Union Catalogue

All records for Royal Horticultural Society Lindley Library (197 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Leçons de flore : Cours complet de botanique[.] Explication de tous les systèmes, introduction a l'étude des plantes / par J. L. M. Poiret... suivi d'une iconographie végétale... ; par P. J. F. Turpin. Poiret, Jean Louis Marie (1755-1834). 815 C. L. F. Pancoucke 1819[-1820] Digital version available
Flora comense disposta secondo il sistema di Linneo : a comodo dei medici degli speziali e de' dilettanti nelle escursioni botaniche / dal Giuseppe Comolli. Comolli, Giuseppe (1780-1849). 842g C. Pietro Ostinelli 1834-1857 Digital version available
English botany : or, coloured figures of British plants, with their essential characters, synonyms, and places of growth / By Sir James Edward Smith ... the figures by James Sowerby. Smith, James Edward (1759-1828). 842b C.E. Sowerby [1832]-1846 Digital version available
The compleat naturalist : a life of Linnaeus / Wilfrid Blunt with the assistance of William T. Stearn. Blunt, Wilfrid Jasper Walter (1901-1987). 4028 Collins 1971 Digital version available
Nicolai Laurentii BurmanniFlora Indica : cui accedit series zoophytorum indicorum, nec non Prodromus florae Capensis. Burman, Nicolaas Laurens (1734-1793). 650a Cornelium Haek / Johannes Schreuderum 1768 Digital version available
La botanique de J. J. Rousseau, ornée de soixante-cinq planches, imprimées en couleurs d'après les peintures de P. J. Redouté. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778). 700d Delachaussée / Garnery XIV = 1805. Digital version available
Les plantes : poème / par René-Richard Castel, Professeur de Littérature au Prytanée français. Castel, René Louis Richard (1758-1832). 760f Deterville An VII [1799]. Digital version available
Jussieu's und De Candolle's natürlich Pflanzen-Systeme : nach ihren Grundsätzen entwickelt und mit den Pflanzen-Familien von Agardh, Batsch und Linné, so wie mit dem Linné'schen Sexual-System verglichen. Für Vorlesungen und zum Selbstunterricht / von Carl Fuhlrott. Mit einer Vorrede von Dr. C.G. Nees von Esenbeck. Fuhlrott, Johann Carl (1804-1877). 837 Eduard Weber 1829 Digital version available
Jussieu's und De Candolle's natürlich Pflanzen-Systeme : nach ihren Grundsätzen entwickelt und mit den Pflanzen-Familien von Agardh, Batsch und Linné, so wie mit dem Linné'schen Sexual-System verglichen. Für Vorlesungen und zum Selbstunterricht / von Carl Fuhlrott. Mit einer Vorrede von Dr. C.G. Nees von Esenbeck. Fuhlrott, Johann Carl (1804-1877). 4282 Eduard Weber 1829 Digital version available
Flora de Filipinas : Segun el sistema sexual de Linneo / por el P. Fr Manuel Blanco. Blanco, Francisco Manuel (1778-1845). 845c En la Imprenta de Sto. Thomas por D. Candido Lopez 1837 Digital version available
Petri Arduini Veronensis Horti Publici Patavini Custodis Animadversionum botanicarum specimen. Arduino, Pietro (1728-1805). 3886 Ex Typographia Conzatti 1759 Digital version available
Petri Harduini Veronensis Horti Publici Patavini Custodis Animadversionum botanicarum specimen alterum. Arduino, Pietro (1728-1805). 3887 Ex Typographia Sansoniana 1764 Digital version available
Hortus Anglicus; or, The modern English garden : containing a familiar description of all the plants which are cultivated in the climate of Great Britain, either for use or ornament, and of a selection from the established favourites of the stove and green-house; arranged according to the system of Linnaeus; with remarks on the properties of the more valuable species / by the author of "The British Botanist". Clarke, Stephen Reynolds (fl.1820-1825). 823a F.C. & J. Rivington 1822 Digital version available
The universal gardener and botanist; or, A general dictionary of gardening and botany : Exhibiting in botanical arrangement, according to the Linnaean system, every tree, shrub, and herbaceous plant, that merit culture, either for use, ornament, or curiosity, in every department of gardening. Comprising accurate directions, according to real practice, for the management of the kitchen-garden, fruit-garden, pleasure ground, flower garden, nursery, plantations, green-house, hot-house or stove, hot-beds, forcing-frames, hot-walls, and forcing in general. Describing the proper situations, exposures, soils, manures, and every material and utensil requisite in the different garden departments; together with practical directions for performing the various mechanical operations of gardening in general / by Thomas Mawe, gardener to his Grace the Duke of Leeds,and John Abercrombie, authors of Every man his own gardener, &c. Mawe, Thomas (fl.1760s-1770s). 679c G. Robinson; and T. Cadell 1778 Digital version available
Linné's natürliche Pflanzenklasse Tricoccae des Berliner Herbarium's im Allgemeinen und die nürliche Ordnung Euphorbiaceae insbesondere / von Fr. Klotzsch. Klotzsch, Johann Friedrich (1805-1860). 4703 Gedruckt in der Druckerei der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1859 Digital version available
Monandrian plants of the order Scitamineae, chiefly drawn from living specimens in the Botanic Garden at Liverpool. Arranged according to the system of Linnæus, with descriptions and observations / by William Roscoe, Esqr. Associate of the first class of the Royal Society of Literature, corresponding member of the Imperial and Royal Academy Della Crusca, fellow of the Linnæan Societies of London and Philadelphia, member of the Historical Society of New York, President of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, and honorary member of the Literary and Philosophical Societies of Manchester, Bristol, Plymouth &c. Roscoe, William (1753-1831). 835b George Smith [1824-] 1828. Digital version available
Linnaeus (afterwards Carl Von Linné) : the story of his life, adapted from the Swedish of Theodor Magnus Fries, Emeritus Professor of Botany in the University of Uppsala, and brought down to the present time in the light of recent research / by Benjamin Daydon Jackson. Jackson, Benjamin Daydon (1846-1927). 2846 H.F. & G. Witherby 1923 Digital version available
Georg Dionysius Ehret and his plate of the sexual system of plants in Linnaeus' own copy of Systema Naturae / compiled by Ove Hagelin. Hagelin, Ove (1940- ). 39a Hageströmer Biblioteket 2000 Digital version available
Linné i Uppsala / Helena Harnesk. Botaniska fakta: professor Bengt Jonsell. Harnesk, Helena. 3979 Hallgren & Fallgren 2006 Digital version available
Linnaeus : nature and nation / Lisbet Koerner. Koerner, Lisbet (1960- ). 4018 Harvard University Press (1999) Digital version available