Caroli a Linné ... Materia medica. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
973 |
Apud Wolfgangum Waltherum |
1782 |
Enchiridion botanicum :
complectens characteres genericos et specificos plantarum per insulas Britannicas sponte nascentium, ex Linnæo aliisque desumptos. |
Broughton, Arthur,
d. 1796. |
684a |
Impensis G. Robinson |
1782 |
Joan. Antonii Scopoli ... Fundamenta botanica :
praelectionibus publicis accommodata. |
Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio,
1723-1788. |
691b |
In Typographeo Monast. S. Salvatoris ... |
1783 |
A system of vegetables :
according to their classes, orders, genera, species, with their characters and differences ... /
translated from the thirteenth edition (as published by Dr. Murray) of the Systema vegetabilium of the late Professor Linneus; and from the Supplementum plantarum of the present Professor Linneus ... By a botanical society, at Lichfield. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
580a |
Printed by J. Jackson for Leigh and Sotheby ... |
1783 |
Flora diaetetica: or, History of esculent plants, both domestic and foreign :
In which they are accurately described, and reduced to their Linnaean generic and specific names. With their English names annexed, and ranged under eleven general heads ... /
By Charles Bryant ... |
Bryant, Charles,
d. 1799. |
690 |
Printed for B. White |
1783 |
Caroli Linnaei ... Philosophia botanica in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica :
cum definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum. Adiectis figuris aeneis. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
446 |
Typis Joannis Thomae Nobil. de Trattnern, Caes. Reg. Maj. Aulae Typogr. et Bibliopolae |
1783 |
Vid Kongl. Maj:ts Trotjenare, med. och botan. professoren i Upsala, Herr Carl von Linnés graf den 30 November 1783. |
3877 |
A.J. Nordström |
1783? |
De lavandula /
Carol. à Linné Fil. |
Linné, Carl von,
1741-1783. |
3830 |
Holmise & Aboe |
1783] |
Grifte-tal öfver välborne Herrn Herr Carl von Linné ... :
hållet i Upsala Domkyrka, den 30 November 1783, då den å svärds-sidan utgångna von Linnéiska ättens sköldemärke sönderslogs /
af David Schulz von Schulzenheim. |
Schulz von Schulzenheim, David,
1732-1823. |
3846 |
Tryckt hos directeuren Johan Edman |
1784 |
Theoria generationis et fructificationis plantarum cryptogamicarum Linnaei :
mere propriis observationibus et experimentis superstructa, dissertatio quae praemio ab Academia Imperiali Petropolitana pro anno 1783, proposito ornata est /
auctore Ioanne Hedwig. |
Hedwig, Johannes,
1730-1799. |
692 |
Typis Academiae Imper. Scientiarum |
1784 |
Caroli a Linné equitis Systema vegetabilium :
secundum classes ordines genera species cum characteribus et differentiis. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
583 |
Typis et impensis Jo. Christ. Dieterich |
1784 |
Linnaei de plantarum ordine brevis interpretatio una cum catalogo plantarum :
quae vel saepius, vel constanter eumdem ordinem eludere visae sunt /
auctore Aloysio Rodato. |
Rodati, Aloysius,
1762-1832. |
695 |
Ex Typographia Sancti Thomae Aquinatis |
1784 |
Parte práctica de botánica del caballero Cárlos Linneo
que comprehende las clases, órdenes, géneros, especies y variedades de las plantas, con sus caracteres genéricos y especificos, sinónimos mas selectos, nombres triviales, lugares donde nacen, y propriedades /
traducida del Latin en castellano é ilustrada por don Antonio Paláu y Verdéra. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
16 |
En la imprenta real |
1784-1788 |
Icones plantarum medicinalium =
Abbildungen von Arzneygewächsen. |
Zorn, Johannes,
1739-1799. |
986 |
Auf Kosten der Raspischen Buchhandlnng [sic] |
1784-1790 |
Reflections on the study of nature /
translated from the Latin of ... Linnaeus. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
1091 |
Printed for George Nicol ... |
1785 |
Letters on the elements of botany :
addressed to a lady /
by the celebrated J.J. Rousseau ; translated into English ; with notes, and twenty-four additional letters fully explaining the system of Linnæus. |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques,
1712-1778. |
701 |
Printed for B. White and Son |
1785 |
Compendium botanices :
systematis Linnaeani conspectum ejusdemque applicationem ad selectiora plantarum Germaniae indigenarum usu medico et oeconomico insignium genera eorumque species continens /
adornauit D. Christianus Frid. Reuss. |
Reuss, Christian Friedrich,
1745-1813. |
663 |
Sumtu Stettiniano |
1785 |
Nikolaus Joseph edlen von Jacquin's ... Anleitung zur Pflanzenkenntniss nach Linné's Methode :
zum Gebrauche seiner theoretischen Vorlesungen. |
Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph,
Freiherr von,
1727-1817. |
696 |
bey Christian Friederich Wappler |
1785 |
Richardi Relhan ... Flora cantabrigiensis :
exhibens plantas agro cantabrigiensi indigenas, secundum systema sexuale digestas ; cum characteribus genericis, diagnosi specierum, synonymis selectis, nominibus trivialibus, loco natali, tempore inflorescentiae. |
Relhan, Richard,
1753-1823. |
700ca |
Typis Academicis Excudebat J. Archdeacon :Veneunt apud J. & J. Merrill ... [and 5 others] |
1785 |
Index plantarum:
quae continentur in Linnaeani systematis. |
Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph,
Freiherr von,
1727-1817. |
584 |
C.F. Wappler |
1785 |