D. Friedrich Hasselquists ... Reise nach Palästina in den Jahren von 1749 bis 1752 /
auf befehl Ihro Majestät der Königinn von Schweden hrsg. von Carl Linnäus ; [übers. von T. H. Gadebusch] aus dem Schwedischen. |
Hasselquist, Fredrik,
1722-1752. |
3581 |
J. C. Koppe |
1762 |
Mantissa plantarum,
1767 & 1771,
with an introduction by William T. Stern. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
4060 |
J. Cramer |
1971 |
Caroli Linnaei ... Musa Cliffortiana florens Hartekampi 1736 prope Harlemum. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
4069 |
J. Cramer |
1968 |
Philosophia botanica /
C. Linnaeus. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
4070 |
J. Cramer ;Stechert-Hafner Service Agency |
1966 |
Systema naturae.
Editio decima 1759.
Tomus II,
Vegetabilia. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
4072 |
J. Cramer;Stechert-Hafner Service Agency |
1964 |
Miscellaneous tracts relating to natural history, husbandry and physick.
To which is added the Calendar of Flora. |
Stillingfleet, Benjamin,
1702-1771. |
1322 |
J. Dodsley, Leigh and Sotheby, T. Payne |
1791 |
Elements of conchology, according to the Linnaean system,
by E.I. Burrow. |
Burrow, E. J.
1785-1861. |
158c |
J. Duncan |
1825 |
Dissertatio botanica, illustrans nova Graminum genera,
quam ... praeside ... Carolo à Linné ... Publico examini subjicit ... Daniel Ericus Naezén. |
Linné, Carl von,
1741-1783. |
3827 |
J. Edman |
1779 |
An introduction to botany.
Containing an explanation of the theory of that science; extracted from the works of Dr. Linnaeus; with twelve copper-plates, two explanatory tables, an appendix and glossary.
By James Lee. |
Lee, James,
1715-1795. |
456 |
J. F. and C. Rivington |
1776 |
Flora española, ó, Historia de las plantas, que se crian en España /
su autor Joseph Quer. |
Quer, Joseph,
1695-1764. |
644 |
J. Ibarra |
1762-1784 |
Le botaniste cultivateur;
ou, Description, culture et usages de la plus grande partie des plantes étrangères, naturalisées et indigènes, cultivées en France et en Angleterre, rangées suivant la méthode de Jussieu,
par Dumont-Courset. |
1746-1824 |
774b |
J. J. Fuchs |
1802-05 |
Page's prodromus :
as a general nomenclature of all the plants, indigenous and exotic, cultivated in the Southampton Botanic Gardens, arranged, alphabetically, as they are considered hardy or tender to the climate of Britain, under their different characters of trees, shrubs, herbaceous, &c. ... : an appendix ... and a short tract on the sexual system ... /
by William Bridgewater Page. |
Page, William Bridgewater. |
809b |
J. Murray |
1818 |
The life of Philibert Commerson, D. M., naturaliste du roi;
an old-world story of French travel and science in the days of Linnaeus,
by the late Captain S. Pasfield Oliver, R.A.; edited by G. F. Scott Elliot. |
Oliver, Samuel Pasfield,
1838-1907. |
2966a |
J. Murray |
1909 |
Life and letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker ...
Based on materials collected and arranged by Lady Hooker ... by Leonard Huxley. |
Hooker, Joseph Dalton,
1817-1911. |
3004a |
J. Murray |
1918 |
Institutiones rei herbariae juxta nutum natur naturae digestae ex habitu. |
Crantz, Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von,
1722-1799. |
649a |
J. P. Kraus |
1766 |
Flore luxembourgeoise,
ou, Description des plantes phanérogames, recueillies et observées dans le grand-duché de Luxembourg, classées d'après le système sexuel de Linnée. |
Tinant, Francois Auguste,
1803-1853. |
844g |
J. P. Kuborn |
1836 |
Hortus suburbanus Londinensis :
or a catalogue of plants cultivated in the neighborhood of London, arranged according to the Linnean system ... /
by Robert Sweet. |
Sweet, Robert,
1783-1835. |
812a |
J. Ridgway |
1818 |
Sweet's Hortus britannicus :
or a catalogue of plants, indigenous, or cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain, arranged according to their natural orders, with references to the Linnean class and order to which each genus belongs ... /
by Robert Sweet. |
Sweet, Robert,
1783-1835. |
832c |
J. Ridgway |
1830 |
Illustrierte Flora von Nord- und Mittel-Deutschland, mit einer Einführung in die Botanik /
von H. Potonié. |
Potonié, H.
1857-1913. |
878 |
J. Springer |
1889 |
An introduction to botany :
containing an explanation of the theory of that science, extracted from the works of Linnaeus : with an appendix and glossary /
by James Lee. |
Lee, James,
1715-1795. |
459 |
J. Symington |
1796 |