El príncipe de los botánicos
Antonio Gonzalez Bueno |
González Bueno, Antonio
1958-.... |
4228 |
Nivola |
2001 |
Men around Linnaeus
ill., text and layout Annika Silander Hökerberg |
Silander Hökerberg, Annika |
4033 |
éditeur non identifié
Ruter Media Group
© 2000 |
Från skånska resa till Skånes flora
Sven Snogerup och Matz Jörgensen |
Snogerup, Sven |
4230 |
Lunds Botaniska Förening |
2000 |
Korean 'Cyperaceae'
'Bulbostylis' Kunth, 'Cyperus' Linné, 'Eleocharis' R.Brown, 'Eriophorum' Linné, 'Fimbristylis' Vahl, 'Fuirena' Rottb., 'Kobresia' Willd., 'Kyllinga', Rottb., 'Lipocarpha', R.Brown, 'Rhynchospora' Vahl, 'Scirpus' Linné, 'Scleria' Berger
Yong Cha Oh |
Oh, Yong Cha |
4231 |
Sungshin Women's University Press |
2000 |
nature and nation
Lisbet Koerner |
Koerner, Lisbet |
4018 |
Harvard University Press |
1999 |
Index to scientific names of organisms cited in the Linnaean dissertations together with a synoptic bibliography of the dissertations and a concordance for selected editions
Robert W. Kiger, Charlotte A. Tancin, Gavin D.R. Bridson |
Kiger, Robert William
1940- |
4233 |
Hunt Institute for Botanical DocumentationCarnegie Mellon University |
1999 |
Botanik und weltweiter Handel
zur Begründung eines natürlichen Systems der Pflanzen durch Carl von Linné (1707-78)
Staffan Müller-Wille |
Müller-Wille, Staffan
1964- |
4232 |
Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung |
1999 |
Lund på Linnés tid
Matz Jörgensen |
Jörgensen, Matz |
4234 |
Historiska Media |
1999 |
'Geraniaceae' for the Linnaeus typification project
prep. by R. Clifton |
Clifton, Richard Timothy Fred
1943- |
4960 |
Geraniaceae Group |
1999 |
Mutis, apôtre de Linné en Nouvelle-Grenade
histoire de la botanique dans la vice-royauté de la Nouvelle-Grenade (1760-1783)
José Antonio Amaya |
Amaya, José Antonio |
4235 |
Institut Botànic de Barcelona |
1999 |
I Linnés hjulspår runt Skåne
Sven Snogerup, Matz Jörgensen |
Snogerup, Sven |
4236 |
Atlantis |
1997 |
Bibliographia discipuli Linnæi
bibliographies of the 331 pupils of Linnæus
Sven-Erik Sandermann Olsen |
Sandermann Olsen, Sven-Erik
19..-.... |
4237 |
Bibliotheca Linnæana Danica |
1997 |
Linnean lichen names and their typification
Per M. Jørgensen, Peter W. James and Charles E. Jarvis |
Jørgensen, Per M. |
4238 |
Academic Press |
1994 |
A list of Linnaean generic names and their types
compiled by C.E. Jarvis... [et al.] on behalf of the Special Committee on Lectotypification, Subcommittee on the Lectotypification of Linnaean Generic Names |
Jarvis, C.E Jarvis, Charles Edward 1954- Jarvis, Charlie |
4239 |
publ. for the International Association for Plant Taxonomy by Koeltz Scientific Books |
1993 |
Linné et la France, (1780-1850)
Pascal Duris |
Duris, Pascal |
3917 |
Droz |
1993 |
Filosofii︠a︡ botaniki
= Philosophia botanica
Karl Linneĭ ; izdanie podgotovil I.E. Amlinskiĭ ; [perevod s latinskogo N.N. Zabinkovoĭ and others] |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
4947 |
Nauka |
1989 |
Linneo en México
las controversias sobre el sistema binario sexual, 1788-1798
Roberto Moreno |
Moreno de los Arcos, Roberto |
4240 |
Universidad nacional autónoma de México |
1989 |
Correspondence of Linnaeus |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
4241 |
1987? |
1707 - 1778 : le prince des botanistes
Wilfrid Blunt ; trad. de l'anglais par Françoise Robert ; préf. et notes de G.-G. Aymonin |
Blunt, Wilfrid
1901-1987 |
4029 |
Belin |
1986 |
Contemporary perspectives on Linnaeus
(papers pres. at a symposium on Linnaeus; University of Texas, Austin, October 1981)
ed.: John Weinstock |
Weinstock, John M 1936-.... |
3894 |
University Press of America
© 1985 |