Union Catalogue

All records for The Linnean Society of London (974 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Almanach for ahret ... 1742. Til Upsala-horizont ... HIORTER, Olav. Petr. 933 Henr. Christopher Merckells 1741 Digital version available
Aer habitabilis. Quem, consens. nobil. nec non exper. ord. med. in Regia Academia Upsaliensi, praeside viro nobilissimo et experientissimo Dn. Doct. Carolo Linnaeo ... publice ventilandum sistit Johannes Vict. Siefvert, sudermannus. In Audit. Car. Maj. Ad Diem XXII. Dec. Anni MDCCLIX. LINNAEUS, Carl. 2091 1759 Digital version available
Adriani van Royen ... Florae Leydensis prodromus, exhibens plantas quae in Horto Academico Lugduno-Batavo aluntur. ROYEN VAN, Adrianus van, 1704-1779. 3611 Apud Samuelem Luchtmans 1740 Digital version available
Ad memoriam primi sui praesidis ejusdemque e conditioribus suis unius Caroli Linnaei opus illud pro primum Systema Naturae per tria regna dispositae explicavit Regia Academia Scientiarum Svecica biseculari natali auctoris denuo edidit. LINNAEUS, Carl 43 s.n 1907 Digital version available
Academisk afhandling om blomstrens honings-hus, under ... Carl von Linnes inseende, utgifven af Birger Marten Hall ... LINNAEUS, Carl 2211 Tryckt i for detta Holmeriska Tryckeriet 1778 Digital version available
Abhandlung von dem schlaf der pflanzen, und von der ursache der bewegung der empfindenden pflanze, in einem sendschreiben an den schwedischen kitter von Linne ... HILL, John. 439bb Michael Macklott 1776 Digital version available
Aap, vis, boek : Linnaeus in de Artis Bibliotheek / [redactie: Piet Verkruijsse en Chunglin Kwa ; tekst: Midas Dekkers ... [et al.]]. VERKRUIJSSE, P. J. 4075 Waanders 2007 Digital version available
A system of ''double entries'' in the zoological classification of Linnaeus. HOFSTEN, Nils von, 1881-1967. 4612 Almqvist & Wiksells 1963 Digital version available
A sketch of a tour on the Continent in the years 1786 and 1787. SMITH, James Edward, Sir, 1759-1828. 3880 Longman 1807 Digital version available
A sketch of a tour on the Continent in the years 1786 and 1787 ... SMITH, James Edward, Sir, 1759-1828. 2628a The author 1793 Digital version available
A short introduction to the science of botany: Explaining the terms of art made use of in the Linnaean System. Illustrated with five copper plates exhibiting the characters of the genera. [freely adapted from the Philosophia botanica, 1751] ... MILLER, Philip. 463 John Rivington 1760 Digital version available
A selection of the correspondence of Linnaeus and other naturalists, from the original manuscripts / by Sir James Edward Smith. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 2471 Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown 1821 Digital version available
A photographic record of the Linnaean collections. NORMAN, J. R. (John Roxbrough), 1898-1944. 4625 Linnean Society of London 1942 Digital version available
A passion for systems : Linnaeus and the dream of order in nature. SCHMITZ, Helene, 1960 - 1960-. 4032 Natur & Kultur 2007 Digital version available
A life of Linnaeus / by Miss Brightwell, of Norwich. BRIGHTWELL, C. L. (Cecilia Lucy), 1811-1875. 2722 John van Voorst 1858 Digital version available
A history of facts. DASTON, Lorraine, 1951-. 4666 Max-Planck-Institut f�r Wissenschaftsgeschichte 2001 Digital version available
A historical review of the mollusks of Linnaeus. DODGE, Henry. 4632 American Museum of Natural History 1952-1959 Digital version available
A genuine and universal system of natural history; comprising the three kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals, arranged under their respective classes, orders, genera, and species by the late Sir Charles Linnaeus ... Improved, corrected, and enlarged by J.Frid. Gmelin ... Faithfully translated, and rendered more complete by the addition of Vaillant's beautiful Birds of Africa; the superb fish of Mark Eliezer Bloch; the amphibious animals, reptiles, insects, etc. in the costly works of Seba, Merian, Fabricius, Knorr, etc, the elegant improvements of the Comte de Buffon, and the more modern discoveries of the British navigators in the South Pacific Ocean, New Holland, New South Wales, China, Cochin-China, etc. Methodically incorporated and arranged by the Editors of the Encyclopaedia Londinensis. LINNAEUS, Carl 129 G.Jones 1794-1810 Digital version available
A general view of the writings of Linnaeus. PULTENEY, Richard, 1730-1801. 2640 J. Mawman (printer: R. Taylor and co.) 1805 Digital version available
A general view of the writings of Linnaeus / by Richard Pulteney. PULTENEY, Richard, 1730-1801. 2607 Printed for T. Payne ; and B. White 1781 Digital version available