Éloge de Charles von Linné ... Extrait des N.os III, IV, V et VI, du Journal des sciences utiles ci-devant d'Hist. naturelle, année 1790 / par M. de Saint-Amans. |
SAINT-AMANS, Jean Florimond Boudon de, 1748-1831. |
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Chez la veuve Noubel et fils ain� |
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Carolus Linnaeus / by Edward Lee Greene ; with an introduction by Barton Warren Evermann. |
GREENE, Edward Lee, 1843-1915. |
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Christopher Sower Company |
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Systeme naturel du regne animal, par classes, familles ou ordres, genres et especes. Avec une notice de tous les animaux; les noms Grecs, Latins, & vulgaires, que les Naturalistes leur ont donnes; Les citations des Auteurs qui en ont ecrit; une Table pour chaque Classe, qui designe la Famille ou l'Ordre, le Genre & l'Espece, de chaque Animal. |
KLEIN, Jacob Theodor. |
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Cl.J.B. Bauche |
1754 |
Index Kewensis : an enumeration of the genera and species of flowering plants and their synonyms from the time of Linnaeus to the year 1885 inclusive, together with their authors' names, the works in which they were first published, and their native countries / compiled at the expense of Charles Robert Darwin / under the direction of Joseph D. Hooker / by B. Daydon Jackson. [And supplements]. |
JACKSON, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927. |
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Clarendon |
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Carl Linnaeus : the roots of ethnobotany. |
COX, Paul Alan. |
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Cobblestone Publishing Company |
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Linnaeus: organising nature. |
Miles, Liz. |
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Collins |
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La feuille verte. |
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Conservatoire et jardin botaniques de la ville de Gen�ve |
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Helminthologia portugueza, em que se descrevem alguns generos das duas primeiras ordens, intestinaes, e molluscos da classe sexta do reino animal, vermes, e se exemplificao com varias amostras de suas especies segundo o systema do cavalheiro Carlos Linne ... |
BARBUT, James. |
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Correa da Silva. |
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Herr Archiatern på Hammarby : om Carl von Linné i Danmarks socken / Tomas Anderman. |
ANDERMAN, Tomas, 1942-. |
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Danmarks Hembygdsf�rening |
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Herr Archiater of Hammarby: Carl von Linné in the parish of Danmark / Tomas Anderman. |
ANDERMAN, Tomas, 1942-. |
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Danmarks Hembygdsf�rening |
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Skaparens lov : Carl von Linné och tron på Gud. |
ANDERMAN, Tomas, 1942-
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Danmarks och Funbo forsamlingar; Svenska kyrkan |
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Carl von Linné : Svensk flora. |
LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. |
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De Norske Bokklubbene |
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Qualitates vegetabilium", "vires medicamentorum" und "oeconomicus usus plantarum" bei Carl von Linné (1707-1778) : erste Versuche einer zielgerichteten Forschung nach Arznei- und Nutzpflanzen auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage. |
Hövel, Gerlinde. |
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Deutscher Apotheker Verlag |
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Carl Linnaeus and enlightened science in Spain / project managers: Enrique Martínez Ruiz, Magdalena de Pazzis Pi Corrales. |
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Direcci�n General de Investigaci�n Consejer�a de Educaci�n y Cultura, Communidad de Madrid |
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Taxonomic index to Andersson and Lönnberg papers on present location of Linnaean reptile and amphibian types / index prepared by Paulo E. Vanzolini. |
VANZOLINI, P. E. (Paulo Emilio), 1924-2013. |
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Division of Amphibians and Reptiles, U.S. National Museum of Natural History |
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The garden : opera in two acts based on the novel by Magnus Florin / libretto and story [by] Leif Janzon ; stage adaptation [by] Åsa Melldahl ; English translation [by] Jon Berry ; music [by] Jonas Forssell. |
FLORIN, Magnus, 1955-. |
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Drottningholm Court Theatre |
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Florae parisiensis prodromus : ou, Catalogue des plantes qui naissent dans les environs de Paris, rapportées sous les dénominations modernes et anciennes, et arrangées suivant la méthode séxuelle de M. Linnaeus. Avec l'explication en françois de tous les termes de la nouvelle nomenclature. |
DALIBARD, Thomas François, 1703-1799. |
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Durand & Pissot |
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Museum S:ae R:ae M:tis Adolphi Friderici Regis ... in quo animalia rariora imprimis, et exotica: quadrupedia, aves, amphibia, pisces, insecta, vermes describuntur et determinantur, latine et svetice cum iconibus ... a Car. Linnaeo, Equ. |
1085 |
E Typographia Regia |
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Carl Linné : le roi des fleurs / Knut Hagberg ; traduit du suèdois par T. Hammar et M. Metzger. |
HAGBERG, Knut, 1900-1975. |
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Editions ''Je Sers'' |
1944 |
Carl Linnaeus : travels. |
LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778 |
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Elek |
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