digital version available