Carl von Linné |
Jean |
2802 |
1885 |
Order out of chaos :
Linnaean plant names and their types /
Charlie Jarvis. |
Jarvis, Charles E. |
4002 |
Linnean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, London |
2007 |
A List of Linnaean Generic Names and their Types /
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Jarvis, C. E. |
4239 |
Koeltz |
1993 |
Memoir of Linnaeus |
Jardine, William,
1800-1874 |
2682 |
W. H. Lizars & Stirling & Kenney |
1833 |
Carl von Linné /
Ilse Jahn u. Konrad Senglaub. |
Jahn, Ilse |
4371 |
Teubner |
1978 |
Nikolaus Joseph Edlen von Jacquin's ... Anleitung zur Pflanzenkenntniss nach Linné's Methode :
Zum Gebrauche seiner theoretischen Vorlesungen |
Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph von,
1727-1817 |
4640 |
1792 |
Index regni vegetabilis qvi continet plantas omnes qvae habentvr in Linnaeani systematis editione novissima dvodecima |
Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph von,
1727-1817 |
82 |
1770 |
Nikol. Joseph Edlen von Jacquin's Anleitung zur Pflanzenkenntnis nach Linné's Methode. Zum Gebrauche der Vorlesungen an der Universität. Zweyte, vermehrte Auflage |
Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph von,
1727-1817 |
698 |
bey Christian Friedrich Wappler und Beck |
1800 |
Nikolaus Joseph Edlen von Jacquin's ... Anleitung zur Pflanzenkenntnisz nach Linné's Methode. Zum Gebrauche seiner theoretischen Vorlesungen. |
Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph von,
1727-1817 |
696 |
1785 |
Karl Linej /
Ilija Jacov |
Jacov, Ilija |
4495 |
Narodna prosveta |
1960 |
Så varför reser Linné? :
perspektiv på Iter Lapponicum 1732 /
redigerad av Roger Jacobsson. |
Jacobsson, Roger, 1947- |
3960 |
Kungl. Skytteanska samfundet ;Carlsson
Original |
2005 |
On a manuscript list of the Linnean herbarium in the handwriting of Carl von Linné, presumably compiled in the year 1755. To which is appended a catalogue of the Genera in the herbarium, with the numbers of sheets of specimens. :
Prepared for the anniversary meeting of the Linnean society of London, 24th May. 1907 ... |
Jackson, Benjamin Daydon,
1846-1927. |
3491/2 |
1907 |
Notes on a catalogue of the Linnean herbarium. :
Forming a supplement to the "Proceedings" of the society for the 134th session; 1921-22. |
Jackson, Benjamin Daydon,
1846-1927. |
3491/6 |
1922 |
Index to the Linnean herbarium, with indication of the types of species marked by Carl von Linné. |
Jackson, Benjamin Daydon,
1846-1927. |
3491/3 |
1912 |
Catalogue of the Linnean specimens of Amphiba, Insecta, and Testacea, noted by Carl von Linné /
transcribed and codified by Benjamin Daydon Jackson |
Jackson, Benjamin Daydon,
1846-1927. |
3491/4 |
1913 |
Linnaeus :
(afterwards Carl von Linné) /
by Benjamin Daydon Jackson. |
Jackson, Benjamin Daydon,
1846-1927 |
2846 |
1923 |
Richard Warner as viewed by Kalm /
by Benjamin Daydon Jackson |
Jackson, Benjamin Daydon,
1846-1927 |
4510 |
1907? |
History of the portrait of Carl von Linné painted by Alexander Roslin, with some further remarks on the Lapland drum in the Hoffman portrait. |
Jackson, Benjamin Daydon,
1846-1927 |
3335 |
1911 |
History of the Linnean collections :
prepared for the centenary anniversary of the Linnean society by the senior secretary. |
Jackson, Benjamin Daydon,
1846-1927 |
3491/1 |
1890 |
Authorship in the 'amoenitates academicae' |
Jackson, Benjamin Daydon,
1846-1927 |
1277 |
1913 |