Abrégé de l'histoire des plantes usuelles ... Nouvelle édition. |
CHOMEL, Pierre Jean Baptiste. |
780 |
1803 |
Naturforskeren Pehr Forsskål. Hans Rejse till Ægypten og Arabien 1761-63 og hans botaniske Arbejder og Samlinger. Med 40 hidtil utrykte Breve og Dokumenter og et Portræt. |
CHRISTENSEN, Carl Frederik Albert. |
2994 |
1918 |
Manuel d'herborisation en Suisse et en Valais, rédigé selon le systême de Linné; avec l'indication d'un nouveau systême ... Par l'auteur de l'entomologie helvétique [-de Clairville]. |
CLAIRVILLE, Joseph Philippe de. |
795 |
1811 |
[Démonstrations élémentaires de botanique, à l'usage de l'École royale vétérinaire. [By M. A. L. Claret de La Tourette and F. Rozier.]] |
CLARET DE LA TOURETTE, Marc Antoine Louis,
and ROZIER (François) |
716 |
1787 |
[Démonstrations élémentaires de botanique, à l'usage de l'École royale vétérinaire. [By M. A. L. Claret de La Tourette and F. Rozier.]] |
CLARET DE LA TOURETTE, Marc Antoine Louis,
and ROZIER (François) |
717 |
1796 |
Voyage au Mont-Pilat dans la province du Lyonnois, contenant des observations sur l'histoire naturelle de cette montagne, ... suivies du catalogue raisonné des plantes qui y croissent. [By M. A. L. Claret de La Tourette.] |
CLARET DE LA TOURETTE, Marc Antoine Louis. |
655ab |
1770 |
Hortus Anglicus; or, The modern English garden: containing a ... description of all the plants which are cultivated in the climate of Great Britain ... arranged according to the system of Linnæus ... By the author of “The British botanist” [i.e. S. R. Clarke]. |
CLARKE, Stephen Reynolds. |
823a |
F. C. & J. Rivington |
1822 |
Sketches in biography, designed to show the influence of literature on character and happiness. |
Esq. |
4484 |
Waugh & Innes |
1825 |
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit ... Mit 13 Abbildungen. |
COHEN, Ernst Julius,
and MEESTER (W. A. T. Cohen de) |
4503 |
1936 |
Flora comense disposta secondo il sistema di Linneo. |
COMOLLI, Giuseppe. |
842g |
1834-57 |
Ensayo de una historia de los peces y otras producciones marinas de la costa de Galícia, arreglado al sistema del caballero Cárlos Linneo. Con un tratado de las diversas pescas, y de las redes y aparejos con que se practican. |
1227c |
1788 |
Christiani Andreae Cothenii ... Dispositio vegetabilium methodica staminum numero desumta. |
COTHENIUS, Christianus Andreas,
Geheimrat. |
596 |
1790 |
Dispositio systematica plantarum, quæ in systemate sexuali Linnaeano eas classes et ordines non obtinent, in quibus secundum numerum et structuram genitalium reperiri debent. |
CRAMER, Joannes Christianus. |
781 |
1803 |
Henr. Io. Nepom. Crantz ... Institutiones rei herbariae iuxta nutum naturae digestae ex habitu. |
CRANTZ, Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von. |
649a |
1766 |
Saggio per formare un sistema di mineralogia ... tradotto ... in inglese, ed arricchito di note dal sig. G. von Engestrom, aggiuntovi un trattato sull'elaboratorio da tasca inventato dal sig. Cronstedt ... Tutto poi revisto, e corretto, con alcune note aggiuntevi dal sig. E. Mendes da Costa, ed ora recato in italiano [by A. Talier]. L.P. |
CRONSTEDT, Axel Fredrik. |
1025g |
1775 |
An essay towards a system of mineralogy ... Translated ... with annotations, and an additional treatise on the blow-pipe. By Gustav von Engestrom ... The second edition, greatly enlarged and improved, by the addition of the modern discoveries; and by a new arrangement of the articles, by John Hyacinth de Magellan, etc. [Revised, with notes, by Emmanuel Mendes da Costa.] |
CRONSTEDT, Axel Fredrik. |
3954 |
Charles Dilly |
1788 |
An essay towards a system of mineralogy ... Translated, from the original Swedish, with notes, by G. von Engestrom. To which is added, a Treatise on the pocket-laboratory, containing an easy method ... for trying mineral bodies, written by the translator. The whole revised and corrected, with some additional notes, by E. Mendes da Costa. |
CRONSTEDT, Axel Fredrik. |
1025f |
Edward & Charles Dilly |
1770 [-1772] |
Linnæus's System of botany, so far as relates to his classes and orders of plants; illustrated by figures entirely new, with copious explanatory descriptions, etc. |
CURTIS, William,
Botanist. |
678 |
Printed & sold by W. Phillips for Samuel Curtis |
1803 |
A companion to the Botanical Magazine; or, a familiar introduction to the study of botany, being the substance of a course of lectures, chiefly explanatory of the Linnæan system, read at the Botanic Garden, Lambeth-Marsh ... Now first published in the form of a dialogue betwixt a pupil and his preceptor, and illustrated by figures entirely new. |
CURTIS, William,
Botanist. |
724 |
Printed for the Author |
1788 |
Linnæus's system of botany, so far as relates to his classes and orders of plants; illustrated by figures entirely new, with copious explanatory descriptions, etc. |
CURTIS, William,
Botanist. |
677 |
The Author |
1777 |