Union Catalogue

All records for New York Botanical Garden (998 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
A general system of nature : through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables and minerals : systematically divided into their several classes, orders, genera, species, and varieties, with their habitations, manners, economy, structure and peculiarities / translated from Gmelin's last edition of the celebrated Systema naturae by Sir Charles Linné ; amended and enlarged by the improvements and discoveries of later naturalists and societies, with appropriate copper plates by William Turton ... Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 137 Printed by Voss and Morris ... for Lackington, Allen and Co. ... London 1800-1802 Digital version available
Cryptogamie complette; ou, Description des plantes dont les étamines sont peu apparentes; suivant les ordres ou familles, les genres, les espèces, avec les caractères et les différences; par Charles Linné. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 136 Le Vacher 1799 Digital version available
A Botanical nomenclator : containing a systematical arrangement of the classes, orders, genera, and species of plants as described in the new edition of Linnæsus's Systema naturæ, by Dr. Gmelin ... / by William Forsyth, Jr. Forsyth, William, 1772-1835. 134 Printed for T. Cadell :P. Elmsly 1794 Digital version available
A genuine and universal system of natural history; comprising the three kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals, arranged under their respective classes, orders, genera, and species. By Sir Charles Linnaeus; improved, corr., and enl. by J. Frid. Gmelin. Faithfully translated and rendered more complete by the addition of Vaillant's beautiful Birds of Agrica [etc.] Methodically incorporated and arranged by the editors of the Encyclopedia Londinensis. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 129 Lewis 1794-1808 Digital version available
Caroli a Linné ... Systema naturae per regna tria naturae : secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis ... Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 118 Apud J.B. Delamolliere 1789-1796 Digital version available
Caroli a Linné ... Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis ... Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 117 impensis G. E. Beer 1788-93 Digital version available
Reflections on the study of nature; and, A dissertation on the sexes of plants. Translated from the Latin of Linnaeus [by Sir J.E. Smith]. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 117a Printed by L. White 1786 Digital version available
Systema naturae, per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus et differentiis. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 116 Typis Ioannis Thomae nob. de Trattnern 1767-1770 Digital version available
A general view of the writings of Linnaeus / by Richard Pulteney ... Pulteney, Richard, 1730-1801. 103 Printed for T. Payne ... and B. White 1781 Digital version available
A general view of the writings of Linnaeus, / by Richard Pulteney ... Pulteney, Richard, 1730-1801. 103a Printed for J. Mawman ... by R. Taylor ... 1805 Digital version available
Caroli a Linné Systema naturae ex editione duodecima in epitomen redactum et praelectionibus academicis accommodatum a Iohanne Beckmanno ... Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 93 Sumtu. vidvae Vandenhoeck 1772 Digital version available
Genera plantarum, ex editione decima tertia [i.e. ed. 12. reformata, 1766-68] Systematis naturae illustrissimi Caroli a Linné. In usus academicos. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 92 Typis Academicis 1780 Digital version available
Carl Friedrich Dieterichs Pflanzenreich nach dem neuesten Natursystem des königl. schwedischen Ritters und Leibarztes Carl von Linne ... Dieterich, Carl Friedrich, 1734-1805. 89a Gedruckt und zu haben bey J.D. Müller 1770 Digital version available
Carl Friedrich Dieterichs Pflanzenreich nach Carl von Linnés Natursysteme. Mit Zusätzen vermehrt hrsg. von Christian Friedrich Ludwig. Dieterich, Carl Friedrich, 1734-1805. 89b C. Fritsch 1798-1799 Digital version available
Nomenclator botanicus enumerans plantas omnes in Systematis naturae edit. XII. Specier. plantarum edit. II. et Mantissis binis, a Car. von Linné ... descriptas. Retzius, Anders Jåhan, 1742-1821. 83 Apud Ioann. Frider. Junium 1772 Digital version available
The poet Gray as a naturalist. With selections from his notes on the Systema naturae of Linnaeus and facsimiles of some of his drawings, by Charles Eliot Norton. Norton, Charles Eliot, 1827-1908. 78 C.E. Goodspeed 1903 Digital version available
Extract of a letter from John Ellis, Esquire, F. R. S. to Dr. Linnaeus, of Upsal, F. R. S. on the animal nature of the genus of zoophytes, called Corallina. Ellis, John, 1710?-1776. 76 s.n 1768] Digital version available
Natuurlyke historie, of Uitvoerige beschryving der dieren, planten, en mineraalen, volgens het samenstel van den Heer Linnaeus. Met naauwkeurige afbeeldingen. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 73 F. Houttuyn, [etc.] 1761-85 Digital version available
Nomenclator extemporaneus rerum naturalium: plantarum, insectorum, conchyliorum, secundam systema naturae linnaeanum. Editus a Carol. Clerck. Clerck, Carl Alexander, 1710-1765. 66 typis L. L. Grefingii 1759 Digital version available
Regnum vegetabile, iuxta Systema naturae in classes, ordines et genera ab codem constitutum e postremis auctis, & emendatis ... nec non e Philosophia botanica eiusdem auctoris, vel ex aliorum botanicorum nuperrimis operibus circa vegetabilium partes desumptis definitionibus & potiorum vocabulorum praemissis explicationibus locupletatum. Curante Xaverio Manetti ... Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 65 Ex Typographio P.C. Viviani 1756 Digital version available