Union Catalogue

All records for Natural History Museum (2121 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
The Elements of Natural History, for the use of Schools and young persons, founded on the Linnaean arrangement, with popular descriptions in the manner of Goldsmith and Buffon. Mavor, William Fordyce, 1758-1837. 154c Richard Phillips 1802 Digital version available
Elements of the Natural History of the Animal Kingdom : comprising the characters of the whole genera, and of the most remarkable species, particularly of all those that are natives of Britain; with the principal circumstances of their history and manners. Stewart, Charles, 1787-1817. 154 Printed for Bell & Bradfute ;Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown 1817 Digital version available
Animadversiones in Classem Piscium Linneanam / sub præsidio ... And. J. Retzii ... modeste offert Laur. Alger. Planander ... die XXII Junii MDCCCIII Retzius, Anders Jåhan, 1742-1821 155 Literis Berlingianis 1803 Digital version available
Ifrån Hr Domprosten D. Sven Bålter : dat. Wexio̊, d. 8 Mart / [Utgifven af C. C. Gjörwell] Gjörwell, Carl Christoffer, 1766-1837 156 Tryckt i Kongl. Finska Boktryckeriet hos Directeuren Johan A. Carlbohm 1807 Digital version available
Ueber die Classification der Thiere : eine von der Akademie zu Haarlem mit der goldenen Medaille gekrönte Preisschrift Wilbrand, Johann Bernhard, 1779-1846. 157b bei Georg Friedrich Tasche 1814 Digital version available
Specimen Animalium, Vegetabilium et Mineralium in Insula Minorica frequentiorum ad normam Linnæani Sistematis exaratum : accedunt nomina vernacula in quantum fieri potuit. Ramis y Ramis, Juan, 1746-1819. 157a Excudebat Petrus Antonius Serra 1814 Digital version available
Verhandeling ter beantwoordering der vrage : zijn de vorderingen in de Natuurlijke Historie der dieren thans reeds genoegzaam, om een ander Systema dan dat van Linnæus in te yoeren, hetwelk, zoo veel mogelijk, bevrijd van willekeurige stelingen, door vastheid en eenyoudig heid van kenteekenen, boven anderen uitmunt, en verdienen zoude om algemeen aangenomen te worden? Zooja, welke zijn de grondtrekken van dit systema? Zoo neen, welke der thans bestaande stelzels is voor den tegenwoordigen staat der wetenschap te verkiezen? of welken weg moer men instaan om de genoemde moeijelijkheden te voorkomen? / door Joh. Bernhard Wildbrand Wilbrand, Johann Bernhard, 1779-1846 157 Johannes Allart 1812 Digital version available
Elements of conchology : according to the Linnaean system, illustrated by twenty-eight plates, drawn from nature / by the Rev. E. I. Burrows. Burrow, E. J. 1785-1861 158a Richard and Arthur Taylor 1815 Digital version available
An introduction to the study of conchology : including observations on the Linnaean genera, and on the arrangement of M. Lamarck ; a glossary, and a table of English names. Illustrated with coloured plates / by Samuel Brookes Brookes, Samuel, d.1838. 158d John and Arthur Arch 1815 Digital version available
Elementi di conchiologia Linneana : opera volgarizzata sulla seconda edizione inglese dal nobile signor Marchese Francesco Baldassini de Pesaro, coll' aggiunta di copiose ed erudite note. Burrow, E. J. 1785-1861 158cc Presso Gio. Pietro Giegler 1828 Digital version available
Elementi di conchiologia Linneana : opera volgarizzata sulla seconda edizione inglese del nobile signor Marchese Francesco Baldassini de Posero, coll' aggiunta di copiose ed erudite note. Burrow, E. J. 1785-1861 158cd Presso Carlo Branca 1836 Digital version available
Elements of conchology, according to the Linnaean system, illustrated by twenty-eight plates, drawn from nature / by the Rev. E.I. Burrow Burrow, E. J. 1785-1861 158c Printed for James Duncan 1825 Digital version available
Elements of conchology : according to the Linnaean system, illustrated by twenty-eight plates, drawn from nature / by the Rev. E.I. Burrow Burrow, E. J. 1785-1861 158b Ogles, Duncan and Cochran 1818 Digital version available
The entomologist's useful compendium : or an introduction to the knowledge of British Insects,comprising the best means of obtaining and preserving them, and a description of the apparatus generally used; together with the genera of Linné, and the modern method of arranging the classes Crustacea, Myriapoda, spiders, mites and insects, from their affinities and structure, according to the views of Dr. Leach / by George Samouelle Samouelle, George, 1790?-1846 160 Thomas Boys 1819 Digital version available
Observations on the natural history and anatomy of the Pelecanus Aquilus of Linnæus (Tachypetes aquila of Vieillot) / by Edward Burton Burton, Edward 161 s.n 1822 Digital version available
Works by Carl Pehr Thunberg Thunberg, Carl Peter, 1743-1828 162 Excudebant Palmblad et C. 1824-1825 Digital version available
Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of the best works on natural history : arranged in classes according to the Linnean system : with an enumeration of the pages and plates each volume contains : now selling, at the prices affixed to each / by William Wood, 39 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, (from 428 Strand) Wood, W. 1774-1857. 164 Printed by Richard Taylor 1832 Digital version available
An epitome of Lamarck's arrangement of Testacea : being a free translation of that part of his works, De l'Histoire naturelle des Animaux sans Vertèbres, with illustrative observations, and comparative and synoptic tables of the systems of Linnaeus and Lamarck / by Charles Dubois. Dubois, Charles, 1656?-1740 166 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Browne, and Green, and J. Mawe 1825 Digital version available
Poems on conchology and botany, with plates and notes / by Sarah Hoare. Hoare, Sarah. 166c Simpkin & Marshall 1831 Digital version available
Socialt arbete och biologiens lagar / av Ernst Almquist Almquist, Ernst Bernhard. 177a P.A. Norstedt & Söner 1918 Digital version available