Abrégé du Système de la nature, de Linné, histoire des mammaires ou des quadrupèdes et cétacées. Contenant, 1. la traduction libre du texte de Linné et de Gmelin; 2. l'extrait des observations de Buffon, Brisson, Pallas, et autres célèbres zoologistes; 3. l'anatomie comparée des principales espèces: le tout relatif aux quadrupèdes et aux cétacées les plus curieux et les plus utiles. Par le Cit. J. E. Gilibert .. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
139 |
1802 |
A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals, systematically divided into their several classes, orders, genera, species, and varieties, with their habitations, manners, economy, structure, and peculiarities. By sir Charles Linné: translated from Gmelin, Fabricius, Willdenow, &c. together with various modern arrangements and corrections ... with a life of Linné, appropriate copper-plates, and a dictionary explanatory of the terms which occur in the several departments of natural history, by William Turton ... In seven volumes. Animal kingdom. - Vol. I. Mammalia. Birds. Amphibia. Fishes. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
138 |
1806 |
Cryptogamie complette, ou Description des plantes dont les étamines sont peu apparentes; suivant les ordres ou familles, les genres, les espèces, avec les caractères et les différences; par Charles Linné, première édition française, calquée sur celle de Gmlin, augmentée et enrichie de notions élémentaires, de notes diverses, etc. etc. par N. Jolyclerc ... |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
136 |
1799 |
A botanical nomenclator; containing a systematical arrangement of the classes, orders, genera, and species of plants, as described in the new edition of Linnæus's systema naturæ, by dr. Gmelin, of Gottingen. To which are added, alphabetical indexes of the Latin and English names of the plants, together with the names of the countries of which they are natives: also the number of British Species. By William Forsyth, Junior |
Forsyth, William,
1772-1835 |
134 |
1794 |
Genuine and universal system of natural history;
comprising the three kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals, arranged under their respective classes, orders, genera, and species.
By the late Sir Charles Linnaeus. Improved, corrected, and enlarged, by J. Frid. Gmelin. Faithfully translated and rendered more complete by the addition of Vaillant's beautiful Birds of Africa [et. al.]. Methodically incorporated and arranged by the editors of the Encyclopedia Londinensis. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
129 |
1794? |
Système de la nature de Charles de Linné. Classe deuxième du règne animal, contenant les oiseaux. Traduction française, par Vanderstegen de Putte ... D'après la 13me. édition latine, mise au jour, augmentée et corrigée par J. F. Gmelin. Tome premier |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
128 |
1796 |
Système de la nature de Charles de Linné. Classe premiere du regne animal, contenant les quadrupèdes vivipares & les cétacées. Traduction françoise, par mr. Vanderstegen de Putte ... D'après la 13:me édition latine, mise au jour, augmentée & corrigée par J. F. Gmelin |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
127 |
1793 |
Caroli a Linné ... systema natvræ, per regna tria natvræ, secvndvm classes, ordines, genera, species, cvm characteribvs, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomvs primvs. Editio in Lvsitania prima correcta secvndvm editionem decimam tertiam avctam, et reformatam cvra Jo: Frid. Gmelin .. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
126 |
1793 |
Zoologische Beyträge zur XIII. Ausgabe des Linneischen Natursystems von Johann August Donndorff. Zweyter Band. Die Vögel. Erster Theil Raubvögel, Spechtartige Vögel, Schwimmvögel und Sumpfvögel. |
Donndorf, Johann August,
1754-1837 |
124 |
1794 |
The animal kingdom, or zoological system of the celebrated Linnæus; class I. mammalia: containing a complete systematic description, arrangement, and nomenclature, of all the known species and varieties of the mammalia, or animals which give suck to their young; being a translation of that part of the systema naturæ, as lately published, with great improvements, by professor Gmelin of Goettingen. Together with numerous additions from more recent zoological writers, an illustrated with copperplates: by Robert Kerr ... |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
122 |
1792 |
Dates of publication of the separate parts of Gmelin's edition (13th) of the 'Systema naturae' of Linnæus. By John Hopkinson, F.L.S, F.Z.S., &c. |
Hopkinson, John |
120 |
1908 |
Caroli a Linné ... systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus primus. Editio decima tertia, aucta, reformata. Cura Jo. Frid. Gmelin .. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
118 |
1789 |
Caroli a Linné ... Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Pars VI. Editio decima tertia, aucta, reformata. Cura Jo. Frid. Gmelin .. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
117 |
1788 |
Caroli a Linné ... Systema natvrae, per regna tria natvrae, secvndvm classes, ordines, genera, species cvm characteribvs, et differentiiis. Tomus II. Editio decima tertia, ad editionem duodecimam reformatam Holmiensem. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
116 |
1770 |
Les genres des insectes de Linné; constatés par divers échantillons d'insectes d'Angleterre, copiés d'après nature. Par J. Barbut |
Barbut, James |
116a |
1781 |
Des Archiaters und Ritters Carl von Linné eigene, anonym erschienene Berichte über die zwölfte lateinische Ausgabe seines Natursystems enthüllt, abermals zum Drucke befördert, /
aus dem Schwedischen übersetzt und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Felix Bryk |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
114 |
F. Bryk |
1922 |
Ipsa Linnaei conchylia.
The shells of Linnaeus, determined from his manuscripts and collection.
By Sylvanus Hanley ... Also, an exact reprint of the Vermes Testacea of the "Systema naturae" and "Mantissa. |
Hanley, Sylvanus Charles Thorp,
1819-1899 |
112 |
Williams and Norgate |
1855 |
Caroli Linnaei entomologia, faunæ Suecicæ descriptionibus aucta; DD. Scopoli, Geoffroy, De Geer, Fabricii, Schrank etc., speciebus vel in systemate non enumeratis, vel nuperrime detectis, vel speciebus Galliæ Australis locupletata, generum specierumque rariorum iconibus ornata; curante et augente Carolo de Villers, .... Tomus primus.
T. 1 |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
110 |
1789 |
The genera vermium of Linnæus exemplified by several of the rarest and most elegant subjects ... accurately drawn from nature by James Barbut, with explanations in English and French |
Barbut, James |
108 |
publish'd according to Act of Parliament by J. Barbut, March 1st; 1788; and sold by B. White & Son, Fleet Street; J. Sewell, Cornhill; P. Elmsley, Strand; Egerton, Charing Crofs; & Robson & Co., Bond Street. |
1788 |
Kortbegrip van het zamenstel der natuur, van den heer C. Linnaeus, mit zeer veele zoorten vermeerdert dor P. Boddaert ... Tweede stuk. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
106 |
1783 |