An introduction to botany. Containing an explanation of the theory of that science, extracted from the works of Linnæus; with an appendix, & glossary. By James Lee ... A new edition, improved, corrected and revised, By C. Stewart ... |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
460 |
1806 |
An introduction to botany. Containing an explanation of the theory of that science; extracted from the works of Dr. Linnæus; with 12 copper-plates, two explanatory tables, an appendix and glossary. The fifth edition, corrected, by James Lee ... |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
458 |
1794 |
An introduction to botany.:Containing an explanation of the theory of science; extracted from the works of Dr. Linnaeus; with twelve copper-plates, two explanatory tables, an appendix, and glossary. The fourth edition, corrected, with additions. By James Lee ... |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
457 |
1788 |
An introduction to botany. Containing an explanation of the theory of that science; extracted from the works of Dr. Linnæus; with twelve copper-plates, two explanatory tables, an appendix and glossary. The third edition, corrected, with large additions. By James Lee ... |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
456 |
1776 |
An introduction to botany. Containing an explanation of the theory of that science, and an interpretation of its technical terms; extracted from the works of Linnæus ... with twelve copper-plates, and two explanatory tables. And an appendix; contaning upwards of two thousand English names of plants ... The second edition. To which is added, a glossary. By James Lee ... |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
455 |
1765 |
An introduction to botany. Containing an explanation of the theory of that science, and an interpretation of its technical terms. Extracted from the works of Dr. Linnæus, ... With twelve copper plates, and two explanatory tables. To which is added an appendix; containing upwards of two thousand English names of plants, ... By James Lee, ... |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
453 |
1760 |
Caroli Linnaei Philosophia botanica, in qua explicantur Botanices Fundamenta, studio Curtii Sprengel; editio aucta et emendata |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
452 |
1824 |
Caroli Linnæi Philosophia botanica, in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica, cum definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum. Adjectis figuris æneis. Editio quarta, studio Curtii Sprengel |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
451 |
1809 |
Caroli Linnaei botanicorum principis, philosophia botanica, annotationibus, explanationibus, supplementis aucta cura, et opera Casimiri Gomez Ortega ... Accedunt J. Andr. Murray Nomina trivialia. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
450 |
1792 |
Caroli a Linné ... Philosophia botanica in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica. Adjectis figuris aeneis. Editio tertia aucta ac emendata cura Caroli Ludovici Willdenow .. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
449 |
1790 |
Caroli Linnæi Philosophia botanica in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica, cum definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum. Adjectis figuris æneis. Cui accedit Critica botanica. Editio quarta |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
447 |
1787 |
Caroli Linnaei ... Philosophia botanica in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica cum definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum. Adiectis figuris aeneis. Editio secunda |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
446 |
typis Joannis Thomae nobil. de Trattnern, cæs. reg. maj. aulæ typogr. et bibliopolæ |
1783 |
Caroli Linnaei ... Philosophia botanica in qva explicantvr fvndamenta botanica cvm definitionibvs partium, exemplis terminorvm, observationibvs rariorvm. Adiectis figvris aeneis. Editio secunda in gratiam botanophilorvm revisa et emendata. Cvrante D. Iohanne Gottlieb Gleditsch |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
445 |
1780 |
Caroli Linnaei ... Philosophia botanica in qua explicantur fvndamenta botanica cvm definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorun [sic], observationibus rariorum, adiectis figvris æneis |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
444 |
1770 |
Caroli Linnæi ... Philosophia botanica in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica cum definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum, adjectis figuris æneis. Editio altera |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
443 |
1763 |
Caroli Linnæi ... Philosophia botanica in qva explicantvr fvndamenta botanica cvm definitionibvs partivm, exemplis terminorvm, observationibvs rariorum, adiectis figvris æneis |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
442 |
1755 |
Caroli Linnæi ... Philosophia botanica in qva explicantur fundamenta botanica cum definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum, adjectis figuris æneis. Cum privilegio. Stockholmiæ, apud Godofr. Kiesewetter 1751. :
(Stockholmiæ, typis Laur. Ludw. Grefingii.) |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
437 |
(Grefing |
1751 |
Almanach för året, efter wår frälsares Christi födelse, 1750. Til Stockholms horizont, belägen 59 grad. 20 min. norr-om æquatoren och 2 tids-min. öster om Upsala observatorium. Utgifwen efter hans kongl. maj:ts nådigste stadgande af des wetenskaps academie. Stockholm, tryckt hos Lorentz Ludwig Grefing |
431 |
(Grefing |
1749 |
Handling om skogars plantering ...[ Rubr.] |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
430 |
1748 |
Hortus Linnaeanus :
an enumeration of plants cultivated in the Botanical Garden of Uppsala during the Linnean period /
compiled by H. O. Juel. |
Juel, Hans Oscar,
1863-1931 |
428 |
Almqvist & Wiksell |
1919 |