Souris de Norvege /
C. Linné |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
1119 |
Chez Panckoucke |
1772 |
Palais cornu /
C. Linné. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
1159d |
Chez Panckoucke |
1772 |
Institutes of Botany :
containing accurate, compleat and easy descriptions of all the known genera of Plants: translated from the Latin of the celebrated Charles von Linné ... To which are prefixed, I. A view of the ancient and present state of Botany. II. A synopsis, exhibiting the essential or striking characters which serve to discriminate genera of the same class and order; as likewise the secondary characters of each genus, or those derived from the port, habit or general appearance of the plants which compose it |
Milne, Colin,
1743-1815. |
660 |
Sold by W. Griffin; J. Nourse; P. Elmsly; Messrs. Richardson and Urquhart; F. Noble; and J. Robson |
1771-72 |
A copy of a letter from John Ellis, Esq; F.R.S. to Dr. Linnæus, F.R.S. &c. with the figure and characters of that elegant American Evergreentree, called by the Gardiners the Loblolly-Bay, taken from blossoms blown near London, and shewing that it is not an Hibiscus, as Mr. Miller calls it; nor an Hypericum, as Dr. Linnæus supposes it; but an intire [sic] new genus, to which Mr. Ellis gives the name of Gordonia. |
Ellis, John,
1710-1776. |
656a |
Printed for Lockyer Davis |
1771 |
Dissertatio medica de varia febrium intermittentium curatione, quam ... Praeside ... D. D. Carolo à Linné ...D. 11 Dec. 1771 ... /
exhibet Petrus C. Tillaeus |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
2411 |
Typis Edmannianis |
1771 |
Dominici Vandelli ... Fasciculus plantarum, cum novis generibus et speciebus. |
Vandelli, Domenico,
1732-1816. |
3888 |
Ex Typograhia Regia |
1771 |
Joachimi Friderici Bolten ... ad illustrem Systematis Naturæ authorem Carolum a Linné equitem auratum epistola de novo quodam zoophytorum genere. |
Bolten, Joachim Friedrich,
1718-1796 |
88 |
Sumptibus Viduae C. Heroldi |
1771 |
Förklaring, huru vida luckt af Hampa fördrifver K°al-mas /
af Olof Gerdes ; ... v. Linné, har ansedt föreg°aende Rön för ganska sannolikt... |
Gerdes, Olof |
1213 |
Tryckte hos Directeuren Lars Salvius, p°a des egen kostnad |
1771 |
Genera animalium :
ex editione duodecima Systematis naturae illustrissim Car. A. Linne. In usus academicos./
[by Robert Ramsay, teste Linnaeus]. |
Ramsay, Robert,
1735-1778 |
90 |
Typis Academicis |
1771 |
Dr. Fred. Hasselquist's Reize naar Palestina, of het H. Land :
Op hoog bevel van de Koninginne van Zweeden Louisa Ulrika in't licht gegeven door den beroemden Hoogleeraar Carolus Linnaeus. |
Hasselquist, Fredrik,
1722-1752. |
3584 |
By Jacobus Loveringh |
1771 |
Das Thier Narica /
Beschrieben von Carl von Linné. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
1209 |
bey Adam Heinrich Hollens Witwe |
1771 |
Pandora et flora Rybyensis, quam dissertatione academica, ... Praeside ... D. D. Carolo à Linné ... /
publicae ventilationi offert Daniel Henr. So̊derberg ... die XXVI. Junii, MDCCLXXI |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
2403 |
Apud Joh. Edman |
1771 |
Versuch einer teutschen Nomenclatur der Linneischen Gattungen zur Uebersetzung der Generum Plantarum Linnei /
[von J.J. Planer] |
Planer, Johann Jakob,
1743-1789. |
317 |
bey Johann Daniel Müller |
1771 |
A Voyage to China and the East Indies ... Together with a Voyage to Suratte by Olof Toreen, Chaplain of the Gothic Lion East Indiaman, and an Account of the Chinese Husbandry by Captain Charles Gustavus Eckeberg. /
Translated from the German by John Reinhold Forster ... To which are added a Faunula and Flora Sinensis. |
Osbeck, Pehr,
1723-1805 |
3601 |
Printed for Benjamin White |
1771 |
Zwo Anmerkungen aus der Naturgeschichte /
von Carl von Linné. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
1212 |
bey Adam Heinrich Hollens Witwe |
1771 |
Voyage de Mons. Olof Torée, Aumonier de la Compagnie Suedoise des Indes Orientales, fait à Surate, à la Chine, &c., depuis le premier Avril 1750, jusqu'au 26. Juin 1752 /
publié par M. Linnaeus, & traduit du Suédois par M. Dominique de Blackford. |
Torén, Olof,
1718-1753 |
3602 |
Chez les Frères Reycends |
1771 |
Partes Fructificationis, seu, Principia Botanices illustrata, quæ ... in Regia Academia Lundensi eruditorum censuræ /
subjiciunt Engelbertus Jörlin ... et Ericus Rumberg ... die 1 Maji, anno 1771 |
Jörlin, Engelbert,
1733-1810 |
658 |
Typis Caroli Gustavi Berling |
1771 |
Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliothèque de feu Son Excellence Monseigneur Charles Gustave Comte de Tessin ... qui seront mis en vente à Stokholm [sic] le [14] du mois d['Aout] prochain, 1771, et jours suivans. :
Catalogue öfwer framledne Hans Excellence ... Grefwe Herr Carl Gustaf Tessins hwackra och ansenliga Bok-Förråd Kommer til den mästbjudande på Auction af förfäljas i Stockholm den [14 aug:] och följande dagar. 1771. |
Tessin, Carl Gustaf,
Count. |
3624 |
Tryckt hos Peter Hesselberg |
1771 |
Joh. Ellis ... De <Dionæa muscipula> planta irritabili nuper detecta ad perill. Car. a Linné ...
Beschreibung der <Dionæa muscipula>, einer neu ent deckten merkwürdigen empfinflichen Pflanze, in einem Schreiben an den ... Ritter von Linné ... Aus dem Englischen übersezt und herausgegeben /
von D. Johann Christian Daniel Schreber. |
Ellis, John,
1710-1776. |
652 |
im verlag Wolfgang Walthers |
1771 |
The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands: containing the figures of birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, insects, and plants: particularly those not hitherto described, or incorrectly figured by former authors, with their descriptions in English and French.
To which is prefixed, a new and correct map of the countries; with observations on their natural state, inhabitants, and productions ... To the whole is now added a Linnaean index of the animals and plants /
by ... Mark Catesby. = Histoire naturelle de la Caroline, de la Floride, et des Isles de Bahama: contenant les desseins des oiseaux, des quadrupedes, des poissons, des serpens, des insectes, & des plantes, qui se trouvent dans ces pays-là; Et en particulier, de ceux qui n'ont point été decrits, jusqu' à present par les auteurs, ou peu exactement dessinés. Avec leur descriptions en françois & en anglois. On trouve au commencement une carte de ces pays, avec des remarques sur leur etat naturel, leurs habitans, & leurs productions ... On y a ajouté une table selon le systeme de Linnaeus /Par ... Marc Catesby ... |
Catesby, Mark,
1683-1749. |
145b |
Printed for Benjamin White |
1771 |