The early adventures of Carl Linnaeus. |
3995 |
Sensus Studief�rbund |
2007 |
Linnaeus in Italy : the spread of a revolution in science. |
TOSI, Alessandro. BERETTA, Marco. |
3999 |
Watson Pub. International LLC |
2007 |
Index of the books and authors cited in the zoological works of Linnaeus (Index librorum et auctorum in operibus zoologicis Linneai citatorum) / by John L. Heller; edited by John M. Penhallurick. |
HELLER, John Lewis, 1906-1988
1953-. |
4051 |
Ray Society |
2007 |
Aap, vis, boek : Linnaeus in de Artis Bibliotheek / [redactie: Piet Verkruijsse en Chunglin Kwa ; tekst: Midas Dekkers ... [et al.]]. |
4075 |
Waanders |
2007 |
Linneo a Bologna : l'arte della conoscenza = Linnaeus at Bologna : the art of knowledge : Bologna, Orto e Museo botanico, 22 ottobre 2007-31 gennaio 2008 / a cura di Donatella Biagi Maino e Giovanni Cristofolini. |
CRISTOFOLINI, Giovanni. BIAGI MAINO, Donatella. |
4665 |
Umberto Allemandi |
2007 |
Om Svinet (Sus Scrofa), akademisk avhandling under Linnes presidium, Uppsala 1759 / oversatt fran latinet av Johnny Strand. |
LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. |
4109 |
Svenska Linn�s�llskapet |
2007 |
The Linnaeus apostles : global science & adventure. Vol. 2 : Europe, Arctic, Asia. Bk. 2 : Johan Peter Falck. |
FALCK, Johan Peter, 1733-1773. |
4008 |
IK Foundation & Company |
2007 |
Om blodigeln (De Hirudine), akademisk avhandling under Linnes presidium, Uppsala 1764 / oversatt fran latinet av Johnny Strand. |
LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. |
4110 |
Svenska Linn�s�llskapet |
2007 |
Come into a new world : Linnaeus & America : an exhibition to commemorate the 300th birthday of the great Swedish scientist, Carolus Linnaeus [held] February 15- July 1, 2007, American Swedish Historical Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. / guest curator, Karen Reeds. |
4082 |
American Swedish Historical Museum |
2007 |
Linnaeus' Öland and Gotland journey, 1741. |
LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. |
3988 |
Gyllene Snittet |
2007 |
Linnéminnen. v.2: Erövraren: Linné-minnen från bergsmansgården Sveden. |
4743 |
Hera F�rlag |
2007 |
Linné i nytt ljus: den första översättningen av Systema Naturae samt ny analys av Linnés perspektiv. |
3996 |
Liber |
2007 |
Carl von Linné: den fulländade forskaren / Torbjörn Lindell. |
LINDELL, Torbjörn. |
4045 |
Historiska Media |
2007 |
Linnaeus, genius of Uppsala. |
HARNESK, Helena. |
4034 |
Hallgren & Fallgren |
2007 |
Ädle och höglärde H. Archiater: om Charles De Geer och hans brevväxling med Carl von Linné. |
TOTTIE, Thomas. |
3993 |
Stiftelsen Leufsta |
2007 |
The travels of Peter Kalm, Finnish-Swedish naturalist, through colonial North America, 1748-1751. |
ROBBINS, Paula I. |
4076 |
Purple Mountain Press |
2007 |
Blomsteruret (Horologium plantarum) / [av] Carl Linnaeus fil. ; utgiven av Telemak Fredbärj. |
LINNÉ, Carl von, 1741-1783. |
4105 |
Telemak Fredb�rj |
2007 |
Linnaeus' network : exhibition : Kungl. Biblioteket - National Library of Sweden, December 13, 2007 - January 12, 2008. |
KåHRSTRöM, Olof |
4866 |
K�hrstr�m & Rehnstr�m HB in cooperation with Kungl. biblioteket-National Library of Sweden & Hagstromerbiblioteket |
2007 |
Upplev Gotland med Linné. |
PORSNE, Tord, 1931 -
1931-. |
4702 |
Krilon |
2007 |
Order out of chaos : Linnaean plant names and their types. |
JARVIS, Charles E. |
4002 |
The Linnean Society of London with the Natural History Museum |
2007 |