Union Catalogue

All records for Royal Horticultural Society Lindley Library (197 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Ioannis Antonii Scopoli ...Flora Carniolica exhibens plantas Carnioliae indigenas et distribvtas in classes, genera, species, varietates, ordine Linnaeano. Scopoli, Joannes Antonius (1723-1788). 640b Ioannis Pauli Krauss 1772 Digital version available
Institutes of botany : containing accurate, compleat and easy descriptions of all the known genera of plants / translated from the Latin of the celebrated Charles von Linné, Professor of Medicine and Botany in the University of Upsal; First Physician to the King of Sweden, Knight of the Polar Star, and Member of most of the Learned Societies in Europe. To which are prefixed, I. A view of the ancient and present state of botany. II. A synopsis, exhibiting the essential or striking characters which serve to discriminate genera of the same class and order; as likewise the secondary characters of each genus, or those derived from the port, habit or general appearance of the plants which compose it. By Colin Milne, Reader on Botany in London, author of the Botanical Dictionary. Linné, Carl von (1707-1778). 316 W. Griffin [et al.] 1771 Digital version available
Index to the Linnean Herbarium : with indication of the types of species marked by Carl von Linné / by Benjamin Daydon Jackson. Jackson, Benjamin Daydon (1846-1927). 3491/3 The Linnean Society 1912 Digital version available
Index perfectus ad Caroli Linnæi Species plantarum, nempe earum primam editionem, (anno 1753). / Collatore Ferdinando de Mueller. Linné, Carl von (1707-1778). 483 M'Carron, Bird & Soch 1880 Digital version available
In the footsteps of Linnaeus, Lapland 1988 : an account of the journey organised in the bicentenary year of the Linnean Society of London / Edited by John R. Packham and Roland Moberg with illustrations by Rosemary Wise. Packham, John R. Moberg, Roland. 4314 Linnean Society of London 1989 Digital version available
Illustratio systematis sexualis Linnæi /An illustration of the sexual system, of Linnaeus / per Johannem Miller.by John Miller. Miller, John Sebastian (1715-1792). 4893 the author 1780? Digital version available
I.N.T. Dissertationem inauguralem, de maro, venia experient. Facult. Medicae, in Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside, viro nobiliss. atque generoso, D:no Doct. Carolo v. Linné ... publicae ventilationi offert auctor Joh. Adolph. Dahlgren Ebbesson. .. in audit. Carol. Maj. D. 3 Dec. 1774. Linné, Carl von (1707-1778). 2434 Typis Edmannianis 1774 Digital version available
I.N.T. Dissertationem botanicam, de Erica, venia experient. Fac. Med. in Reg. Acad. Upsal. moderante, viro generosissimo, D.D. Carolo Linne ... publicæ ventilationi offert, Stipendiarius Regius, Johann Adolph Dahlgren, Ebbesson. Norrcopia. OstroGotbus. In audit. Carol. Maj. die XIX. Decemb. anni MDCCLXX. H.A.M.S. Linné, Carl von (1707-1778). 2399 Typis Edmannianis 1770 Digital version available
Hortus suburbanus Londinensis, or, A catalogue of plants cultivated in the neighbourhood of London : arranged according to the Linnean system: with the addition of the natural orders to which they belong, references to books where they are described, their native places of growth, when introduced, time of flowering, and reference to figures / By Robert Sweet, F.L.S. Sweet, Robert (1782-1835). 812a Printed for James Ridgway 1818 Digital version available
Hortus Cliffortianus plantas exhibens quas in hortis tam vivis quam siccis, Hartecampi in Hollandia, coluit vir nobilissimus & generosissimus Georgius Clifford juris utriusque doctor, reductis varietatbius ad species, speciebus ad genera, generibus ad classes, adjectis locis plantarum natalibus differentiisque specierum. Cum tabulis æneis. / Auctore Carolo Linnæo, Med. Doct. & Ac. Imp. N. C. Soc. Linné, Carl von (1707-1778). 328 s.n 1737 Digital version available
Hortus Anglicus; or, The modern English garden : containing a familiar description of all the plants which are cultivated in the climate of Great Britain, either for use or ornament, and of a selection from the established favourites of the stove and green-house; arranged according to the system of Linnaeus; with remarks on the properties of the more valuable species / by the author of "The British Botanist". Clarke, Stephen Reynolds (fl.1820-1825). 823a F.C. & J. Rivington 1822 Digital version available
Horti Malabarici pars prima, de varii generis arboribus et fruticibus siliquosis; Latinis, Malabaricis, Arabicis, Brachmanum characteribus nominibusque expressis, adjecta florum, fructuum, seminumque vera delineatione, colorum viriumque accurata descriptione / adornata per nobilissimum ac generosissimum D.D. Henricum van Rhede tot Draakestein, Toparcham in Mydrecht, quondam Malabarici Regni Gubernatorem supremi Confessus apud Indos Belgas Senatorem Extraordinarium, nunc vero Equestris Ordinis nomine illustribus ac poæpotentibus Provinciae Ultrajectinae Proceribus ascriptum, et Theodorum Janson ab Almeloveen, M.D. Notis auxit, & commentariis illustravit Joannes Commelinus. Nunc primum classium, generum, et specierum characterers Linnaeanas; synonyma authorum, atque observationes addidit; et indice Linnæano adauxit, Johannes Hill, M.D. Rheede tot Draakestein, Hendrik Adriaan van (1636-1691). 663* Sumptibus authoris 1774 Digital version available
Historical and biographical sketches of the progress of botany in England, from its origin to the introduction of the Linnaean system / By Richard Pulteney, M.D. F.R.S. In two volumes. Pulteney, Richard (1730-1801). 738 printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand 1790 Digital version available
Histoire des plantes de la Guiane Françoise, arrangées suivant la méthode sexuelle, avec plusieurs mémoires sur différens objets intéressans, relatifs à la culture & au commerce de la Guiane Françoise, & une notice des plantes de l'Isle-de-France. Ouvrage orné de pres de quatre cents planches en taille-douce, où sont représentées des plantes qui n'ont point encore été décrites ni gravées, ou qui ne l'ont été qu'imparfaitement / Par M. Fusée Aublet. Tome premier. A Londres, & se trouve a Paris, chez Pierre-François Didot jeune, Libraire de la Faculté de Médecine, Quai des Augustins. M. DCC. LXXV. Aublet, Jean Baptiste Christophe Fusée (1720-1778). 664c Pierre-François Didot jeune 1775 Digital version available
Histoire des plantes d'Europe, ou Élémens de botanique pratique; ouvrage dans lequel on donne le signalement précis, suivant la méthode et les principes de Linné, des plantes indigenes, des étrangeres les plus utiles, et une suite d'observations modernes / Par le citoyen Jean-Emmanuel Gilibert, ancient Professeur de Botanique au Collége de Médecine de Lyon, et à l'Université de Vilna; Professeur d'Histoire Naturelle à l'Ecole Centrale du Département du Rhône. Gilibert, Jean Emmanuel (1741-1814). 763aa Amable Leroy 1798 Digital version available
Henr. Io. Nepom. Crantz.Institvtiones rei herbariae : ivxta nvtvm natvrae digestae ex habitv. Crantz, Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von (1722-1799). 649a Impensis Ioannis Pauli Kraus 1766 Digital version available
Helvetiens Flora worinn alle im Hallerischen Werke enthaltenen und seither neuentdeckten schweizer Pflanzen nach Linné's Methode aufgestellt sind = Flora helvetica exhibens plantas Helvetiae indigenas Hallerianas, et omnes quae nuper detectae sunt ordine Linnaeano / Johann Rudolf Suter. Suter, Johann Rudolf (1766-1827). 778a bey Orell, Fuessli und Comp. 1802 Digital version available
Gulielmi Hudsoni Regiae Societatis Socii et Pharmacopaei Londinensis.Flora Anglica, exhibens plantas per regnum Angliae sponte crescentes, distributas secundum systema sexuale: cum differentiis specierum, synonymis autorum, nominibus incolarum, solo locorum, tempore florendi, officinalibus pharmacopaeorum. Hudson, William (1734-1793). 643b impensis auctoris 1762 Digital version available
Guilielmi Henrici Kramer Saxonis Dresdensis, Philosophiae et Medicinae Doctoris.Elenchvs vegetabilivm et animalivm per Avstriam Inferiorem observatorvm. Sistens ea in classes et ordines genera et species redacta. Kramer, Wilhelm Heinrich ( -1765). 637b Ioannes Thomas Trattner 1756 Digital version available
Guglielmi Hudsoni, Regiae Societatis Socii et Pharmacopaei Londinensis.Flora Anglica, exhibens plantas per regnum Britannicae sponte crescentes, distributas secundum systema sexuale: cum differentiis specierum, synonymis autorum, nominibus incolarum, solo locorum, tempore florendi, officinalibus pharmacopaeorum. Hudson, William (1734-1793). 643d R. Faulder [et al.] 1798 Digital version available