Carl von Linné såsom botanist. |
LINDMAN, Carl Axel Magnus. |
888 |
1907] |
Resp. Prolepsis plantarum. |
ULLMARK, Henricus. |
2145 |
1769 |
Synopsis plantarum Insulis Britannicis indigenarum; complectens characteres genericos et specificos secundum systema sexuale distributos. |
SYMONS, Jelinger,
A.B., F.L.S. |
767a |
1798 |
An introduction to botany, containing an explanation of the theory of that science, and an interpretation of its technical terms, extracted from the works of Linnæus ... With ... an appendix containing upwards of two thousand English names of plants ... By James Lee. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
459 |
1796 |
Resp. Animadversiones in classem piscium Linneanam, etc. Præs. A. J. Retzio, etc. |
PLANANDER, Lars Alger. |
155 |
1803 |
Carl von Linné såsom geolog ... Med 2 taflor. |
NATHORST, Alfred Gabriel. |
2923/4 |
1907] |
Nomenclator botanicus, enumerans plantas omnes in Systematis naturæ edit. XII. Specier. plantarum edit. II. et mantissis binis a ... C. von L ... descriptas. [By A. J. Retzius.] |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
83 |
1772 |
Materialien zur Geschichte der Entomologie bis Linné. [With plates.] |
Bodenheimer, F. S.
1897-1959. |
1271f |
1928, 29. |
De Lavandula.-. |
Linné, Carl von,
1741-1783 |
3830 |
1783.] |
Fresta duger, jämte andra uppsatser. |
CEDERSCHIÖLD, Gustaf Johan Christofer. |
2986 |
1914 |
Resp. Ficus. |
Hegardt, Cornelius,
1715-1772. |
1391 |
Linnéska Institutets skrifter. Första häftet ... Med fullständigad text och inledning [by J. M. Hulth]. Änyo utgifvet. |
HULTH, Johan Markus. |
2867a |
1807; 1906 [reprinted] |
Testacea Musei Cæsarei Vindobonensis, quæ jussu Mariæ Theresiæ Augustæ disposuit et descripsit Ignatius a Born. [An enlarged edition of the Latin text only of “Index rerum naturalium Musei Cæarei Vindobonensis. Pars. I.”] Lat. . |
Baron. BORN, Ignaz von |
3134a |
1780 |
Studier öfver Salices i Linnés herbarium. [With two plates.] |
4270 |
1907 |
Nomenclator botanicus enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina et synonyma [pt. I.] plantis phanerogamis [pt. II.] (plantis cryptogamis) imposita. |
STEUDEL, Ernst Gottlieb. |
35 |
1821-24 |
Carl von Linné. Föredrag hålbet vid Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens årshögtid den 30 April 1907 af F. Elfving. |
ELFVING, Fredrik Emil Volmar. |
2895 |
1907 |
A catalog of an exhibition commemorating the 250th anniversary of the birth of Carolus Linnaeus, 1707-1957, and the 200th anniversary of the issue of the Systema naturae, 10th edition, 1758-1958 /
by Thomas R. Buckman. [With illustrations, including a portrait.] |
Buckman, Thomas R. |
4493 |
1957 |
Diccionario dos termos technicos de historia natural, extrahidos das obras de Linnéo, com a sua explicaçaõ ... e a memoria sobre a utilidade dos jardins botanicos, etc. |
Vandelli, Domenico,
1735-1816. |
725 |
1788 |
Viridarium: coloured plates of greenhouse plants, with the Linnean names, and with concise rules for their culture. |
Moriarty, Henrietta Maria. |
785n |
1806 |
Flora universalis in colorirten Abbildungen, ein Kupferwerk zu den Schriften Linnés, Willdenows ... u. A. Herausgegeben von D. Dietrich. |
DIETRICH, Nathanael Friedrich David. |
4281 |
1831-[56] |