An introduction to physiological and systematical botany. |
Smith, James Edward,
1759-1828. |
786c |
1807 |
An introduction to physiological and systematical botany. |
Smith, James Edward,
1759-1828. |
786d |
1809 |
The generic characters in the English botany, collated with those of Linné. |
Salisbury, R. A.
1761-1829. |
786 |
1806 |
Manuale, sive Compendium botanices. |
EWER, Samuel,
F.L.S. |
787 |
1808 |
A new medicinal, economical, and domestic hHerbal: containing a ... description of upwards of six hundred British herbs, shrubs, trees, &c., together with some ... exotic plants, now generally cultivated ... in the United Kingdom, etc. |
M.D. NEWTON, James |
787c |
R. Parker |
1808 |
Flore des Antilles, ou Histoire générale botanique, rurale et économique des végétaux indignènes des Antilles et des exotiques qu'on est parvenu à y naturaliser; décrits d'après nature ... avec planches dessinées, gravées et coloriées, etc. |
TUSAC, F. R. de. |
787d |
1808-27 |
Elements of the science of botany, as established by Linnæus; with examples to illustrate the classes and orders of his system. [The dedication signed: R. D., i.e. Richard Duppa. With plates.] |
Duppa, Richard, 1770-1831. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. |
788 |
J. Murray |
1809 |
Elements of the science of botany /
as established by Linneus; with examples to illustrate the classes and orders of his system. vol 2. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
789 |
J. Murray |
1809 |
Essai de physiologie végétale, ouvrage dans lequel sont expliquées toutes les parties des végétaux: accompagné de planches et de tableaux méthodiques, réprésentant les trois systèmes de Tournefort, de Linné et de Jussieu. |
791b |
1810 |
The English botanist's pocket companion: containing the essential generic characters of every British plant, arranged agreeably to the Linnæan system; together with a short and easy introduction to the study of botany, etc. |
DEDE, James. |
791 |
J. Hatchard |
1809 |
Vier und zwanzigste Klasse des Linneischen Planzensystems oder kryptogamische Gewächse ... Mit ... ausgemalten Kupfertafeln. |
SCHKUHR, Christian. |
791* |
1809, 10. |
A new family herbal; or popular account of the natures and properties of the various plants used in medicine, diet and the arts. |
THORNTON, Robert John. |
792 |
1810 |
A family herbal: or, familiar account of the medical properties of British and foreign plants, also their uses in dying, and the various arts arranged, according to the Linnæan system, and illustrated by two hundred and fifty-eight engravings from plants drawn from nature by Henderson and engraved by Bewick, of Newcastle. Second edition considerably enlarged, etc. |
THORNTON, Robert John. |
793 |
1814 |
Manuel d'herborisation en Suisse et en Valais, rédigé selon le systême de Linné; avec l'indication d'un nouveau systême ... Par l'auteur de l'entomologie helvétique [-de Clairville]. |
CLAIRVILLE, Joseph Philippe de. |
795 |
1811 |
Flore des environs de Spa, ou distribution, selon le système de Linnæus, des plantes qui croissent spontanément dans le département de l'Ourte et dans les départements circonvoisins, pour servir de suite à la Flore du nord de la France de Mr Roucel. |
LEJEUNE, Alexandre Louis Simon. |
797a |
1811-13 |
Sketches towards a Hortus botanicus Americanus; or coloured plates (with concise and familiar descriptions) of new and valuable plants of the West Indies and North and South America, etc. |
Titford, William Jowett. |
798b |
1811 |
Illustrationes Theophrasti in usum botanicorum præcipue peregrinantium. (Catalogus alphabeticus plantarum Theophrasti.-Tabula systematica Linnaeana plantarum Theophrasti.-Lexicon Theophrasti.). |
F.L.S. |
798a |
1811 |
A grammar of botany containing an explanation of the system of Linnæus, and the terms of botany, with botanical exercises. |
THORNTON, Robert John. |
799 |
1811 |
A grammar of botany containing an explanation of the system of Linnæus, and the terms of botany, with botanical exercises. |
THORNTON, Robert John. |
800 |
1814 |
Catalogus plantarum Americæ Septentrionalis huc usque cognitarum indigenarum et cicurum; or, a catalogue of the hitherto known native and naturalized plants of North America, etc. |
MUHLENBERG, Gotthil Henry Ernest F. |
802f |
1813 |