A catalogue of the Linnaean herbarium
comp. and annotated by Spencer Savage |
Savage, Spencer |
3536b |
Taylor & Francis |
1945 |
le rêve de l'ordre dans la nature
Hélène Schmitz photographies, Nils Uddenberg, Pia Östensson ; trad. de l'anglais par Michel Laurin |
Schmitz, Helene |
4216 |
Belin |
2007 |
A passion for systems
Linnaeus and the dream of order in nature
Helene Schmitz, conception and photography ; Nils Uddenberg, text ; Pia Östensson, botanical information and picture captions ; Rachelle Puryear and Håkan Lövgren, engl. transl. |
Schmitz, Helene |
4032 |
Natur och Kultur |
2007 |
System och passion
Linné och drömmen om naturens ordning
Helene Schmitz, idé och fotografi ; Nils Uddenberg, text ; Pia Östensson, botanik och bildtext |
Schmitz, Helene
1960- |
3975 |
Natur och Kultur |
2007 |
Theses medicae quas Praeside D. D. Car. Linnaeo proposuit Jo. Christ. Dan. Schreber, Upsaliae 1760, Junii. 14 |
Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel
1739-1810 |
2114 |
Linné und Fabricius
zu ihrem Leben und Werk : drei Faksimiles zu Linnés 150[.] Todestag, mit einem Nachwort über das natürliche System
hrsg. von Julius Schuster |
Schuster, Julius |
3092 |
Verlag der Münchner Drucke |
1928 |
Joannes A. Scopoli - Carl Linnaeus
Dopisovanje = Correspondence : 1760-1775
[prevod pisem v slovenski jezik, angleši prevod [ter uvodno besedilo] Darinka Soban |
Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio
1723-1788 |
4223 |
Prirodoslivno Društvo Slovenije |
2004 |
An index to the authors (other than Linnaeus) mentioned in the catalogue of the works of Linnaeus preserved in the libraries of the British Museum, second edition, 1933
[by C. Davies Sherborn] |
Sherborn, Charles Davies
1861-1942 |
3677* |
Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum |
1936 |
Materia medica e regno animali quam praeside D. D. Car. Linnaeo publico examini modeste subjicit Jonas Sidrén, Upsaliae 1750, Maj. 25 |
Sidrèn, Jonas
17..-.... |
1610 |
Aer habitabilis quem Praeside D. D. Car. Linnaeo proposuit Johannes Vict. Siefvert, Upsaliae 1759, Decembr. 22 |
Siefvert, Johannes Victor
17..-.... |
2094 |
Vaniloquentiae botanicae specimen, a M. Io. Gottlieb Gleditsch in Consideratione epicriseos Siegesbeckianae in scripta botanica Linnaei, pro rite obtinendo sexualistae titulo, nuper evulgatum
jure vero retorsionis refutatum et elusum a Io. Georgio Siegesbeck ... ... |
Siegesbeck, Johann Georg
1686-1755 |
626 |
éditeur non identifié |
1741 |
Men around Linnaeus
ill., text and layout Annika Silander Hökerberg |
Silander Hökerberg, Annika |
4033 |
éditeur non identifié
Ruter Media Group
© 2000 |
Linné Karl et l'étude de la flore nord-américaine au 18e siècle
C. Skottsberg |
Skottsberg, Carl
1880-1963 |
4260 |
éditeur non identifié |
1956 |
Morbi Artificum quos Praeside D. D. Car. Linné proposuit Nicolaus Skragge, Upsaliae 1764, Jun. 15 |
Skragge, Nils
1738-1787 |
2296 |
Linnés brudkammare
= The Bridal Chambers of Linnaeus
Pauline Snoeijs |
Snoeijs-Leijonmalm, Pauline
19..-.... |
3972 |
Artéa |
2007 |
Från skånska resa till Skånes flora
Sven Snogerup och Matz Jörgensen |
Snogerup, Sven |
4230 |
Lunds Botaniska Förening |
2000 |
I Linnés hjulspår runt Skåne
Sven Snogerup, Matz Jörgensen |
Snogerup, Sven |
4236 |
Atlantis |
1997 |
A catalogue of the works of Linnaeus (and publications more immediately relating thereto) preserved in the libraries of the British Museum (Bloomsbury) and the British Museum (Natural History) (South Kensington)
[compiled by B.H. Soulsby] |
Soulsby, Basil Harrington 1864-1933 |
4066 |
Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum |
1933 |
Iter in Chinam quod Praeside D. D. Car. v. Linné proposuit Andreas Sparrman, Upsaliae 1768, Novembr. 30 |
Sparrman, Anders
1748-1820 |
2396 |
Dissertatio academica sistens Iter in Chinam ... Moderante ... D:no. Car. v. Linné ...
publico examini submissa ab Andrea Sparrman ... d. 30. Nov. Anni 1768 |
Sparrman, Anders
1748-1820 |
2393 |
Apud Johann Edman |
1768 |