The Linnaeus Apostles :
global science & adventure /
editor-in-chief: Lars Hansen ; general editors: Eivor Cormack, Ragnar Edberg, Per Sörbom ; editorial secretary: Viveka Hansen. |
Hansen, Lars Cormack, Eivor Edberg, Ragnar Sörbom, Per... |
4011 |
IK Foundation |
2007- |
The Linnaeus Apostles :
global science & adventure /
editor-in-chief: Lars Hansen ; general editors: Eivor Cormack, Ragnar Edberg, Per Sörbom ; editorial secretary: Viveka Hansen. |
Hansen, Lars Cormack, Eivor Edberg, Ragnar Sörbom, Per... |
4009 |
IK Foundation |
2007- |
The Linnaeus Apostles :
global science & adventure /
editor-in-chief: Lars Hansen ; general editors: Eivor Cormack, Ragnar Edberg, Per Sörbom ; editorial secretary: Viveka Hansen. |
Hansen, Lars Cormack, Eivor Edberg, Ragnar Sörbom, Per... |
4006 |
IK Foundation |
2007- |
The Linnaeus Apostles :
global science & adventure /
editor-in-chief: Lars Hansen ; general editors: Eivor Cormack, Ragnar Edberg, Per Sörbom ; editorial secretary: Viveka Hansen. |
Hansen, Lars Cormack, Eivor Edberg, Ragnar Sörbom, Per... |
4010 |
IK Foundation |
2007- |
The Linnaeus Apostles :
global science & adventure /
editor-in-chief: Lars Hansen ; general editors: Eivor Cormack, Ragnar Edberg, Per Sörbom ; editorial secretary: Viveka Hansen. |
Hansen, Lars Cormack, Eivor Edberg, Ragnar Sörbom, Per... |
4014 |
IK Foundation |
2007- |
Nomenclator botanicus enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina atque synonyma tum generica tum specifica et a Linnaeo et recentioribus de re botanica scriptoribus plantis phanerogamis imposita /
auctore Ernesto Steudel. |
Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb |
822 |
I. G. Cottae |
1821 |
Index to scientific names of organisms cited in the Linnaean dissertations :
together with a synoptic bibliography of the dissertations and a concordance for selected editions /
Robert W. Kiger, Charlotte A. Tancin, Gavin D. R. Bridson. |
Kiger, Robert W. |
4233 |
Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University |
1999 |
Carl von Linné :
den fulländade forskaren /
Torbjörn Lindell. |
Lindell, Torbjörn |
4045 |
Historiska Media |
2007 |
Flora cochinchinensis :
sistens plantas in regno Cochinchina nascentes, quibus accedunt aliae observatae in Sinensi imperio, Africa Orientali, Indiaeque locis variis, omnes dispositae secundum systema sexuale Linnaeanum /
labore ac studio de Joannis de Loureiro ; edita cum notis Caroli Ludovici Willdenow. |
Loureiro, João de |
737b |
Haude et Spener |
1793 |
Linnaeus :
nature and nation /
Lisbet Koerner. |
Koerner, Lisbet |
4018 |
Harvard University Press |
1999 |
Georg Dionysius Ehret and his plate of the sexual system of plants in Linnaeus' own copy of Systema Naturae /
compiled by Ove Hagelin. |
Hagelin, Ove |
39a |
Hagströmer Biblioteket |
2000 |
Genera plantarum /
Carl Linnaeus ; with an introduction by William T. Stearn. |
Linné, Carl von,
(1707-1778). |
3946 |
H.R. Engelmann (J. Cramer) ;Wheldon & Wesley |
1960 |
Linnaeus (afterwards Carl von Linné) :
the history of his life adapted from the swedish of Theodor Magnus Fries ... and brought down to the present time in the light of recent research /
by Benjamin Daydon Jackson. |
Jackson, Benjamin Daydon
(1846-1927) |
2846 |
H. F. and G. Witherby |
1923 |
Linneo /
a cura di Paolo Cottini ; introduzione di Mimma Pallavicini. |
Cottini, Paolo Pallavicini, Mimma |
4218 |
Grandi Giardini Italiani |
2006 |
Carl Friedrich Dieterichs Pflanzenreich nach dem neuesten Natursystem
: des Königl. schwedischen Ritters und Leibarztes Carl von Linne. |
Dieterich, Carl Friedrich
(1734-1805) |
4246 |
Gedruckt und zu haben bey Joh. Daniel Müller |
1770 |
Synopsis florae Germanicae et Helveticae :
exhibens stirpes phanerogamas et vasculares cryptogamas rite cognitas, quae in Germania, Helvetia, Borussia et Istria sponte crescunt atque in hominum usum copiosius coluntur, secundum systema Candolleanum digestas, praemissa generum dispositione secundum classes et ordines systematis Linnaeani conscripta /
auctore, Guil. Dan. Jos. Koch. |
Koch, Wilhelm Daniel Joseph
(1771-1849) |
844d |
Gebhardt et Reisland |
1857 |
Select dissertations from the Amoenitates Academicae (1749-90) :
a supplement to Mr. Stillingfleet's Tracts, relating to Natural History /
Benjamin Stillingfleet ; translated by the Rev. F. J. Brand. |
Stillingfleet, Benjamin, (1702-1771). Brand, F. J. Robinson, G.... |
1323 |
G. Robinson et J. Robson |
1781 |
La phytographie ou L'art de décrire les végétaux considerés sous differents points de vue /
par Alph. de Candolle. |
Candolle, Alphonse de. |
2792 |
G. Masson |
1880 |
The compleat naturalist :
a life of Linnaeus /
Wilfrid Blunt ; introduction by Professor William T. Stearn. |
Blunt, Wilfrid |
4229 |
Frances Lincoln |
2001 |
Synopsis florae Germanicae et Helveticae :
exhibens stirpes phanerogamas rite cognitas, quae in Germania, Helvetia, Borussia et Istria sponte crescunt atque in hominum usum copiosius coluntur, secundum systema Candolleanum digestas, praemissa generum dispositione secundum classes et ordines systematis Linnaeani conscripta /
auctore Guil. Dan. Jos. Koch. |
Koch, Wilhelm Daniel Joseph
(1771-1849) |
844b |
F. Wilmans |
1836-1838 |