Union Catalogue

All records for Scientific and Heritage Libraries of the City of Geneva (750 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
El príncipe de los botánicos Linneo Antonio Gonzalez Bueno González Bueno, Antonio 1958-.... 4228 Nivola 2001 Digital version available
Men around Linnaeus ill., text and layout Annika Silander Hökerberg Silander Hökerberg, Annika 4033 éditeur non identifié Ruter Media Group 2000 © 2000 Digital version available
Från skånska resa till Skånes flora Sven Snogerup och Matz Jörgensen Snogerup, Sven 4230 Lunds Botaniska Förening 2000 Digital version available
Korean 'Cyperaceae' 'Bulbostylis' Kunth, 'Cyperus' Linné, 'Eleocharis' R.Brown, 'Eriophorum' Linné, 'Fimbristylis' Vahl, 'Fuirena' Rottb., 'Kobresia' Willd., 'Kyllinga', Rottb., 'Lipocarpha', R.Brown, 'Rhynchospora' Vahl, 'Scirpus' Linné, 'Scleria' Berger Yong Cha Oh Oh, Yong Cha 4231 Sungshin Women's University Press 2000 Digital version available
Linnaeus nature and nation Lisbet Koerner Koerner, Lisbet 4018 Harvard University Press 1999 Digital version available
Index to scientific names of organisms cited in the Linnaean dissertations together with a synoptic bibliography of the dissertations and a concordance for selected editions Robert W. Kiger, Charlotte A. Tancin, Gavin D.R. Bridson Kiger, Robert William 1940- 4233 Hunt Institute for Botanical DocumentationCarnegie Mellon University 1999 Digital version available
Botanik und weltweiter Handel zur Begründung eines natürlichen Systems der Pflanzen durch Carl von Linné (1707-78) Staffan Müller-Wille Müller-Wille, Staffan 1964- 4232 Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung 1999 Digital version available
Lund på Linnés tid Matz Jörgensen Jörgensen, Matz 4234 Historiska Media 1999 Digital version available
'Geraniaceae' for the Linnaeus typification project prep. by R. Clifton Clifton, Richard Timothy Fred 1943- 4960 Geraniaceae Group 1999 Digital version available
Mutis, apôtre de Linné en Nouvelle-Grenade histoire de la botanique dans la vice-royauté de la Nouvelle-Grenade (1760-1783) José Antonio Amaya Amaya, José Antonio 4235 Institut Botànic de Barcelona 1999 Digital version available
I Linnés hjulspår runt Skåne Sven Snogerup, Matz Jörgensen Snogerup, Sven 4236 Atlantis 1997 Digital version available
Bibliographia discipuli Linnæi bibliographies of the 331 pupils of Linnæus Sven-Erik Sandermann Olsen Sandermann Olsen, Sven-Erik botaniste 19..-.... 4237 Bibliotheca Linnæana Danica 1997 Digital version available
Linnean lichen names and their typification Per M. Jørgensen, Peter W. James and Charles E. Jarvis Jørgensen, Per M. 4238 Academic Press 1994 Digital version available
A list of Linnaean generic names and their types compiled by C.E. Jarvis... [et al.] on behalf of the Special Committee on Lectotypification, Subcommittee on the Lectotypification of Linnaean Generic Names Jarvis, C.E Jarvis, Charles Edward 1954- Jarvis, Charlie 4239 publ. for the International Association for Plant Taxonomy by Koeltz Scientific Books 1993 Digital version available
Linné et la France, (1780-1850) Pascal Duris Duris, Pascal 3917 Droz 1993 Digital version available
Filosofii︠a︡ botaniki = Philosophia botanica Karl Linneĭ ; izdanie podgotovil I.E. Amlinskiĭ ; [perevod s latinskogo N.N. Zabinkovoĭ and others] Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 4947 Nauka 1989 Digital version available
Linneo en México las controversias sobre el sistema binario sexual, 1788-1798 Roberto Moreno Moreno de los Arcos, Roberto 4240 Universidad nacional autónoma de México 1989 Digital version available
Correspondence of Linnaeus Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 4241 IDC 1987? Digital version available
Linné 1707 - 1778 : le prince des botanistes Wilfrid Blunt ; trad. de l'anglais par Françoise Robert ; préf. et notes de G.-G. Aymonin Blunt, Wilfrid 1901-1987 4029 Belin 1986 Digital version available
Contemporary perspectives on Linnaeus (papers pres. at a symposium on Linnaeus; University of Texas, Austin, October 1981) ed.: John Weinstock Weinstock, John M 1936-.... 3894 University Press of America 1985 © 1985 Digital version available