Icones plantarum medicinalium 5 cent. Abbildungen von Arzneygewächsen. Lat. and Germ. |
ZORN, Johann. |
985 |
1779-84 |
Icones plantarum medicinalium 5 cent. Abbildungen von Arzneygewächsen. Lat. and Germ. |
ZORN, Johann. |
3132 |
1779-84 |
Icones plantarum medicinalium. Centuria 1 (-6.) Abbildungen von Arzneygewächsen. [With descriptions by J. Zorn.] Zweyte Auflage. Lat. and Germ. |
ZORN, Johann. |
986 |
1784-90 |
Auswahl schöner und seltener Gewächse, als eine Fortsetzung der Amerikanischen Gewächse. [By Johann Zorn. Plates, with explanatory text.] |
ZORN, Johann. |
646d |
1795, 96. |
Icones plantarum medicinalium. Centuria 1 (-6.) Abbildungen von Arzneygewächsen. [With descriptions by J. Zorn.] Zweyte Auflage. Lat. and Germ. |
ZORN, Johann. |
3133 |
1784-90 |
Catalogus plantarum horti academici et agri Gottingensis. |
ZINN, Johann Gottfried. |
637e |
1757 |
[Consectaria electrico-medica.] Elektriskt-medicinska satser ... Akademisk avhandling under Linnés præsidium ... Översättning av Arvid Hj. Uggla. Inledning, noter och efterskrift av Telemak Fredbärj. |
ZETZEL, Peter. |
4150 |
1955 |
Resp. Pulsus intermittens. |
Wåhlin, Anders Magnus,
1731-1797 |
1315/175 |
publisher not identified |
1785 |
Odores medicamentorum. |
Wåhlin, Anders Magnus,
1731-1797 |
1682 |
publisher not identified |
1787.] |
Resp. Pulsus intermittens. |
Wåhlin, Anders Magnus,
1731-1797 |
1911 |
publisher not identified |
1785 |
Odores medicamentorum. |
Wåhlin, Anders Magnus,
1731-1797 |
1679 |
publisher not identified |
1756 |
Odores medicamentorum. |
Wåhlin, Anders Magnus,
1731-1797 |
1295/38 |
publisher not identified |
1787.] |
Resp. Flora Capensis. |
Wännman, Carl Henriksson,
1733-1797 |
1303/95 |
publisher not identified |
1788 |
Morbi nautarum Indiæ. |
Wännman, Carl Henriksson,
1733-1797 |
1313/153 |
publisher not identified |
1785 |
Resp. Flora Capensis. |
Wännman, Carl Henriksson,
1733-1797 |
2043 |
publisher not identified |
1788 |
Resp. Flora Capensis ... /
sub præsidio ... C. Linnæi. |
Wännman, Carl Henriksson,
1733-1797 |
2042 |
publisher not identified |
1760 |
Medical botany :
containing systematic and general descriptions, with plates, of all the medicinal plants comprehended in the catalogues of the materia medica ... /
by William Woodville. |
Woodville, William,
1752-1805. |
745 |
John Bohn |
1832 |
Resp. Dissertatio de horticultura academica /
Præs. C. Linnæo, etc. |
Wollrath, Johan Gustaf. |
1299/60 |
publisher not identified |
1788 |
Resp. Horticultura academica. |
Wollrath, Johan Gustaf. |
1839 |
A botanical arrangement of all the vegetables naturally growing in Great Britain. ... With an easy introduction to the study of botany, etc. |
Withering, William,
1741-1799. |
675b |
1776 |