Dissertatio medica sistens metamorphosin humanam /
quam, consent. nob. et experient. Fac. Med. præside ... Carolo von Linné ... ; ad publicam censuram modeste defert Johannes Adolphus Wadström, Holmensis ... die XVI. Decembr. anni MDCCLXVII ... |
Linné, Carl von |
2372 |
litteris Joh. Edman, Reg. acad. typogr. |
1767 |
Dissertatio medica, de medico sui ipsius /
quam, consensu Fac. Med. ad Reg. acad. Ups. præside ... Carolo v. Linné, ... ; pro gradu doctoris publico examini submittit stip. reg. Johannes Grysselius Nericius philos. candid ... die [XI] Jun. anni MDCCLXVIII ... |
Linné, Carl von |
2388 |
litteris Joh. Edman, reg. acad. typogr. |
1768 |
Dissertationem medicam, De varietate ciborum /
cons. nobiliss. et experient. Fac. Med. in Regia Academ. Ups. moderante viro nobilissimo atque generosissimo Carolo à Linné, ... ; publicæ censuræ submittit, Adolph. Fried. Wedenberg Holmensis, ... die XIX. Decemb. MDCCLXVII ... |
Linné, Carl von |
2376 |
litteris Johan. Edman, reg. acad. typogr. |
1767 |
Fundamenta agrostographiæ, cons. exper. Fac. Med. Ups. /
præside ... D. Doct. Carolo à Linné, ... ; auctore defendente Henrico Gahn, Fahlunensi, ... die 27 Jun., 1767, publice ventilanda. |
Linné, Carl von |
2357 |
litteris Johan. Edman. Reg. acad. typogr. |
1767 |
Dissertatio inauguralis medica de Valeriana officinali Linnei :
quam ... pro gradu doctoris die XVI. August. MDCCLXXVI publice defendet /
auctor Guilielmus Dresky. |
Dresky, Wilhelm. |
675da |
litteris Wolfgangi Waltheri |
1776 |
And. Celsii ... Hus-hålls Almanach för Skott-Året efter Jesu Christi födelse, 1744 uträknad; til Stockholms meridian hwarjemte bifogas underrättelse om nyttan af wäxternes olika kiön. |
Celsius, Anders |
391 |
med kongl. maj:tz privilegio |
1743 |
Dissertazioni sopra diversi fatti meno ovvj della storia naturale /
Dissertazione prima,
Sopra un fenomeno, volgarmente detto Fata Morgana ...
del Antonio Minasi. |
Minasi, Antonio. |
1223* |
per Benedetto Francesi |
1773 |
Elementi di botanica :
con varie tavole, che illustrano il sistema Linneano disegnate dall' autore /
di Domenico Nocca. |
Nocca, Domenico |
773 |
per gli eredi di Pietro Galeazzi |
1801 |
Esposizione delle ventiquattro classi del sistema sessuale di Linneo e degli ordini sotto di esse compresi ad uso degli alunni di botanica /
[by Paolo Spadoni]. |
Spadoni, Paolo |
831b |
presso Giovanni Crocetti |
1826 |
The British flora :
or a Linnean arrangement of British plants : with their generic and specific characters, select synonyms, English names, places of growth, duration, times of flowering, and references to figures /
Part 1[-2].
by John Hull .... |
Hull, John |
772* |
printed at 9, Spring-Gerdens, by R. and W. Dean (successors to Mr. G. Nicholson) and sold by R. Bickerstaff ... London, W. Mudie, Edinburgh, and I. and W. Clarke, Manchester |
1799 |
Principia botanica or, A concise and easy introduction to the sexual botany of Linnæus :
with the genera, their mode of growth (as tree, shrub, or herb), the number of species to each genus, where principally native, and the number indigenous to the British Isles : arranged in columns under each class and order, and digested alphabetically under several generic distinctions, by which means most plants may be thus far ascertained : together with three indexes, I. of the Linnaean genera accented, with the British names, II. of the trivial names as were the genera of old authors, III. of the British names, with the Linnaean genera, to which are added many of the specific names : also a table of several vegetable drugs not in the indexes /
by R[obert] W[aring] D[arwin]. |
Darwin, Robert Waring |
714 |
printed by Allin and Co. and sold by G. G. J. and J. Robinson, No. 25, Pater-noster-Row, London, and all other booksellers |
1787 |
Miscellaneous traits and collections relating to natural history, selected from the principal writers of antiquity on that subject /
by W. Falconer. |
Falconer, William |
750 |
printed by J. Archdeacon ... for J. & J. Merrill ... |
1793 |
The life of Linnæus, the celebrated Swedish naturalist :
to which is added, a short account of the botanical systems of Linnæus and Jussieu, with a slight glance at the discoveries of Goëthe, the great German poet : compiled from authentic sources /
by D. C. Carr. |
Carr, Daniel C. |
2690 |
printed by James Shalders |
1837 |
Flora Tonbrigensis, or, a catalogue of plants growing wild in the neighbourhood of Tonbridge Wells :
arranged according to the Linnæan System from sir J. E. Smiths Flora Britann /
by T. F. Forster. |
Forster, Thomas Furley. |
804a |
printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor |
1816 |
The botanist's repository for new and rare plants [only] :
containing coloured figures of such plants, as have not hitherto appeared in any similar publication ; with all their essential characters, botanically arranged, after the sexual system of the celebrated Linnaeus : to each description is added a short history of the plant, as to its time of flowering, culture, native place of growth, when introduced and by whom : [no. 1-21] /
the whole executed by Henry Andrews. |
Andrews, Henry Charles |
750k |
printed by T. Bensley and published by the author |
1797 |
The classes and orders of the Linnaean system of botany :
illustrated by select specimens of foreign and indigenous plants /
Vol. I-III.
[by Richard Duppa]. |
Duppa, Richard |
804 |
printed by T. Bensley, Bolt-Court, Fleet-Street, for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster Row |
1816 |
An introduction to botany :
in a series of familiar letters : with illustrative engravings /
by Priscilla Wakefield. |
Wakefield, Priscilla |
760c |
printed by and for Darton and Harvey |
1807 |
Memorials of Linnaeus :
a collection of portraits, manuscripts, specimens, and books exhibited to commemorate the bicentenary of his birth /
[preface by] A. B. Rendle. |
Rendle, Alfred Barton Linné, Carl von |
2876 |
printed by order of the trustees of the British Museum |
1907 |
Flora Scotica or a systematic arrangement in the Linnæan method of the native plants of Scotland and the Hebrides /
by John Lightfoot. |
Lightfoot, John |
678b |
printed for B. White |
1777 |
Letters on the Elements of Botany, addressed to a Lady /
by the celebrated J. J. Rousseau ; translated into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnæus ; by Thomas Martyn. |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. |
703 |
printed for B. White and Son |
1791 |