Union Catalogue

All records for New York Botanical Garden (998 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
A checklist of Linneana, 1735-1835, in the University of Kansas Libraries. Compiled by Terrence Williams. Williams, Terrence. 4463 1964 Digital version available
The Linnaean legacy : three centuries after his birth / edited by Mary J. Morris and Leonie Berwick. Dr. Morris, Mary Berwick, Leonie. 4532 Wiley-Blackwell c2008 Digital version available
The curious death of Peter Artedi : a mystery in the history of science / Theodore W. Pietsch. Pietsch, Theodore W. 4570 Scott & Nix, Inc. 2010 Digital version available
Nemesis divina / Carl von Linné ; nach der schwedischen Ausgabe von Elis Malmeström und Telemak Fredbärj herausgegeben von Wolf Lepenies und Lars Gustafsson ; aus dem Lateinischen und Schwedischen übersetzt von Ruprecht Volz. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 4607 C. Hanser c1981 Digital version available
Linnéminnen i Uppsala / Gunnar Broberg, Allan Ellenius, Bengt Jonsell. Broberg, Gunnar, 1942-2022. 4837 Svenska Linnésällskapet 1982 Digital version available
Botanique : organographie et taxonomie : histoire naturelle des familles végétales et des principales espèces, suivant la classification de M. Adrien de Jussieu avec l'indication de leur emploi dans les arts, les sciences et le commerce / par Emm. Le Maout. Le Maout, Emm. 1799-1877. 4842 L. Curmer 1855 Digital version available
Genera plantarum secundum characteres differentiales ad Mirbelli editionem revisa et aucta edenda curavit Romanus Adolph Hedwig. Hedwig, Romanus Adolf, 1772-1806. 4843 I.H. Reclam 1806 Digital version available
Nomenclator botanicus, continens plantarum in terris Danicis sponte nascentium nomina vernacula, in linguis Gallica, Anglica, Germanica, Suecica, Danica, cum nomenclatore synonymico-Linnaeano, & pharmaceutico-Linnaeano. Oeder, Georg Christian, 1728-1791. 4846 Sumptibus Heineck & Faber, Typis C. Philibert 1769 Digital version available
Textilia Linnaeana : global 18th century textile traditions & trade / textile historian Viveka Hansen ; editor Lars Hansen ; translation Eivor Cormack ; preface Gunnar Broberg ; artwork Lena Granell. Hansen, Viveka 4867 IK Foundation & Company 2017 Digital version available
A Linnaean kaleidoscope : Linnaeus and his 186 dissertations / Carina Nynäs & Lars Bergquist. Nynäs, Carina, 1960- 4870 The Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library 2016 Digital version available
Carl von Linné / por Gunnar Broberg ; traducción, Felipe Mena González. Broberg, Gunnar, 1942-2022. 4871 Instituto Sueco 2006 Digital version available
What Linnaeus saw : a scientist's quest to name every living thing / Karen Magnuson Beil. Beil, Karen Magnuson 4876 Norton Young Readers, an imprint of W.W. Norton & Company Worzalla ; 2019 2019 ©2019 Digital version available
Mannen som ordnade naturen : en biografi över Carl von Linné / Gunnar Broberg. Broberg, Gunnar, 1942-2022 4877 Natur & Kultur 2019 Digital version available
Studien über die natürliche Klasse Bicornes Linné, von J.F. Klotzsch. Klotzsch, Fr. 1805-1860. 4882 1851] Digital version available
An introduction to physiological and systematical botany. Smith, James Edward, 1759-1828. 4884 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown 1819 Digital version available
The botanic garden : a poem in two parts containing The economy of vegetation and The loves of the plants, with philosophical notes ; The temple of nature or the origin of society : a poem, with philosophical notes / by Erasmus Darwin. Darwin, Erasmus, 1731-1802. 4886 Jones & Co. 1825 Digital version available
An arrangement of British plants, according to the latest improvements of the Linnean system; with an easy introduction to the study of botany. Withering, William, 1741-1799. 4889 Printed for Cadell and Davies [etc.] 1818 Digital version available
The gardeners kalendar : directing the necessary works to be done every month in the kitchen, fruit, and pleasure-gardens, as also in the conservatory and nursery ... / by Philip Miller. Miller, Philip, 1691-1771. 4891 Printed for John and Francis Rivington 1775 Digital version available
Flora Virginica, exhibens plantas quas v.c. Johannes Clayton in Virginia observavit atque collegit. Easdem methodo sexuali disposuit ad genera propria retulit, nominibus specificis insignivit, & minus cognitas descripsit Joh. Fred. Gronovius. Gronovius, Johannes Fredericus, 1686-1762. 4892 Photolithographed by the Murray Printing Co., for the Arnold Arboretum 1946] Digital version available
English botany, or, Coloured figures of British plants, with their essential characters, synonyms, and places of growth : to which will be added, occasional remarks / by James Sowerby. Sowerby, James, 1757-1822. 4894 Printed for the author, by J. Davis 1790-1814 Digital version available