Doctor Carl Linnaeus, physician /
by Nils-Erik Landell ; translated by Silvester Mazzarella ; edited by Lars Hansen. |
Landell, Nils-Erik,
1935-2023 |
4319 |
I.K. Foundation |
2008 |
Trädgårdsmästaren Linné /
Nils-Erik Landell ; [foto: Nils-Erik Landell]. |
Landell, Nils-Erik,
1935-2023 |
4563 |
Primo |
1998 |
Trädgårdsmästaren Linné /
Nils-Erik Landell. |
Landell, Nils-Erik,
1935-2023 |
4025 |
Primo |
1997 |
Carl von Linné :
evighetskalender /
Kerstin Landström, Lasse Modin. |
Landström, Kerstin,
1959- |
4750 |
Tuva förlag
Kristianstads boktr. |
2006 |
ABC om Linné :
för både barn och vuxna /
Kerstin Landström. |
Landström, Kerstin,
1959- |
4714 |
Kerstin Landström
Bulls Graphic |
2016 |
Carl Linnaeus :
perpetual calendar /
Kerstin Landström, Lasse Modin. |
Landström, Kerstin,
1959- |
4751 |
Tuva förlag
Kristianstads boktr. |
2006 |
Reason and experience :
the representation of natural order in the work of Carl von Linné /
James L. Larson |
Larson, James L. |
3910 |
Univ. of California Press |
1971 |
Speculation and experience :
an inquiry into systematic description in the work of Carl von Linné /
James Lee Larson |
Larson, James Lee |
3904 |
cop. 1966 |
Linné i Nyed /
text: Ingvar Larsson i samarbete med Bo Larsson ; illustrationer: Tore Andersson. |
Larsson, Ingvar |
4718 |
Nyeds hembygdsförening |
2012 |
Linné :
en småländsk resa /
Lars-Olof Larsson (red.) ; sammanställd av Smålands akademi ; [färgark: Björn Larsson]. |
Larsson, Lars-Olof, 1934-2020 Larsson, Björn |
3976 |
Scandbook |
2006 |
Manuel de botanique, a l'usage des amateurs et des voyageurs; contenant les principes de botanique, l'explication du systême de Linné, un catalogue des différens végétaux étrangers, les moyens de transporter les arbres & les semences; la manière de former un herbier, &c. Avec huit planches. Par M. F. Lebreton, de l'Académie Royale des Sciences d'Upsal, correspondant de la Société Royale d'Agriculture. &c. |
Lebreton, F.,
d. ca 1790 |
720 |
1787 |
An introduction to botany. Containing an explanation of the theory of that science, and an interpretation of its technical terms; extracted from the works of Linnæus ... with twelve copper-plates, and two explanatory tables. And an appendix; contaning upwards of two thousand English names of plants ... The second edition. To which is added, a glossary. By James Lee ... |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
455 |
1765 |
An introduction to botany. Containing an explanation of the theory of that science; extracted from the works of Dr. Linnæus; with 12 copper-plates, two explanatory tables, an appendix and glossary. The fifth edition, corrected, by James Lee ... |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
458 |
1794 |
An introduction to botany. Containing an explanation of the theory of that science, extracted from the works of Linnæus; with an appendix, & glossary. By James Lee ... A new edition, improved, corrected and revised, By C. Stewart ... |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
460 |
1806 |
An introduction to botany. Containing an explanation of the theory of that science; extracted from the works of Dr. Linnæus; with twelve copper-plates, two explanatory tables, an appendix and glossary. The third edition, corrected, with large additions. By James Lee ... |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
456 |
1776 |
An introduction to the science of botany, chiefly extracted from the works of Linnaeus; to which are added several new tables and notes, and the life of the author. By the late James Lee ... Fourth edition, corrected and enlarged, by Mr. James Lee, son and successor to the author |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
462 |
1810 |
An introduction to botany.:Containing an explanation of the theory of science; extracted from the works of Dr. Linnaeus; with twelve copper-plates, two explanatory tables, an appendix, and glossary. The fourth edition, corrected, with additions. By James Lee ... |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
457 |
1788 |
An introduction to botany. Containing an explanation of the theory of that science, and an interpretation of its technical terms. Extracted from the works of Dr. Linnæus, ... With twelve copper plates, and two explanatory tables. To which is added an appendix; containing upwards of two thousand English names of plants, ... By James Lee, ... |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
453 |
1760 |
En souvenir du jour de naissance de C. Linné. (23 mai 1707.) |
Leersum, Evert Cornelis van |
2547 |
1907 |
Concordance des trois systêmes de Tournefort, Linnæus et Jussieu, par le systême foliaire appliqué aux genres des plantes qui croissent spontanément dans le rayon de dix lieues autour de Paris ... par M. Louis Lefebure ... Deuxième édition. |
Lefèbure, Louis François Henri,
1754-1840 |
805 |
1816 |