Union Catalogue

All records for Natural History Museum (2121 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
[Charles Linnaeus, afterwards von Linné] / [by Sir James Edward Smith, FRS] Smith, James Edward, Sir, 1759-1828. 2649 Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown ; 1812 Digital version available
[Linnaea, in Botany, so called in honour of the great Swedish naturalist (see Linnaeus [by Sir James E. Smith]), appears by the journal of his Tour to Lapland to have been chosen by himself to commemorate his own name, when he gathered it at Lyksele, May 29, 1732.] Smith, James Edward, Sir, 1759-1828. 286a Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown ; 1812 Digital version available
Verhandeling ter beantwoordering der vrage : zijn de vorderingen in de Natuurlijke Historie der dieren thans reeds genoegzaam, om een ander Systema dan dat van Linnæus in te yoeren, hetwelk, zoo veel mogelijk, bevrijd van willekeurige stelingen, door vastheid en eenyoudig heid van kenteekenen, boven anderen uitmunt, en verdienen zoude om algemeen aangenomen te worden? Zooja, welke zijn de grondtrekken van dit systema? Zoo neen, welke der thans bestaande stelzels is voor den tegenwoordigen staat der wetenschap te verkiezen? of welken weg moer men instaan om de genoemde moeijelijkheden te voorkomen? / door Joh. Bernhard Wildbrand Wilbrand, Johann Bernhard, 1779-1846 157 Johannes Allart 1812 Digital version available
Catalogus plantarum Americae septentrionalis, huc usque cognitarum indigenarum et cicurum = or, a catalogue of the hitherto known native and naturalized plants of North America, arranged according to the sexual system of Linnaeus .... Muehlenberg, Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst. 802f W. Hamilton 1813 Digital version available
Welsh botanology : a systematic catalogue of the native plants of the Isle of Anglesey in Latin, English and Welsh with the habitats of the rarer species and a few observations / by Hugh Davies Davies, Hugh, 1739-1821. 802e Printed for the Author by W. Marchant .... 1813 Digital version available
Catalogus Librorum Impressorum Bibliothecae Regiae Academiae Upsaliensis / [by Per Fabian Aurivillius]. Aurivillius, Per Fabian 3641 Excudebant Stenhammar et Palmblad 1814 Digital version available
Charles Linnaeus [Biographical sketch] Wilkes, John, 17- -1811. 2651 s.n 1814 Digital version available
Linnaea, s. [so named by Gronovius, in honour of the celebrated Linnaeus] Wilkes, John, 17- -1811. 287 s.n 1814 Digital version available
An introduction to Physiological and Systematical Botany, &c. Smith, James Edward, Sir, 1759-1828. 786e 1814 Digital version available
Termini Botanico-Cryptogamici ad normam recentiorum definiti nec non exemplis e classe vigesimaquarta systematis Linneani desumptis iconibusque ducentis et duodevicenis illustrati / auctore Dominico Nocca. Nocca, Domenico. 802k Ex Tipografia J. Joannis Capelli 1814 Digital version available
A synopsis of the genera of American plants according to the latest improvements on the Linnæn system : with the new genera of Michaux and others. Intended for the use of students in botany ... Rich, O. 1777-1850. 802l Printed by J.M. Carter for J. Milligan [etc.] 1814 Digital version available
An epitome of the second edition of Hortus Kewensis for the use of practical gardeners to which is added, a selection of suculent vegetables and fruits cultivated in the Royal Gardens at Kew. Aiton, William Townsend, 1766-1849. 802h Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown 1814 Digital version available
Ueber die Classification der Thiere : eine von der Akademie zu Haarlem mit der goldenen Medaille gekrönte Preisschrift Wilbrand, Johann Bernhard, 1779-1846. 157b bei Georg Friedrich Tasche 1814 Digital version available
Specimen Animalium, Vegetabilium et Mineralium in Insula Minorica frequentiorum ad normam Linnæani Sistematis exaratum : accedunt nomina vernacula in quantum fieri potuit. Ramis y Ramis, Juan, 1746-1819. 157a Excudebat Petrus Antonius Serra 1814 Digital version available
A Family Herbal : or familiar account of the medical properties of British and foreign plants, also their uses in dying [sic], and the various arts, arranged according to the Linnæan system, and illustrated by two hundred and fifty-eight engravings from plants drawn from nature by Henderson, and engraved by Bewick of Newcastle Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837. 793 B. and R. Crosby and Co. 1814 Digital version available
Hortus Jamaicensis : or a botanical description (according to the Linnean system) and an account of the virtues of its indigenous plants hitherto known, as also of the most useful exotics .... / by John Lunan. Lunan, John. 802j Printed at the office of the St. Jago de la Vega Gazette 1814 Digital version available
Index alphabeticus generum botanicorum quotquot a Willdenovio in speciebus plantarum et a Persoonio in synopsi plantarum .... / A. G. G. Lichtenstein Lichtenstein, August Gerhard Gottfried, 1780-1851. 518 s.n 1814 Digital version available
General conchology : or, a description of shells, arranged according to the Linnaean system, and illustrated with plates, accurately drawn and coloured from nature / by William Wood Wood, W. 1774-1857. 3964 John Booth 1814? Digital version available
Elements of conchology : according to the Linnaean system, illustrated by twenty-eight plates, drawn from nature / by the Rev. E. I. Burrows. Burrow, E. J. 1785-1861 158a Richard and Arthur Taylor 1815 Digital version available
General conchology : or, a description of shells, arranged according to the Linnean system, and illustrated with plates, drawn and coloured from nature. Vol. 1 / by W. Wood Wood, W. 1774-1857. 1235 John Booth 1815 Digital version available