Union Catalogue

All records for The Linnean Society of London (978 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
The early adventures of Carl Linnaeus. BERGSTRÖM, Maria. 3995 Sensus Studief�rbund 2007 Digital version available
Linnaeus in Italy : the spread of a revolution in science. TOSI, Alessandro. BERETTA, Marco. 3999 Watson Pub. International LLC 2007 Digital version available
Index of the books and authors cited in the zoological works of Linnaeus (Index librorum et auctorum in operibus zoologicis Linneai citatorum) / by John L. Heller; edited by John M. Penhallurick. HELLER, John Lewis, 1906-1988 1953-. 4051 Ray Society 2007 Digital version available
Aap, vis, boek : Linnaeus in de Artis Bibliotheek / [redactie: Piet Verkruijsse en Chunglin Kwa ; tekst: Midas Dekkers ... [et al.]]. VERKRUIJSSE, P. J. 4075 Waanders 2007 Digital version available
Linneo a Bologna : l'arte della conoscenza = Linnaeus at Bologna : the art of knowledge : Bologna, Orto e Museo botanico, 22 ottobre 2007-31 gennaio 2008 / a cura di Donatella Biagi Maino e Giovanni Cristofolini. CRISTOFOLINI, Giovanni. BIAGI MAINO, Donatella. 4665 Umberto Allemandi 2007 Digital version available
Om Svinet (Sus Scrofa), akademisk avhandling under Linnes presidium, Uppsala 1759 / oversatt fran latinet av Johnny Strand. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 4109 Svenska Linn�s�llskapet 2007 Digital version available
The Linnaeus apostles : global science & adventure. Vol. 2 : Europe, Arctic, Asia. Bk. 2 : Johan Peter Falck. FALCK, Johan Peter, 1733-1773. 4008 IK Foundation & Company 2007 Digital version available
Om blodigeln (De Hirudine), akademisk avhandling under Linnes presidium, Uppsala 1764 / oversatt fran latinet av Johnny Strand. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 4110 Svenska Linn�s�llskapet 2007 Digital version available
Come into a new world : Linnaeus & America : an exhibition to commemorate the 300th birthday of the great Swedish scientist, Carolus Linnaeus [held] February 15- July 1, 2007, American Swedish Historical Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. / guest curator, Karen Reeds. 4082 American Swedish Historical Museum 2007 Digital version available
Linnaeus' Öland and Gotland journey, 1741. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 3988 Gyllene Snittet 2007 Digital version available
Linnéminnen. v.2: Erövraren: Linné-minnen från bergsmansgården Sveden. FORSBERG, Lars. 4743 Hera F�rlag 2007 Digital version available
Linné i nytt ljus: den första översättningen av Systema Naturae samt ny analys av Linnés perspektiv. FRANKELIUS, Per. 3996 Liber 2007 Digital version available
Carl von Linné: den fulländade forskaren / Torbjörn Lindell. LINDELL, Torbjörn. 4045 Historiska Media 2007 Digital version available
Linnaeus, genius of Uppsala. HARNESK, Helena. 4034 Hallgren & Fallgren 2007 Digital version available
Ädle och höglärde H. Archiater: om Charles De Geer och hans brevväxling med Carl von Linné. TOTTIE, Thomas. 3993 Stiftelsen Leufsta 2007 Digital version available
The travels of Peter Kalm, Finnish-Swedish naturalist, through colonial North America, 1748-1751. ROBBINS, Paula I. 4076 Purple Mountain Press 2007 Digital version available
Blomsteruret (Horologium plantarum) / [av] Carl Linnaeus fil. ; utgiven av Telemak Fredbärj. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1741-1783. 4105 Telemak Fredb�rj 2007 Digital version available
Linnaeus' network : exhibition : Kungl. Biblioteket - National Library of Sweden, December 13, 2007 - January 12, 2008. KåHRSTRöM, Olof 4866 K�hrstr�m & Rehnstr�m HB in cooperation with Kungl. biblioteket-National Library of Sweden & Hagstromerbiblioteket 2007 Digital version available
Upplev Gotland med Linné. PORSNE, Tord, 1931 - 1931-. 4702 Krilon 2007 Digital version available
Order out of chaos : Linnaean plant names and their types. JARVIS, Charles E. 4002 The Linnean Society of London with the Natural History Museum 2007 Digital version available