Union Catalogue

All records for Stockholm University Library (Stockholms universitetsbibliotek) (2091 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Carl von Linné Jean 2802 1885 Digital version available
Order out of chaos : Linnaean plant names and their types / Charlie Jarvis. Jarvis, Charles E. 4002 Linnean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, London 2007 Digital version available
A List of Linnaean Generic Names and their Types / comp. by C. E. Jarvis .. Jarvis, C. E. 4239 Koeltz 1993 Digital version available
Memoir of Linnaeus Jardine, William, Sir, 1800-1874 2682 W. H. Lizars & Stirling & Kenney 1833 Digital version available
Carl von Linné / Ilse Jahn u. Konrad Senglaub. Jahn, Ilse 4371 Teubner 1978 Digital version available
Nikolaus Joseph Edlen von Jacquin's ... Anleitung zur Pflanzenkenntniss nach Linné's Methode : Zum Gebrauche seiner theoretischen Vorlesungen Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph von, 1727-1817 4640 1792 Digital version available
Index regni vegetabilis qvi continet plantas omnes qvae habentvr in Linnaeani systematis editione novissima dvodecima Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph von, 1727-1817 82 1770 Digital version available
Nikol. Joseph Edlen von Jacquin's Anleitung zur Pflanzenkenntnis nach Linné's Methode. Zum Gebrauche der Vorlesungen an der Universität. Zweyte, vermehrte Auflage Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph von, 1727-1817 698 bey Christian Friedrich Wappler und Beck 1800 Digital version available
Nikolaus Joseph Edlen von Jacquin's ... Anleitung zur Pflanzenkenntnisz nach Linné's Methode. Zum Gebrauche seiner theoretischen Vorlesungen. Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph von, 1727-1817 696 1785 Digital version available
Karl Linej / Ilija Jacov Jacov, Ilija 4495 Narodna prosveta 1960 Digital version available
Så varför reser Linné? : perspektiv på Iter Lapponicum 1732 / redigerad av Roger Jacobsson. Jacobsson, Roger, 1947- 3960 Kungl. Skytteanska samfundet ;Carlsson Original 2005 Digital version available
On a manuscript list of the Linnean herbarium in the handwriting of Carl von Linné, presumably compiled in the year 1755. To which is appended a catalogue of the Genera in the herbarium, with the numbers of sheets of specimens. : Prepared for the anniversary meeting of the Linnean society of London, 24th May. 1907 ... Jackson, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927. 3491/2 1907 Digital version available
Notes on a catalogue of the Linnean herbarium. : Forming a supplement to the "Proceedings" of the society for the 134th session; 1921-22. Jackson, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927. 3491/6 1922 Digital version available
Index to the Linnean herbarium, with indication of the types of species marked by Carl von Linné. Jackson, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927. 3491/3 1912 Digital version available
Catalogue of the Linnean specimens of Amphiba, Insecta, and Testacea, noted by Carl von Linné / transcribed and codified by Benjamin Daydon Jackson Jackson, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927. 3491/4 1913 Digital version available
Linnaeus : (afterwards Carl von Linné) / by Benjamin Daydon Jackson. Jackson, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927 2846 1923 Digital version available
Richard Warner as viewed by Kalm / by Benjamin Daydon Jackson Jackson, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927 4510 1907? Digital version available
History of the portrait of Carl von Linné painted by Alexander Roslin, with some further remarks on the Lapland drum in the Hoffman portrait. Jackson, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927 3335 1911 Digital version available
History of the Linnean collections : prepared for the centenary anniversary of the Linnean society by the senior secretary. Jackson, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927 3491/1 1890 Digital version available
Authorship in the 'amoenitates academicae' Jackson, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927 1277 1913 Digital version available