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Oeconomia naturae eller skaparens allvisa inrattning pa var jord i agttagen vid de skapade tingens betraktande i de Tre Naturens Riken, till deras fortplantning, vidmagthallande och undergand ... under ... Carl Linnaei praesidio ... af Isac J. Biberg ... |
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Royal Entomological Society of London |
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The Linnaean names of Indo-Australian Rhopalocera. [Parts 1-4]. |
CORBET, A. Steven (Alexander Steven), 1896-1948. |
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Royal Entomological Society of London |
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The Linnaean names of Indo-Australian Rhopalocera. [Parts 1-4]. |
CORBET, A. Steven (Alexander Steven), 1896-1948. |
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Royal Entomological Society of London |
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The Linnaean names of Indo-Australian Rhopalocera. [Parts 1-4]. |
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