Union Catalogue

All records for Staatsbibliothek Berlin (596 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Systema naturae 1735 Carolus Linnaeus. With an introdroduction and a first English translation of the "Observationes" by Dr. M. S. J. Engel-Ledeboer and Dr. H. Engel, Professor of Zoology at the University of Amsterdam Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 VerfasserIn 3928 B. de Graaf 1964 Digital version available
Systematics of to-day Proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Uppsala in commemoration of the 250. anniversary of the birth of Carolus Linnaeus. Ed. by Olov Hedberg Hedberg, Olov 1923-2007 Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 4255 Lundequist; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz (1958) Digital version available
Så varför reser Linné? Perspektiv på Iter Lapponicum 1732 red. av Roger Jacobsson Jacobsson, Roger 1947- 3960 Carlsson 2005 Digital version available
Tabellarische Uebersicht des alten Linnéischen Pflanzensystems und des verbesserten von Thunberg, so wie auch der natürlichen Systeme von Jussieu und Batsch für seine Vorlesungen entworfen von J. Chr. Fr. Graumüller, ... Doctor und Privatlehrer zu Jena, ... und der botanischen Gesellschaft zu Altenburg Mitgliede Graumüller, Johann Christian Friedrich 1770-1824 797 Schöne 1811 Digital version available
Tentamen Supplementi Ad Systematis Vegetabilium Linnaeani Editionem Decimam Sextam Auctore Antonio Sprengel, Ph. D. Sprengel, Anton 1803-1851 VerfasserInWidmendeR 617 Sumtibus Librariae Dieterichianae 1828 Digital version available
Termini botanici, Quos, Consensu ... Fac. Medicæ In. Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, Præside ... D:no Doct. Carolo Linnæo, ... Med. Et Botan. Professore ... Examinandos Sistit Johannes Elmgren Smolandus. In Audit. Carol. Maj. Die XXII. Junii, Anni MDCCLXII. H. A. M. C. Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 Präses 2174 1762 Digital version available
The "Critica botanica" of Linnaeus translated by the late Sir Arthur Hort, BT., M.A. ; revised by M. L. Green, B.A., F.L.S., Botanist, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew with an introduction by Arthur W. Hill, K.C.M.G., M.A., Sc.D. Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 GeistigeR SchöpferIn 3919 The Ray Society 1938 Digital version available
The Gardeners Kalendar Directing what Works are necessary to be performed Every Month In The Kitchen, Fruit, and Pleasure-Gardens, As also in the Conservatory and Nursery ... ; With a List of the Medicinal Plants, which may be gathered fo Use each Month ; To which is prefixed, A short Introduction to the Science of Botany, illustrated with Copper Plates by Philip Miller ... Miller, Philip 1691-1771 468 Author 1769 Digital version available
The Life of Philibert Commerson, D.M., naturaliste du roi, an old-world story of French travel and science in the days of Linnaeus By S. Pasfield Oliver and ed. by G. F. Scott Elliot. With illustr. Oliver, Samuel Pasfield 1838-1907 2966a Murry̱ 1909 Digital version available
The Natural History Of Humming-Birds Vol. I. ; Illustrated By Thirty-Five Plates, Coloured, And Numerous Wood-Cuts; With Memoir Of Linnæus By Sir William Jardine, Bart., F.R.S.E., F.L.S., &c., &c. Jardine, William 1800-1874 VerfasserIn 2682 W. H. Lizars Stirling and Kenney Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman W. Curry Jun. and Co. Neill Ballantyne 1834 Digital version available
The Prince of botanists Gourlie, Norah 4348 Witherby (1953) Digital version available
The conchologist's text-book embracing the arrangements of Lamarck and Linnæus, with a glossary of technical terms by Captain Thomas Brown, Fellow of the Linnean Society, member of the Wernerian, Kirwanian and Phrenological Societies, and late president of the Royal Physical Society, &c. &c. &c. Brown, Thomas 1785-1862 VerfasserInIllustratorIn 4907 Archibald Fullarton & Co. W. Tait W. Curry, Jun. and Co. Orr and Smith Fullarton & Co., printers 1837 Digital version available
The natural history of British birds; or, a selection of the most rare, beautiful, and interesting birds which inhabit this country the descriptions from the Systema Naturæ of Linnæus; with general observations, either original, or collected from the latest and most esteemed English ornithologists; and embellished with figures, drawn, engraved, end coloured from the original specimens By E. Donovan Donovan, Edward 1768-1837 131 Author Rivington Gilbert ca. 1794-ca. 1819 Digital version available
Tre tal Carl von Linné. Utg. av Arvid Hj. Uggla Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 4198 Geber 1954 Digital version available
Två nya species tobak Efter Kgl. Svenska Vetenskaps Acad. Handlingar år 1753 Carl von Linné. Utg. av Edgar Lund Linné, Carl von 530a Lund 1930 Digital version available
Uitvoerige Beschryving En Naauwkeurige Natuurlyk Gekleurde Afbeelding Van Een Nieuwelyks Ontdekt Geheel Onbekend Plant-Dier In 'T Licht Gegeeven Door Joachim Frederik Bolten, Der Medicynen Doctor En Physicus Der Stad Hamburg. Uit Het Hoogduitsch Vertaald. Bolten, Joachim Friedrich 1718-1796 VerfasserIn 3881 By Jan Christiaan Sepp, Boekverkooper 1771 Digital version available
VI. Betrachtung über die Systeme der Entomologie von Joh. Christ. Fabricius Fabricius, Johann Christian 1745-1808 VerfasserIn 1225b 1781 Digital version available
Valda Avhandlingar Växternas sömn : akademisk avhandling under Linnés praesidium Upsala 1755 / översatt från latinet av C. A. Brolén Carl von Linné Nr 3 Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 1880 Almquist & Wiksell 1921 Digital version available
Vaniloqventiae Botanicae Specimen, A M. Io. Gottlieb Gleditsch In Consideratione Epicriseos Siegesbeckianae In Scripta Botanica Linnaei, Pro Rite Obtinendo Sexvalistae Titvlo, Nvper Evvlgatvm, Ivre Vero Retorsionis Refvtatum Et Elvsvm A Io. Georgio Siegesbeck, M. D. Et p. t. Horti Medici Petropolitani Praefecto Siegesbeck, Johann Georg 1686-1755 626 1741 Digital version available
Vernatio Arborum, Quam, Consent. ... Facult. Medica, In Regia Academia Upsaliensi, Sub Præsidio ... Dn. Doct. Caroli Linnæi, ... Med. Et Botan. Profess. Reg. Et Ord. Acad. Imper. Monspel. Stockholm. Upsal. Berol. Et Tol. Socii, Publico Examini Submittit, Haraldus Barck, Smolandus. In Audit. Carol. Maj. D. V. Maji, Ann. MDCCLIII. H. A. M. S. Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 Präses 1739 Höjer 1753 Digital version available