Characteres generum plantarum;
ex Systemate vegetabilium Linnaei, et Horto Kewensi praecipue excerpti; quibus accedit series ordinum naturalium, olim a Linnaeo ipso, et nuper a cl. Jussiaeo proposita ...
[By John Hope] |
Hope, John,
1725-1786. |
581 |
1793 |
Geschichte der Botanik unserer Zeiten.
Von Friedrich Casimir Medicus. |
Medikus, Friedrich Kasimir,
1736-1808. |
753a |
Schwan und Götz |
1793 |
Synopsis universalis analytica generum plantarum :
fere omnium hucusque cognitorum quam secundum methodum sexualem, corollinam, et carpologicam adiunctis ordinibus naturalibus ... /
exaravit A.I.G.C. Batsch. |
Batsch, A. J. G. K.
1761-1802. |
754b |
Sumtibus Bibliopolii Croekeriani |
1793-1794 |
An introduction to botany :
containing an explanation of the theory of that science, extracted from the works of Dr. Linnaeus : with twelve copper-plates, two explanatory tables, an appendix, and glossary /
by James Lee. |
Lee, James,
1715-1795. |
458 |
Printed for S Crowder, C. Dilly, [etc.] |
1794 |
Thirty-eight plates, with explanations :
intended to illustrate Linnaeus's System of vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the elements of botany /
by Thomas Martyn. |
Martyn, Thomas,
1735-1825. |
593 |
B. and J. White |
1794 |
The life of Sir Charles Linnaeus ...
to which is added, a copious list of his works, and a biographical sketch of the life of his son,
by D. H. Stoever. Tr. from the original German by Joseph Trapp. |
Stöver, Dietrich Johann Heinrich,
1767-1822. |
3636 |
B. and J. White |
1794 |
Illustratio systematis sexualis Linnaei /
per Johannem Miller. An Illustraion of the sexual system of Linnaeus, by John Miller. |
Miller, John,
1715-1790? |
668 |
Printed for R. Faulder |
1794 |
A Botanical nomenclator :
containing a systematical arrangement of the classes, orders, genera, and species of plants as described in the new edition of Linnæsus's Systema naturæ, by Dr. Gmelin ... /
by William Forsyth, Jr. |
Forsyth, William,
1772-1835. |
134 |
Printed for T. Cadell :P. Elmsly |
1794 |
Hortus Americanus :
containing an account of the trees, shrubs, and other vegetable productions of South-America and the West India Islands, and particularly of the island of Jamaica : interspersed with many curious and useful observations, respecting their uses in medicine, diet, and mechanics /
by the late Henry Barham ; to which are added, a Linnaean index, &c. &c. &c. |
Barham, Henry,
1670?-1726. |
754* |
Printed and published by Alexander Aikman |
1794 |
Flora Oxoniensis :
exhibens plantas in agro Oxoniensi sponte crescentes, secundum systema sexuale distributas /
auctore Joanne Sibthorp. |
Sibthorp, John,
1758-1796. |
3965 |
Typis Academicis |
1794 |
The life of Sir Charles Linnaeus ...
to which is added, a copious list of his works, and a biographical sketch of the life of his son,
by D. H. Stoever. Tr. from the original German by Joseph Trapp. |
Stöver, Dietrich Johann Heinrich,
1767-1822. |
3852 |
B. and J. White |
1794 |
Letters on the elements of botany.
Addressed to a lady.
By the celebrated J. J. Rousseau. Translated into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnaeus, by Thomas Martyn... |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques,
1712-1778. |
704 |
Printed for B. and J. White |
1794 |
Nomenclator Linnaeanus in Elisabeth Blackwell Herbarium :
selectum emendatum et auctum etc. Accedit ordo systematicus dicti herbarii secundum classes ordinies genera et species cum characteribus et differentiis. Sequitur index alphabeticus generum atque specierum nec non index alphabeticus nominum officinalium in usum botanophilorum /
a C.G. Groening. |
Groening, Caspar Gabriel. |
754d |
In Libraria Graeffia |
1794 |
A supplement to medical botany, or, Part the second :
containing plates with descriptions of most of the principal medicinal plants ... /
by William Woodville ... |
Woodville, William,
1752-1805. |
744 |
Printed and sold for the author by J. Phillips |
1794 |
The life of Sir Charles Linnaeus ...
to which is added, a copious list of his works, and a biographical sketch of the life of his son,
by D. H. Stoever. Tr. from the original German by Joseph Trapp. |
Stöver, Dietrich Johann Heinrich,
1767-1822. |
2627 |
B. and J. White |
1794 |
A genuine and universal system of natural history;
comprising the three kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals, arranged under their respective classes, orders, genera, and species.
By Sir Charles Linnaeus; improved, corr., and enl. by J. Frid. Gmelin. Faithfully translated and rendered more complete by the addition of Vaillant's beautiful Birds of Agrica [etc.] Methodically incorporated and arranged by the editors of the Encyclopedia Londinensis. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
129 |
Lewis |
1794-1808 |
Curso elemental de botánica :
dispuesto para la enseñanza del Real Jardin de Madrid, de órden del Rey, nuestro señor /
por Casimiro Gómez de Ortega. |
Gómez Ortega, Casimiro,
1740-1818. |
589 |
Impr. de la viuda é hijo de Marin |
1795 |
Auswahl schöner und seltener Gewächse :
als eine Fortsetzung der amerikanischen Gewächse. |
Zorn, Johannes,
1739-1799. |
646d |
Im Verlag der Raspeschen Handlung |
1795-1798 |
An introduction to botany :
in a series of familiar letters, with illustrative engravings /
by Priscilla Wakefield, author of mental improvement, leisure hours, &c. |
Wakefield, Priscilla,
1751-1832 |
760a |
Printed for E. Newberry, St. Paul's Church-yard ; |
1796 |
Ratio plantas in sedecim classes disponendi :
quam ... subjiciunt /
Samuel. Liljeblad et Ericus Gust. Lönberg. |
Liljeblad, Samuel,
1761-1815. |
758 |
Litteris J. F. Edman |
1796 |