Union Catalogue

All records for Natural History Museum (2121 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Synopsis plantarum insulis Britannicis indigenarum : complectens characteres genericos et specificos secundum systema sexuale distributos / curante J. Symons. Symons, Jelinger, 1778-1851. 767a Veneunt apud J. White 1798 Digital version available
Dissertatio academica de stilo Lucii Annaei Senecae, quam / Praeside M. Joh. Lundblad ... eruditorum censurae ... die XXI m. Dec. MDCCXCVIII pro summis in philosophia honoribus obtinendis modeste permittit auctor Carolus Linnaeus, Smolandus. Lundblad, Johan, 1753-1820. 3801a Litteris Berlingianis 1798 Digital version available
Flora Bedfordiensis : comprehending such plants as grow wild in the county of Bedford arranged according to the system of Linnæus with occasional remarks / by Charles Abbot. Abbot, Charles, 1761-1817. 763a 1798 Digital version available
Gulielmi Hudsoni ... Flora Anglica; exhibens plantas per Regnum Britanniæ sponte crescentes distributas secundum systema sexuale: cum differentiis specierum, synonymis auctorum, nominibus incolarum, solo locorum, tempore florendi, officinalibus pharmacopæorum Hudson, William, 1730?-1793. 643d Printed for R. Faulder; Wm. Otridge and Son; R. Lea; E. Jeffery; Ogilvie and Son; J. Cuthell; Lackington, Allen, and Co.; Vernor and Hood; J. Walker; and J. Nunn 1798 Digital version available
Handbuch zur Kenntniß des Linneischen Pflanzensystems und seiner Terminologie, zum Untersuchen der Pflanzen und zum Anlegen eines Herbariums. [Theil III] / von Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Koch Koch, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm, 1759-1831. 764 bey Georg Christian Keil 1798 Digital version available
Dijudicatio emendationum Systematis Sexualis Linneani, quam, Jussa. Ampl. Ord. Philos. Lund. modeste exhibent Jacob Sönnerberg ... et Andreas Petrus Segersteen ... D. 21 Novemb. 1798 Sönnerberg, Jacob. 767 Typis C. F. Berling 1798 Digital version available
Tracts relating to natural history. Smith, James Edward, Sir, 1759-1828. 2624 Printed for the author by J. Davis 1798 Digital version available
Histoire des plantes d'Europe et étrangères, les plus communes, les plus utiles et les plus curieuses; ou Élémens de Botanique pratique; ouvrage dans lequet on donne le signalement précis, suivant le méthode et les principes de Linné ... / par ... Jean-Emmanuel Gilibert. Gilibert, Jean Emmanuel, 1741-1814. 763aa Chez Amable Leroy 1798 Digital version available
Theoria generationis et fructificationis plantarum Cryptogamicarum Linnæi .... / auctore Joanne Hedwig. Hedwig, Johann. 693 Ex Officina Breitkopfio - Hærteliana 1798 Digital version available
Thirty-eight plates, [by F.P. Nodder] with explanations; intended to illustrate Linnæus's System of Vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the Elements of Botany [by J.J. Rousseau] / [compiled by] Thomas Martyn Martyn, Thomas, 1735-1825. 594a Printed for J. White 1799 Digital version available
Methode, ou, systeme sexuel de Linne. Philibert, J. C. 769 de L'Imprimerie de Digeon 1799 Digital version available
The British flora, or a Linnean arrangement of British plants. with their generic and specific characters, select synonyms, English names, places of growth, duration, times of flowering, and references to figures / by John Hull. Hull, John, 1761-1843. 772* R. & W. Dean 1799 Digital version available
Thirty-eight plates, [by F.P. Nodder] with explanations; intended to illustrate Linnæus's System of Vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the Elements of Botany [by J.J. Rousseau] / [compiled by] Thomas Martyn Martyn, Thomas, 1735-1825. 594 Printed for J. White 1799 Digital version available
La Flore des environs de Paris, : ou distribution méthodique des plantes qui y croissent naturellement, faite d'apre`s le systême de Linn`ee ... / par J. L. Thuillier. Thuillier, Jean Louis. 742c Chez l'Auteur ; Chez H. L. Perroneau, Imp. 1799 Digital version available
Letter from Linnæus to Père Gabriel, Capuchin, of Aix (Provence), July 6, 1758. Communicated to the Lycée de Grenoble by the Chevalier Berriat-Saint-Prix Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2513a Chez Fuchs 1799 Digital version available
The natural history of British Shells, including figures and descriptions of all the species hitherto discovered in Great Britain, systematically arranged in the Linnean manner, with scientific and general observations on each / by E. Donovan. Donovan, E. 1768-1837 1233* Printed for the author and for F. C. and J. Rivington, No. 62, St. Paul's Church-yard 1799-1804 Digital version available
A new illustration of the sexual system of C. von Linnæus : comprehending, an elucidation of the several parts of the fructification : a prize dissertation on the sexes of plants ; a full explanation of the classes, and orders, of the sexual system ; and the Temple of Flora, or Garden of Nature, being picturesque, botanical, coloured plates, of select plants ... with descriptions. Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837. 772 printed for the author by T. Bensley 1799-1807 Digital version available
A new illustration of the sexual system of C. von Linnæus : comprehending, an elucidation of the several parts of the fructification : a prize dissertation on the sexes of plants ; a full explanation of the classes, and orders, of the sexual system ; and the Temple of Flora, or Garden of Nature, being picturesque, botanical, coloured plates, of select plants ... with descriptions. Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837. 3145 printed for the author by T. Bensley 1799-1807 Digital version available
Förslag till inscription öfver framledne Archiatren m. m. Carl von Linnés minnesvǎrd, samt till Skådepenningar öfver namnkunnige Män i Konung Carl XI:s tid. / upgifna af Gunnar Backman Backman, Gunnar, 1762-1848 2635a Tryckte hos Joh. Pehr Lindh 1800 Digital version available
Faunae Suecicae a Carolo a Linne. Equ., inchoatae Pars prima sistens Mammalia, Aves, Amphibia et Pisces Sueciae, quam recognovit emendavit et auxit Andreas Joannes Retzius. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1154 Apud Siegfried Lebrecht Crusium 1800 Digital version available