Union Catalogue

All records for The Linnean Society of London (974 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Linné and the love for nature. PUTNAM, Edward K. (Edward Kirby) (1868-1939). 2916 1907 Digital version available
Linné : lefnadsteckning / af Th. M. Fries. FRIES, Theodor Magnus, 1832-1913. 2840 Fahlcrantz 1903 Digital version available
Linné 1707-1778 : le prince des botanistes / Wilfrid Blunt ; traduit de l'anglais par Françoise Robert ; préface et notes de G.-G. Aymonin. BLUNT, Wilfrid, 1901-1987. 4029 Belin 1986 Digital version available
Linné / [redaktör: Birgitta Radhe]. Radhe, Birgitta. 4663 Länsmuseet på Gotland 2006 Digital version available
Linnes forsta utkast till species plantarum. Nagra anteckningar. HULTH, J. M. (Johan Markus), 1865-1928. 497 s.n 1912 Digital version available
Linnes dietetik. Pa grundvalen af dels hans eget originalutkast till forelasningar: Lachesis naturalis quae tradit dietam naturalem. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 987 Akademiska Boktryckeriet 1907 Digital version available
Linnes avhandling Potus Theae 1765 / oversatt och kommenterad av Gustaf Drake. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 4089 Svenska Linn�s�llskapet 2002 Digital version available
Linnes Skanska resa med anmarkningar utgiven av Joran Sahlgren. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 212 P A Norstedt & Soners 1920 Digital version available
Linnes Dalaresa iter Dalecarlicum jamte Urlandsresan iter ad Exteros och Bergslagsresan iter ad Fodinas. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 3931 Geber 1953 Digital version available
Linneo a Bologna : l'arte della conoscenza = Linnaeus at Bologna : the art of knowledge : Bologna, Orto e Museo botanico, 22 ottobre 2007-31 gennaio 2008 / a cura di Donatella Biagi Maino e Giovanni Cristofolini. CRISTOFOLINI, Giovanni. BIAGI MAINO, Donatella. 4665 Umberto Allemandi 2007 Digital version available
Linneo PALLAVICINI, Mimma. COTTINI, Paolo. 4218 Grandi Giardini Italiani 2006 Digital version available
Linnei, ego zhizn' i trudy / E.G. Bobrov. BOBROV, E. G. (Evgenii Grigor'evich), 1902-1983. 4480 Izdatel'stvo Akademiya Nauk SSSR 1957 Digital version available
Linneanska blomster : Portratt av vaxter och personer kring Linne. NORDENSTAM, Bertil. 4005 Carlsson Bokforlag 2007 Digital version available
Linnean type-specimens of birds, reptiles, batrachians and fishes in the Zoological Museum of the R. University in Upsala. LÖNNBERG, Einar, 1865-1942. 3495 P.A.Norstedt & S�ner 1896 Digital version available
Linnean Cabinet of Minerals : a catalogue of the genuine and entire collection of the late celebrated Swedish naturalist, Sir Charles Linne, together with many valuable posthumous additions, (the whole having correct reference to last improved edition of the Systema Naturae, by Professor Gmelin;) which will be sold by auction by Mr. King, at his Great Room, King-Street, Covent-Garden, on Tuesday, March 1, 1796, and following day ... KING, Thomas, fl. 1781-1822. 3442 s.n 1796 Digital version available
Linne'ska Taflor. (Uppsala). [14 photographic plates illustrating portraits, home, tomb, &c of Carl Linnaeus, in a portfolio]. 4686 Digital version available
Linne och vaxtodlingen af M[agnus] B[ernhard] Swederus. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 620a Akademiska Boktryckeriet 1907 Digital version available
Linne i Skåne = Carl Linnaeus in Skåne. HANSEN, Lars, 1960 November 8-. EDBERG, Ragnar. 4668 IK Foundation 1999 Digital version available
Linne i Lund : föredrag i Kungl. Fysiografiska Sällskapet den 2 December 1927 / av Otto Gertz. GERTZ, Otto D. , 1878-1948. 3088b H�kan Ohlssons Boktryckeri 1928 Digital version available
Linnaeus: organising nature. Miles, Liz. 4865 Collins 2017 Digital version available