Union Catalogue

All records for New York Botanical Garden (998 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Flora Comense : disposta secondo il sistema di Linneo / dal professore Giuseppe Comolli. Comolli, Giuseppe, 1780-1849. 842g C.P. Ostinelli 1834-1857 Digital version available
An English index to the plants of India. Piddington, Henry, 1797-1858. 842bg Printed at the Baptist Mission Press, and sold by Messrs. Thacker and Co. 1832 Digital version available
A general system of gardening and botany; containing a complete enumeration and description of all plants hitherto known ... Founded upon Miller's Gardener's dictionary, and arranged according to the natural system. By George Don. Don, George, 1798-1856. 842 Printed for C. J. G. and F. Rivington 1831-37 Digital version available
Botany of the northern and middle states, or, A description of the plants found in the United States, north of Virginia, arranged according to the natural system. With a synopsis of the genera according to the Linnaean system, a sketch of the rudiments of botany, and a glossary of terms. Beck, Lewis C. 1798-1853. 842d Webster and Skinner 1833 Digital version available
Flore luxembourgeoise, ou, Description des plantes phanérogames, recueillies et observées dans le grand-duché de Luxembourg, classées d'après le système sexuel de Linnée. Tinant, Francois Auguste, 1803-1853. 844g J. P. Kuborn 1836 Digital version available
Flora hibernica : comprising the flowering plants, ferns, Characeæ, Musci, Hepaticæ, Lichenes and Algæ of Ireland : arranged according to the natural system with a synopsis of the genera according to the Linnæan system / by James Townsend Mackay. MacKay, James Townsend, 1775-1862. 844e W. Curry jun. 1836 Digital version available
Teutschlands phanerogamische Pflanzengattungen in analytischen Bestimmungstabellen : nach dem natürlichen und linneischen Systeme / von F.C.L. Spenner ; mit einem lateinischen und teutschen terminologischen Wörterbuche. Spenner, F. C. L. 1798-1841. 844f Universitäts-Buchh. und Buchdr. der Gebr. Groos 1836 Digital version available
Taschenbuch der Flora Deutschlands; nach dem Linnéischen Systeme geordnet. Kittel, Martin Balduin, 1798-1885. 845h J.L. Schrag 1847 Digital version available
The flora of Jamaica; a description of the plants of that island, arranged according to the natural orders. With an appendix, containing an enumeration of the genera according to the Linnaean system, and an essay on the geographical distribution of the species. Macfadyen, James, 1800-1850. 845i Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman 1837 Digital version available
Flora de Filipinas, segun el sistema sexual de Linneo: por el P. Fr. Manuel Blanco. Blanco, Manuel, 1778-1845. 845d Impr. de M. Sanchez 1845 Digital version available
Fragmentos de algunas plantas de Filipinas : no incluidas en la flora de las islas, de la 1.a ni 2.a edición : dispuestas según el sistema linneano / por Antonio Llanos. Llanos, Antonio, 1806-1881. 845e Santo Tomás 1851 Digital version available
Catalogue des plantes recueillies dans le département de la Loire-Inférieure. Pesneau, J. B. 845j Forest 1837 Digital version available
The London flora; containing a concise description of the phaenogamous British plants, which grow spontaneously in the vicinity of the metropolis, with their localities; arranged in conformity to the natural system: also a Linnaean arrangement of all the indigenous British species ... By Alexander Irvine. Irvine, Alexander, 1793-1873. 846a Smith, Elder 1838 Digital version available
Schlüssel zur Botanik nach Linné's System in Klassen und Ordnungen. Für Gymnasien und zum Selbstunterricht entworfen von M.B. Termo. Nebst bildlicher Uebersicht aller Klassen und Ordnungen, auf einem Tableau. Termo, M. B. 846 C. Scheld 1837 Digital version available
The little English flora : or a botanical and popular account of all our common field flowers with engravings on steel of every species / by G.W. Francis. Francis, George William, 1800-1865 847b Simpkin, Marshall & Co., Stationers Court :Darton & Harvey, Gracechurch Street 1839 Digital version available
Öfver vexternes namn ... Fries, Elias, 1794-1878. 848f Leffler och Sebell 1842 Digital version available
Botaniska utflygter. En samling af strödda tillfällighets- skrifter, utgifne af Elias Fries ... Fries, Elias, 1794-1878. 848b N. W. Lundequist 1843-1864 Digital version available
Botaniska utflygter. En samling af strödda tillfällighets- skrifter, utgifna af Elias Fries ... Fries, Elias, 1794-1878. 848c Z. Haeggström 1852-1864 Digital version available
Botaniska utflygter. En samling af strödda tillfällighets- skrifter, utgifna af Elias Fries ... Fries, Elias, 1794-1878. 848h Z. Haeggström 1852-1864 Digital version available
Botaniska utflygter. En samling af strödda tillfällighets- skrifter, utgifne af Elias Fries ... Fries, Elias, 1794-1878. 848g N. W. Lundequist 1843-1864 Digital version available