Catalogue des plantes recueillies dans le département de la Loire-Inférieure. |
Pesneau, J. B. |
845j |
Forest |
1837 |
Schlüssel zur Botanik nach Linné's System in Klassen und Ordnungen.
Für Gymnasien und zum Selbstunterricht entworfen von M.B. Termo. Nebst bildlicher Uebersicht aller Klassen und Ordnungen, auf einem Tableau. |
Termo, M. B. |
846 |
C. Scheld |
1837 |
Compendio de botanica,
do Doutor Felix de Avellar Brotero, addicionado e posto em harmonia com os conhecimentos actuaes desta sciencia, segundo os botanicos mais celebres, como Mirbel, De Candolle, Richard, Lecoq, e outros ... Por Antonio Albino da Fonseca Benevides. |
Avellar Brotero, Felix de,
1744-1828. |
723 |
Typ. da mesma Academia |
1837-1839 |
The London flora;
containing a concise description of the phaenogamous British plants, which grow spontaneously in the vicinity of the metropolis, with their localities; arranged in conformity to the natural system: also a Linnaean arrangement of all the indigenous British species ...
By Alexander Irvine. |
Irvine, Alexander,
1793-1873. |
846a |
Smith, Elder |
1838 |
The little English flora :
or a botanical and popular account of all our common field flowers with engravings on steel of every species /
by G.W. Francis. |
Francis, George William,
1800-1865 |
847b |
Simpkin, Marshall & Co., Stationers Court :Darton & Harvey, Gracechurch Street |
1839 |
Loudon's Hortus Britannicus.
A catalogue of all the plants indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain. Part I. The Linnaean arrangement ... Part II. The Jussieuean arrangement ...
Edited by J.C. Loudon. |
Loudon, J. C.
1783-1843. |
838c |
Printed for Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans |
1839? |
Caroli Linnaei Opera.
Editio prima critica, plena, ad editiones veras exacta, textum nullo rei detrimento contractum locosque editionum discrepantes exhibens. Vol. 2., Systema vegetabilium; libros diagnostico-botanicos continens. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
25a |
Sumptum fecit O. Wigand |
1840 |
Nomenclator botanicus;
seu: Synonymia plantarum universalis, enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina atque synonyma, tum generica tum specifica, et a Linnaeo et a recentioribus de re botanica scriptoribus plantis phanerogamis imposita.
Autore Ernesto Theoph. Steudel. |
Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb,
1783-1856. |
36 |
Typis et sumptibus J.G. Cottae |
1840-1841 |
Nomenclator botanicus;
seu: Synonymia plantarum universalis, enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina atque synonyma, tum generica tum specifica, et a Linnaeo et a recentioribus de re botanica scriptoribus plantis phanerogamis imposita.
Autore Ernesto Theoph. Steudel. |
Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb,
1783-1856. |
823 |
Typis et sumptibus J.G. Cottae |
1840-1841 |
Bibliographia botanica :
Handbuch der botanischen Literatur in systematischer Ordnung nebst kurzen biographischen Notizen über die botanischen Schriftsteller : zum Gebrauche für Freunde und Lehrer der Pflanzenkunde /
von M. S. Krüger. |
Krüger, Marcus Salomon. |
3654 |
Haude und Spencer |
1841 |
Epistolae ad Nicolaum Josephum Jacquin,
ex autographis edidit Car. Nic. Jos. eques a Schreibers C.F. Praefatus est notasque adjecit Stephanus Endlicher. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
2476 |
C. Gerold |
1841 |
Epistolae ad Nicolaum Josephum Jacquin,
ex autographis edidit Car. Nic. Jos. eques a Schreibers C.F. Praefatus est notasque adjecit Stephanus Endlicher. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
3859 |
C. Gerold |
1841 |
A flora of Shropshire. |
Leighton, W. A.
1805-1889. |
848d |
Davies |
1841 |
Notices of European herbaria :
particularly those most interesting to the North American botanist. |
Gray, Asa,
1810-1888. |
3450 |
Printed by B.L. Hamlen |
1841] |
Öfver vexternes namn ... |
Fries, Elias,
1794-1878. |
848f |
Leffler och Sebell |
1842 |
Bibliotheca medico-historica, sive, Catalogus librorum historicorum de re medica et scientia naturali systematicus /
collegit ac digessit Ludovicus Choulant. |
Choulant, Ludwig,
1791-1861. |
3655 |
Sumtibus Guil. Engelmann |
1842 |
Florae siculae synopsis,
exhibens plantas vasculares in Sicilia insulisque adjacentibus huc usque detectas secundum systema Linneanum dispositas,
auctore Joanne Gussone. |
Gussone, Giovanni,
1787-1866. |
748i |
Ex Typis Tramater |
1842-[1845] |
Selections from the scientific correspondence of Cadwallader Colden with Gronovius, Linnaeus, Collinson, and other naturalists /
arranged by Asa Gray. |
Colden, Cadwallader,
1688-1776. |
2526 |
s.n |
1843 |
Botaniska utflygter.
En samling af strödda tillfällighets- skrifter,
utgifne af Elias Fries ... |
Fries, Elias,
1794-1878. |
848b |
N. W. Lundequist |
1843-1864 |
Botaniska utflygter.
En samling af strödda tillfällighets- skrifter,
utgifne af Elias Fries ... |
Fries, Elias,
1794-1878. |
861a |
N. W. Lundequist |
1843-1864 |