Union Catalogue

All records for The Linnean Society of London (974 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Linnaeus SMITH, James Edward, Sir, 1759-1828. 4589 1815 Digital version available
Linnaei anteckningar efter Olof Rudbeck d. y:s [sic] föreläsningar om Svenska faglar / med inledning och förklaringar av Einar Lönnberg. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 4692 Almqvist & Wiksells 1932 Digital version available
Linnaean Symposium at the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation. 4044 s.n 1976 Digital version available
Linnaean Symposium and opening of the Strandell Room, 1-3 June, 1973 : Hunt Botanical Library of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 3908 The University? 1973 Digital version available
Linnaea borealis L. species polymorpha et polychroma = Linnaea borealis L. en mångformig art / af Veit Brecher Wittrock. WITTROCK, Veit Brecher, 1839-1914. 292 Isaac Marcus' Boktr.-Aktiebolag 1907 Digital version available
Linnaea borealis L. in England ... / Robert J. Flintoff. FLINTOFF, Robert John, 1873-1941. 4868 T. Buncle 1936 Digital version available
Lignum colubrinum leviter delineatum, ex consensu Ampliss. Facult. Med. in Reg. Academia Upsaliensi, praeside viro celeberrimo et experientissimo Dn. Doct. Carolo Linnaeo ... publico examini submittit ... Johan. Andr. Darelius ... In Audit. Carol. Maj. Ad Diem XI. Mart. Anni MDCCXLIX. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 1531 1749 Digital version available
Life and letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker : based on materials collected and arranged by Lady Hooker / by Leonard Huxley. HUXLEY, Leonard, 1860-1933. 3004a John Murray 1918 Digital version available
Lettres inedites de Linne [1737-65] a [Francois] Boissier de la Croix de Sauvages ... LINNAEUS, Carl 2480 A. Veirun 1860 Digital version available
Lettres autographes, manuscrits, dessins et documents [dont la vente aux enchères publiques aura lieu au] Nouveau Drouot, salle no. 8, le vendredi 21 décembre 1984 / par le ministère de Maître Dominique Vincent. 4683 Nouveau Drouot 1984 Digital version available
Les genres des insectes de Linn‚... (The genera ... Plates interleaved, annotated and painted. Engr. title page in English. English and French in parallel columns. Free translation from Syst.Nat. BARBUT, James. 116a [the Author]. 1781 Digital version available
Les fondements de la botanique: Linné et la classification des plantes. HOQUET, Thierry. 4035 Vuibert 2005 Digital version available
Leben des Ritters Carl von Linné : nebst den biographischen Merkwürdigkeiten seines Sohnes, des Professors Carl von Linné und einem vollständigen Verzeichnisse seiner Schriften, deren Ausgaben, Uebersetzungen, Auszüge und Commentare / von Dietrich Heinrich Stöver. STOEVER, Dietrich Heinrich, 1767-1822. 2625 bey Benj. Gottl. Hoffmann 1792 Digital version available
Le nom des plantes en deux mots / Joëlle Magnin-Gonze ... [et al.]. MAGNIN-GONZE, Joëlle. 4599 Mus�e botanique cantonal 2003 Digital version available
Lars Robergs ... Tal, holne for publique promotioner, vid Upsala Academie, nu forst efter auctors tid utgifne af C.L. ROBERG, Laurentius. 3597 Uplagde pa Lars Salvii kostnad 1747 Digital version available
Lapplandische Reise und andere Schriften / transl. by H.C. Artmann [et al.]. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 4694 Verlag Philipp Reclam jun. 1980 Digital version available
Lapplandische Reise und andere Schriften (tr. H.C. Artmann & others] Herausgegeben von Sieglinde Mierau. LINNAEUS, Carl. 4693 Verlag Phillipp Reclam jun. 1987 Digital version available
Lachesis Lapponica, or a Tour in Lapland [1732]. Now first published from the original manuscript journal of the celebrated Linnaeus [Translated by Carl Troilius]. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 192 White & Cochrane 1811 Digital version available
La feuille verte. 4940 Conservatoire et jardin botaniques de la ville de Gen�ve 1982- Digital version available
L'étoile polaire : Linné / Luciano Bernardi. BERNARDI, Luciano. 4252 s.n 1979 Digital version available