Union Catalogue

All records for Staatsbibliothek Berlin (596 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Musa Cliffortiana Clifford's Banana plant ; reprint and translation of the original edition (Leiden 1736) Carl Linnaeus. Translated into English by Stephen Freer. With an introduction by Staffan Müller-Wille Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 VerfasserIn 4077 A. R. G. Gantner Verlag K.G. 2007 Digital version available
A passion for systems Linnaeus and the dream of order in nature Helene Schmitz, conception and photography ; Nils Uddenberg, text ; Pia Östensson, botanical information and picture captions. Engl. transl.: Rachelle Puryear ... Schmitz, Helene 1960- Uddenberg, Nils Östensson, Pia... 4032 Natur & Kultur 2007 Digital version available
Carl Peter Thunberg Carl Peter Thunberg. General editors: Eivor Cormack, Ragnar Edberg, Per Sörbom Thunberg, Carl Peter 1743-1828 VerfasserIn 4014 The IK Foundation & Company 2007 Digital version available
Iter Lapponicum = Lappländska resan 1732 Facsimileutgåva / utg. efter dagbokshandskriften av Roger Jacobsson ... Carl Linnæus 3 Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 3959 Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet 2005 Digital version available
Så varför reser Linné? Perspektiv på Iter Lapponicum 1732 red. av Roger Jacobsson Jacobsson, Roger 1947- 3960 Carlsson 2005 Digital version available
Linnaeus the compleat naturalist Wilfrid Blunt; introduction by William T. Stearn Blunt, Wilfrid 1901-1987 4567 Frances Lincoln 2004 Digital version available
Codex botanicus Linnaeanus by Hermann E. Richter. Ed. by John Edmondson Richter, Hermann Eberhard Friedrich 1808-1876 4126 Gantner 2003- Digital version available
Sex, botany and empire the story of Carl Linnaeus and Joseph Banks Patricia Fara Fara, Patricia 1948- 4225 Icon Books [u.a] 2003 Digital version available
Nemesis divina Carl von Linné. Ed. and transl. with an introd. and explanatory notes by M. J. Petry Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 4540 Kluwer Academic 2001 Digital version available
Linnaeus nature and nation Lisbet Koerner Koerner, Lisbet 4018 Harvard University Press 2000 Digital version available
Index to scientific names of organisms cited in the Linnaean dissertations together with a synoptic bibliography of the dissertations and a concordance for selected editions Robert W. Kiger, Charlotte A. Tancin, Gavin D.R. Bridson Kiger, Robert William 1940- 4233 Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University 1999 Digital version available
Botanik und weltweiter Handel zur Begründung eines natürlichen Systems der Pflanzen durch Carl von Linné (1707-78) Staffan Müller-Wille Müller-Wille, Staffan 1964- VerfasserIn 4232 VWB, Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung 1999 Digital version available
Bibliographia discipuli Linnaei = Bibliographies of the 331 pupils of Linnaeus Sven-Erik Sandermann Olsen Sandermann Olsen, Sven-Erik 4237 Holte 1997 Digital version available
Lapin kasveja Carl von Linné. Carl von Linnén latinankielisestä teoksesta Flora Lapponica (1737) valikoinut, suomentanut ja selityksillä varustanut Marja Itkonen-Kaila Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 4787 SKS 1991 Digital version available
Lappländische Reise und andere Schriften Carl von Linné ; aus d. Schwed. Übers. von H. C. Artmann ... Hrsg., mit Nachw. u. Anm. von Sieglinde Mierau Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 VerfasserIn 4694 Philipp Reclam jun. 1987 Digital version available
Lappländische Reise mit Zeichnungen des Autors Carl von Linné. Aus d. Schwed. von H. C. Artmann unter Mitw. von Helli Clervall Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 4851 Insel-Verlag 1986 Digital version available
Contemporary perspectives on Linnaeus ed. by John Weinstock Weinstock, John M. 1936- Hrsg. 3894 University Press of America 1985 Digital version available
Linnaeus the man and his work ed. by Tore Frängsmyr. With contributions by Sten Lindroth ... Frängsmyr, Tore Hrsg. Lindroth, Sten Linné, Carl von... 4019 Univ. of California Press 1983 Digital version available
Studies in Linnaean method and nomenclature John Lewis Heller Heller, John Lewis 1906-1988 VerfasserIn 3898 Verlag Peter Lang 1983 Digital version available
Linnaeus and his garden Gunnar Broberg ; Allan Ellenius ; Bengt Jonsell Broberg, Gunnar 1942-2022 4047 Swedish Linnaeus Society Wikströms Tryckeri AB 1983 Digital version available