Caroli a Linné ... Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. |
Linné, Carl von |
117 |
Impensis Georg. Emanuel. Beer |
1788-1793 |
Caroli a Linné ... Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. |
Linné, Carl von |
118 |
Apud J.B. Delamollière |
1789-1796 |
The animal kingdom, or zoological system, of the celebrated Sir Charles Linnæus.
containing a complete systematic description, arrangement, and nomenclature, of all the known species and varieties of the mammalia, or animals which give suck to their young /
Class I,Class II
MammaliaBirds, vol. 1.
being a translation of that part of the Systema Naturæ, as lately published, with great improvements, by Professor Gmelin of Goettingen ; together with numerous additions from more recent zoological writers, and illustrated with copperplates, by Robert Kerr. |
Gmelin, Johann Friedrich Kerr, Robert Linné, Carl von |
122 |
J. Murray :R. Faulder |
1792 |
Zoologische Beyträge zur XIII. Ausgabe des Linnéischen Natursystems /
von Johann August Donndorff. |
Donndorff, Johann August |
124 |
Weidmannschen Buchhandlung |
1792-1798 |
Caroli a Linné ... Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis :
[Regnum animale]. |
Linné, Carl von |
126 |
typis Academicis |
1793-1794 |
The natural history of British birds; or a selection of the most rare, beautiful, and interesting birds which inhabit this country :
the descriptions from the Systema naturæ of Linnæus, with general observations, either original, or collected from the latest and most esteemed English ornithologists and embellished with figures, drawn, engraved, and coloured from the original specimens /
by E. Donovan. |
Donovan, Edward. |
131 |
1794-1819 |
Sammlung physikalisch- ökonomischer Aufsätze :
Zur Aufnahme der Naturkunde und deren damit verwandten Wissenschaften in Böhmen /
Erster Band.
herausgegeben von Franz Wilibald Schmidt .... |
Schmidt, Franz Wilibald. |
135 |
bey Joh. Gottf. Calve |
1795 |
Cryptogamie complette, ou description des plantes dont les étamines sont peu apparentes :
suivant les ordres ou familles, les genres, les espèces, avec les caractères et les différences /
par Charles Linné. |
Linné, Carl von |
136 |
chez Levacher |
an 7 de la République [1798-1799]. |
A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals, systematically divided into their several classes, orders, genera, species and varieties, with their habitations, manners, economy, structure and peculiarities :
[animal kingdom] /
by Sir Charles Linné ; translated from Gmelin's last edition of the celebrated Systema naturæ, by Sir Charles Linné ; amended and enlarged by the improvements and discoveries of later naturalists and societies, with appropriate copper-plates ... by William Turton. |
Linné, Carl von |
137 |
printed for Lackington, Allen & Co. |
1802 |
A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals, systematically divided into their several classes, orders, genera, species, and varieties, with their habitations, manners, economy, structure and peculiarities /
by Sir Charles Linné ; translated from Gmelin, Fabricius, Willdenow, etc., together with various modern arrangements and corrections, derived from the Transactions of the Linnean and other Societies, as well as from the classical works of Shaw, Thornton, Abbot, Donovan, Sowerby, Latham, Dillwyn, Lewin, Martyn, Andrews, Lambert, etc., etc.. With a life of Linné, appropriate copper-plates, and a dictionary explanatory of the terms which occur in the several departments of natural history, by William Turton ... in seven volumes. |
Linné, Carl von |
138 |
printed for Lackington, Allen & Co. |
1806 |
Abrégé du Systeme de la nature, de Linné, histoire des mammaires ou des quadrupèdes et cétacées :
contenant, 1. la traduction libre du texte de Linné et de Gmelin; 2. l'extrait des observations de Buffon, Brisson, Pallas, et autres célèbres zoologistes; 3. l'anatomie comparée des principales espèces: le tout relatif aux quadrupèdes et aux cétacées et les plus utiles /
par J. E. Gilibert ... |
Gilibert, Jean Emmanuel |
139 |
chez Fr. Matheron et Co. ;chez Gerard |
an X - 1802. |
Nicolaus Georg Gevens Conchylien-Cabinet /
herausgegeben und systematisch nach der 13ten Gmelinschen Ausgabe des Linnéischen Systems beschrieben von Friedrich Bachmann. |
Bachmann, Friedrich Geve, Nicolaus Georg Linné, Carl von |
141a |
bei Herold und Wahlstab |
1830 |
Iac. Theodori Klein Summa dubiorum circa classes qvadrupedum et amphibiorum in celebris Domini Caroli Linnæi Systemate naturæ sive naturalis quadrupedum historiæ promovendæ prodromus :
cum præludio de crustatis adjecti discursus: I. De ruminantibus. II. De periodo vitæ humanæ collato cum brutis. |
Klein, Jacob Theodor |
143 |
prostat apud Jo. Frid. Gleditschium ;typis Schreiberianis |
1743 |
Doutes ou observations de Mr. Klein, Secretaire de la ville de Dantzig ... sur la revûe des animaux, faite par le premier homme, sur quelques animaux des classes des quadrupedes & amphibies du systême de la nature de M. Linnæus :
Et Des remarques sur les crustacés, sur les animaux qui ruminent, & sur la vie de l'homme, comparée avec celle des animaux ... /
Ouvrage traduit du Latin. |
Klein, Jacob Theodor |
144 |
chez Cl. J. B. Bauche, Libraire |
1754 |
Tankar om sättet at rätt tracktera Historia Naturalis, med wederbörandes samtycke under ... Hr. Pehr Kalms inseende, til offentelig granskning för magister krantsen utgifne af Henric Aulin ... /
I Åbo acad. öfre läro-sal d. 16. august. f. m. 1760. |
Kalm, Pehr. |
144a |
tryckt hos ... Jacob Merckell |
1760 |
Insecta Musei Græcensis, quæ in ordines, genera et species juxta systema naturæ Caroli Linnæi /
digessit Nicolaus Poda ; prostant apud Joannem Baptistam Dietrich, bibliopolam. |
Poda von Neuhaus, Nicolaus |
145a |
typis Hæredum Wiedmanstadii |
1761 |
Table des planches enluminéez d'histoire naturelle, de M. d'Aubenton, avec les denominations de M.M. de Buffon, Beisson, Edwards, Lannaeus et Latham ; precedé d'une notice des principaux ouvrages zoologiques enluminés :
[Utrecht 1783] /
par M. Boddaert ... |
Boddaert, Pieter |
145f |
publ. for the editor at The Field Office |
1874 |
Kort Begrep af Natural-Historien, hwaruti, efter Herr Arch. och Riddaren Carl von Linnés samt Herr Profess. och Riddaren Joh. Gotsch. Wallerii Lärogrunder, de hufwudsakeligaste kännemärken uptagas, til Naturaliernas stadgade åtskilnad i allmänhet :
första begynnare til tjenst sammandraget /
af Mag. Fridr. Reinh. Brander ... |
Brander, Friderich Reinhold. |
146b |
tryckt hos Johan Laur. Horrn, på dess bekostnad |
1785 |
Taschenbuch für Insectenfreunde, oder, Grundriss eines encyclopädischen Insectencabinets, besonders der innländischen :
nach dem Linneischen System, mit deutschen und lateinischen Namen, und Anführung der Werke, worinnen sie am besten abgebildet sind ... /
Gottfr. Bened. Schmiedlein. |
Schmiedlein, Gottfried Benedikt. |
146a |
im Schwickertschen Verlage |
1784 |
Gottfried Benedikt Schmiedleins ... Einleitung in die nähere Kenntnis der Insectenlehre nach dem Linnéischen System zum Gebrauch angehender Sammler. |
Schmiedlein, Gottfried Benedikt |
146c |
Adam Friedrich Böhme |
1786 |