Union Catalogue

All records for New York Botanical Garden (998 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
The botanic garden; a poem, in two parts. Part I. Containing The economy of vegetation. Part II. The loves of the plants. With philosophical notes. Darwin, Erasmus, 1731-1802. 730 Printed for J. Johnson 1799 Digital version available
The botanic garden : a poem in two parts containing The economy of vegetation and The loves of the plants, with philosophical notes ; The temple of nature or the origin of society : a poem, with philosophical notes / by Erasmus Darwin. Darwin, Erasmus, 1731-1802. 4886 Jones & Co. 1825 Digital version available
Botany of the Southern states. In two parts. Part 1. Structural and physiological botany and vegetable products. Part II. Descriptions of southern plants. Arranged on the natural system. Preceded by a Linnaean and a dichotomous analysis. Darby, John, 1804-1877. 855b A. S. Barnes 1860 [c1855] Digital version available
Botany of the southern states. In two parts. Part I. Structural and physiological botany and vegetable products. Part II. Descriptions of southern plants. Arranged on the natural system. Preceded by a Linnaean and a dichotomous analysis. Darby, John, 1804-1877. 855a A.S. Barnes 1857 [c1855] Digital version available
Florae Parisiensis prodromus; ou, Catalogue des plantes qui naissent dans les environs de Paris, rapportées sous les dénominations modernes & anciennes, & arrangées suivant la méthode séxuelle de M. Linnaeus. Avec l'explication en françois de tous les termes de la nouvelle nomenclature. Par M. Dalibard. Dalibard, Thomas François, 1703-1799. 634 Chez Durand; Pissot 1749 Digital version available
Flora Londinensis: containing a history of the plants indigenous to Great Britain, illustrated by figures of the natural size. Curtis, William, 1746-1799. 4896 1835 Digital version available
Linnaeus's System of botany, so far as relates to his classes and orders of plants; illustrated by figures entirely new; with copious explanatory descriptions. Drawn up for the use of his pupils by William Curtis. Curtis, William, 1746-1799. 678 Printed and sold by W. Philips for S. Curtis 1803 Digital version available
A companion to the Botanical magazine; or, A familiar introduction to the study of botany, being the substance of a course of lectures, chiefly explanatory of the Linnaean system, read at the Botanic garden, Lambeth-Marsh. Now first pub. in the form of a dialogue betwixt a pupil and his preceptor. Curtis, William, 1746-1799. 724 Printed for the author, by Couchman and Fry 1788 Digital version available
Flora Londinensis: or, Plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London: with their places of growth, and times of flowering; their several names according to Linnaeus and other authors: with a particular description of each plant in Latin and English. To which are added, their several uses in medicine, agriculture, rural economy and other arts. Curtis, William, 1746-1799. 664d The author and B. White 1777-1798 Digital version available
Institutiones rei herbariae juxta nutum natur naturae digestae ex habitu. Crantz, Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von, 1722-1799. 649a J. P. Kraus 1766 Digital version available
Dispositio systematica plantarum, quae in systemate sexuali Linnaeano eas classes et ordines non obtinent, in quibus secundum numerum et structuram genitalium reperiri debent. Cramer, Johann Christian. 781 Krieger 1803 Digital version available
Description de toutes les plantes qui se cultivent dans le jardin botanique de l'Ecole centrale du département de l'Escaut, à Gand : pour l'utilité des élèves et de ceux qui par goût se livrent à l'étude de cette science : ouvrage dans lequel chacune des plantes est décrite par la traduction des phrases du Species plantarum, de Linnée ... / par L.P. Couret-Villeneuve. Couret-Villeneuve, L. P. 1749-1806. 774a Frères Levrault ;L.P. Couret-Villaneuve An X [1802] Digital version available
Flora Comense : disposta secondo il sistema di Linneo / dal professore Giuseppe Comolli. Comolli, Giuseppe, 1780-1849. 842g C.P. Ostinelli 1834-1857 Digital version available
Plantae Coldenghamiae in provincia Noveboracensi Americes sponte crescentes : quas ad methodum Cl. Linnaei sexualem, anno 1742, &c. / observavit & descripsit Conwallader Colden. Colden, Cadwallader, 1688-1776. 635 s.n 1749-1751] Digital version available
Selections from the scientific correspondence of Cadwallader Colden with Gronovius, Linnaeus, Collinson, and other naturalists / arranged by Asa Gray. Colden, Cadwallader, 1688-1776. 2526 s.n 1843 Digital version available
Nomenclator extemporaneus rerum naturalium: plantarum, insectorum, conchyliorum, secundam systema naturae linnaeanum. Editus a Carol. Clerck. Clerck, Carl Alexander, 1710-1765. 66 typis L. L. Grefingii 1759 Digital version available
Hortus Anglicus: or, The modern English garden: containing a familiar description of all the plants which are cultivated in the climate of Great Britain, either for use or ornament, and of a selection from the established favourites of the stove and green-house; arranged according to the system of Linnaeus; with remarks on the properties of the more valuable species. By the author of "The British botanist" ... Clarke, Stephen. 823a F.C. & J. Rivington 1822 Digital version available
Démonstrations élémentaires de botanique, contenant les principes généraux de cette science, l'explication des termes, les fondemens des méthodes, & les élémens de la physique des végétaux. La description des plantes les plus communes, les plus curieuses, les plus utiles, rangées suivant la méthode de m. de Tournefort & celle du chevalier Linné. Leurs usages & leurs propriétés, dans les arts, l'économie rurale, dans la médecine humaine & vétérinaire; ainsi qu'une sur la formation d'un herbier, sur la dessication, la macération, l'infusion des plantes &c. Claret de La Tourrette, Marc-Antoine-Louis, 1729-1793. 716 Bruyset freres 1787 Digital version available
Démonstrations élémentaires de botanique, contenant les principes généraux de cette science, les fondemens des méthodes, & les élémens de la physique des végétaux ... Claret de La Tourrette, Marc-Antoine-Louis, 1729-1793. 717 Bruyset ainé & c. 1796 Digital version available
Manuel d'herborisation en Suisse et en Valais : redigé selon le systême de Linné, corrigé par ses propres principes : avec l'indication d'un nouveau systême derivé également des principes de ce grand maître / par l'auteur de l'Entomologie helvétique. Clairville, Joseph Philippe de, 1742-1830. 795 Steiner-Ziegler 1811 Digital version available