Union Catalogue

All records for Natural History Museum (2121 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Om Renarnas brömskulor i Lapland / af Carol. Linnæus Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 921 hos Lorentz Ludewig Grefing, med des egen bekostnad 1741 Digital version available
Om Renarnas brömskulor i Lapland / af Carol Linnæus Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 920 hos Joh. Laur. Horrn 1739 Digital version available
The Linnean species of Ornithogalum (Liliaceae) / William T. Stearn. Stearn, William Thomas, 1911-2001. 919cda Digital version available
Linnaean species of Spermacoce, &c. Rendle, A. B. 1865-1938 919i 1934 Digital version available
Some Linnaean types of Asclepias. Rendle, A. B. 1865-1938 919j 1936 Digital version available
Studies in Linnaean synonymy. No. 1, Caspar Bauhin's 'Pinax' and Burser's Herbarium. Savage, Spencer. 919ha 1935 Digital version available
The nomenclature of the Madeiran orchis (<Orchis maderensis> or <Dactylorhiza foliosa>) and other Orchidaceae of Madeira. Stearn, William Thomas, 1911-2001. 919q Digital version available
Carl Linnaeus and the theory and practice of horticulture. Stearn, William Thomas, 1911-2001. 919s Digital version available
Exhibit illustrating Linnaeus's development as a Botanist. 919h 1935 Digital version available
The data of the Linnaean index in John Martyn's Historia plantarum rariorum / Ian MacPhail & William J. Hess. MacPhail, Ian. 919bza s.n 1979 Digital version available
Linnaeus's notes on Plumier drawings with special reference to Mimosa latisiliqua / [by] R.M. Polhill & W.T. Stearn. Polhill, R. M 919r Digital version available
Kring några Linnéanska träd / av Otto Gertz Gertz, Otto Daniel. 917 1927 Digital version available
Kring några Linnéanska träd / av Otto Gertz Gertz, Otto Daniel. 916 1927 Digital version available
Sperling, Stobaeus, Linné o Leche och de första undersökningarna över Skånes Flora Gertz, Otto Daniel. 912 1926 Digital version available
Sperling, Stobaeus, Linné o Leche och de första undersökningarna över Skånes Flora Gertz, Otto Daniel. 911 1926 Digital version available
En ny form af Anthemis L. tinctoria L., &c. Wibom, Carl Otto Gustaf. 908 Almqvist & Wiksell 1923 Digital version available
Linné und das natürliche Pflanzensystem. Almquist, Ernst Bernhard. 907 1923 Digital version available
Linnean species in our days. Almquist, Ernst Bernhard. 905 1922 Digital version available
Linné och Flora Upsaliensis : föredrag ... den 12 nov. 1921. Almquist, Erik. 904 1922 Digital version available
Linné und die ungarische Botanik Gombocz, Endre. 902 1921 Digital version available