Observationes botanicae quibus plantae Indiae occidentalis aliaeque systematis vegetabilium ed. xiv illustrantur earumque characteres passim emendantur. Cum tabulis aeneis /
Auctore Olavo Swartz M. D. |
Swartz, Olof (Peter)
(1760-1818). |
597 |
Jo. Jacobi Palmii |
1791 |
Joannis Antonii Scopoli[,] Philosoph. et Med. Doct. S. I. et R. M. Montanæ Civitatis Idriae Physici.Flora Carniolica exhibens plantas Carniolae indigenas et distributas in classes naturales cum differentiis specificis, synonymis recentiorum, locis natalibus, nominibus incolarum, observationibus selectis, viribus medicis. |
Scopoli, Joannes Antonius
(1723-1788). |
640a |
Joannis Thomae Trattner |
1760 |
D. Io. Hieron. Kniphofii..Botanica in originali sev herbarivm vivvm in qvo plantarvm tam indigenarvm qvam exoticarvm pecvliari qvadam operosaqve enchiresi atramento impressorio obdvctarvm nomiisqve svis ad methodvm illvstrivm nostri aevi botanicorvm Linnaei et Lvdwigii insignitarvm elegantissima ectypa exhibentvr opera et stvdio Ioannis Godofredi Trampe typographi Halensis. |
Kniphof, Johannes Hieronymus
(1704-1763). |
637dd |
Johann Gottfried Trampe |
(1757-)1764 |
Nicolai Josephi Jacquin.Enumeratio stirpium plerarumque, quae sponte crescunt in agro Vindobonensi, montibusque confinibus. Accedunt observationum centuria et appendix de paucis exoticis. Cum tabulis aeneis. |
Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph
(1727-1817). |
643f |
Johann Paul Kraus |
1762 |
Page's prodromus :
as a general nomenclature of all the plants, indigenous and exotic, cultivated in the Southampton Botanic Gardens; arranged, alphabetically, as they are considered hardy or tender to the climate of Britain, under their different characters of trees, shrubs, herbaceous, &c. The generic and specific names, after the Linnaean System; with the English names, propagation, soil, height, time of flowering, native country, &c. &c. Also, occasional hints for their cultivation. An appendix containing selected lists of annuals; all the choicest kinds of fruit, now in general cultivation, with their characters, &c. and a short tract on the sexual system from the Philosophia Botanica of Linnaeus /
by William Bridgewater Page. |
Page, William Bridgewater
(1790-1871). |
809b |
John Murray |
1818 |
The Life of Philibert Commerson, D.M., Naturaliste du Roi :
an old-world story of French travel and science in the days of Linnaeus /
by the late Captain S. Pasfield Oliver ... and edited by G. F. Scott Elliot. With illustrations. |
Oliver, Samuel Pasfield
(1838-1907). |
2966a |
John Murray |
1909 |
Linnaeus and Jussieu: or, The rise and progress of systematic botany :
A popular biography, with an historical introduction and sequel. |
Carr, Daniel C. |
2708 |
John W. Parker |
1844 |
Letters on the elements of botany :
Addressed to a lady /
By the celebrated J. J. Rousseau. Translated into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnæus. By Thomas Martyn, B.D... Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
(1712-1778). |
707 |
John White |
1807 |
The gardeners kalendar; directing what works are necessary to be done every month, in the kitchen, fruit and pleasure-gardens, as also in the conservatory and nursery. With accounts I. Of the particular seasons for the propagation and use of all sorts of esculent plants and fruits, with the seasons wherein each sort is proper for the table. II. The proper seasons for transplanting all sorts of trees, shrubs, and plants, with the time of their flowering /
By Philip Miller, F.R.S. Late Member of the Botanic Academy at Florence, and Gardener to the Worshipful Company of Apothecaries, at their Botanic Garden in Chelsea. |
Miller, Philip
(1691-1771). |
4891 |
John and Francis Rivington |
1775 |
The botanic garden :
a poem, in two parts : containing the economy of vegetation and the loves of the plants. With philosophical notes /
by Erasmus Darwin, M.D. |
Darwin, Erasmus
(1731-1802). |
4887 |
Jones & Company |
1824 |
The botanic garden :
a poem, in two parts : containing the economy of vegetation and the loves of the plants. With philosophical notes /
by Erasmus Darwin, M.D. |
Darwin, Erasmus
(1731-1802). |
4886 |
Jones & Company |
1825 |
Linné's natürliche Pflanzenklasse Tricoccae des Berliner Herbarium's im Allgemeinen und die natürliche Ordnung Euphorbiaceae insbesondere /
Von Fr. Klotzsch. |
Klotzsch, Johann Friedrich
(1805-1860). |
475a |
Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften |
1860 |
Tableau des systêmes de botanique; généraux et particuliers; contenant 1.o le plan de chaque systême; 2,o les principes sur lesquels ils sont fondés; 3.o leurs avantages et leurs désavantages; 4.o spécialement le développment du systême sexuel de Linnaeus. /
par le Cn. Mouton-Fontenille, Membre de la Société de Médecine de Lyon. Suivi de deux mémoires, dont le permier a pour objet une suite d'observations et d'expériences sur la dessication des plantes, et leurs conservation dans les herbiers. Le second renferme des observations sur les différentes especes de vgetaux propres aux montagnes calcaires et granitiques des environs de Grenoble. ; Par le C.n Mouton-Fontenille, Membre de la Société de Médecine de Lyon. |
Mouton-Fontenille de la Clotte, Marie Jacques Philippe
(1769-1837). |
765 |
L'auteur [et al.] |
an VI (1798). |
Botanique :
organographie et taxonomie histoire naturelle des familles végétales et des principales espèces suivant la classification de M. Adrien de Jussieu avec l'indication de leur emploi dans les arts, les sciences et le commerce /
par M. Emm. Le Maout. |
Le Maout, Jean Emmanuel Maurice
(1799-1877). |
4842 |
L. Curmer |
1855 |
Descriptiones plantarum ex Capite Bonae Spei, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, et synonymis auctorum justis. Secundum systema sexuale et autopsia concinnavit atque solicite digessit. |
Bergius, Peter Jonas
(1730-1790). |
649d |
Laur. Salvii |
1767 |
Caroli v. Linné ..Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, et proportionem omnium fructificationis partium. |
Linné, Carl von
(1707-1778). |
305 |
Laurentius Salvius |
1764 |
Caroli Linnaei Archiatri Regii; Med. et Bot. Prof. Reg. Ups. Hort. Acad. Praefect.Hortus Upsaliensis, exhibens plantas exoticas, Horto Upsaliensis Academiæ a sese illatas, ab anno 1742, in annum 1748, additis differentiis, synonymis, habitationibus, hospitiis, rariorumque descriptionibus, in gratiam studiosae juventutis, vol. I. |
Linné, Carl von
(1707-1778). |
424 |
Laurentius Salvius |
1748 |
In the footsteps of Linnaeus, Lapland 1988 :
an account of the journey organised in the bicentenary year of the Linnean Society of London /
Edited by John R. Packham and Roland Moberg with illustrations by Rosemary Wise. |
Packham, John R. Moberg, Roland. |
4314 |
Linnean Society of London |
1989 |
Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) :
a bicentenary guide to the career and achievements of Linnaeus and the collections of the Linnean Society /
by William T. Stearn and Gavin Bridson. |
Stearn, William Thomas
(1911-2001). |
4685 |
Linnean Society of London |
1978 |
Loudon's Hortus Britannicus :
A catalogue of all the plants indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain. Part I: The natural arrangement of nearly 4,000 genera, with an introduction to the natural system, and a general description and history of each order. Part II. The Linnean arrangement, in which nearly 30,000 species are enumerated: with the systematic name and authority, accentuation, derevation of generic names, literal English of specific names, synonymes systematic and English of both genera and species, habit, habitation in the garden, indigenous habitation, popular character, height, time of flowering, colour of the flower, mode of propagation, soil, native country, year of introduction, and reference to figures; preceded by an introduction to the Linnean system /
by the late J.C. Loudon. |
Loudon, John Claudius
(1783-1843). |
838d |
Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans |
1850 |