Union Catalogue

All records for Natural History Museum (2121 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Caroli à Linne ... Amoenitates Academicae; seu Dissertationes variae Physicae, Medicae, Botanicae antehac seorsim editae, nunc collectae et auctae, cum tabulis aeneis. Volumen tertium. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1293 Sumtu & literis Direct. Laurentii Salvii 1764 Digital version available
Carolus Linnaeus (Carl von Linné) (1707-1778-1928) (150 metu jo mirties sukaktuvems pumineti) / [by] K. Regelis Regelis, K. 3089b Kosmos 1928 Digital version available
Carolus Linnaeus / with an Introduction by Barton Warren Evermann Greene, Edward Lee, 1843-1915. 2942 Christopher Sower Co 1912 Digital version available
Carolus Linnaeus 1707-1977 : a catalogue published to celebrate the 500 year anniversary of the Uppsala University. 3725bwa Thulins Antikvariat 1977 Digital version available
Carolus Linnaeus : een en ander over zijne beteekenis, vooral ten opzichte van hot soortsbegrip : Rede ter herdenking van zijn 200 sten geboortsdag / uitgesproken te Haarlem op den 23 sten Mei 1907 door J.P. Letsy Letsy, J. P. 2911 1907 Digital version available
Carolus Linnaeus : ein Lebensbild, mit Bildniss und Handschrift Gistel, Johannes, 1809-1873 2748 J.D. Sauerländer 1873 Digital version available
Carolus Linnaeus : rede, ter gelegenheid van de herdenking van de dag, op welke Linnaeus voor 250 jaar geboren werd / door F.W. Drijver. Drijver, F. W. 3120bbp Flevo 1957 Digital version available
Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliothèque de feu Son Excellence Monseigneur Charles Gustave Comte de Tessin ... qui seront mis en vente à Stokholm [sic] le [14] du mois d['Aout] prochain, 1771, et jours suivans. : Catalogue öfwer framledne Hans Excellence ... Grefwe Herr Carl Gustaf Tessins hwackra och ansenliga Bok-Förråd Kommer til den mästbjudande på Auction af förfäljas i Stockholm den [14 aug:] och följande dagar. 1771. Tessin, Carl Gustaf, Count. 3624 Tryckt hos Peter Hesselberg 1771 Digital version available
Catalogue des plantes du Jardin Médical de Paris disposées selon le suste`eme de Linné... / publié par François Marthe. Marthe, François. 773a Chex Gabon 1801 Digital version available
Catalogue of Linnean type-specimens of snakes in the Royal Museum in Stockholm / by L.G. Andersson Andersson, Lars Gabriel. 3496 1899 Digital version available
Catalogue of Portraits of Botanists exhibited in the Museums of the Royal Botanic Gardens / by J. D. Milner. Milner, James D. 3288 1906 Digital version available
Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of the best works on natural history : arranged in classes according to the Linnean system : with an enumeration of the pages and plates each volume contains : now selling, at the prices affixed to each / by William Wood, 39 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, (from 428 Strand) Wood, W. 1774-1857. 164 Printed by Richard Taylor 1832 Digital version available
Catalogue of hot-house, green-house, hardy, and herbaceous plants; flowering and evergreen shrubs, fruit and forest trees, alphabetically arranged, according to the Linnæan system / By Dickson's and Co. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 3961 s.n 1794 Digital version available
Catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of the Linnean Society of London. Part 3, Synopsis of the annotations by Linnaeus & contemporaries in his library of printed books Savage, Spencer. 3536a 1940 Digital version available
Catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of the Linnean Society of London. the text of the manuscript in the Linnean Collections / Pt.2, Caroli Linnaei determinationes in hortum siccum Joachimi Burseri : edited by Spencer Savage Savage, Spencer. 620b 1937 Digital version available
Catalogue of the memorials of Linnaeus exhibited at the Conversazione of the President and Officers of the Linnean Society, at Burlington House, May 25th, 1888. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2816 Linnean Society 1888 Digital version available
Catalogus Librorum Impressorum Bibliothecae Regiae Academiae Upsaliensis / [by Per Fabian Aurivillius]. Aurivillius, Per Fabian 3641 Excudebant Stenhammar et Palmblad 1814 Digital version available
Catalogus Plantarum ad septem varias editiones Commentariorum Mathioli in Dioscoridem : ad Linnæani Systematis regulas elaboravit. Sternberg, Kaspar, Graf, 1761-1838 821a 1821 Digital version available
Catalogus dissertationum, quae ad illustrandas Res Svecicas faciunt, praesertim in argumentis historicis, ecclesiasticis, juridicis, literariis, oeconomicis, physicis, & historia naturali. [1600-1764 / by Per Cederhamn.]. Cederhamn, Per, 1722-1771 3619 Literis & Impensis Direct. Laur. Salvii 1765 Digital version available
Catalogus plantarum Americae septentrionalis, huc usque cognitarum indigenarum et cicurum = or, a catalogue of the hitherto known native and naturalized plants of North America, arranged according to the sexual system of Linnaeus .... Muehlenberg, Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst. 802f W. Hamilton 1813 Digital version available