Uitvoerige Beschryving En Naauwkeurige Natuurlyk Gekleurde Afbeelding Van Een Nieuwelyks Ontdekt Geheel Onbekend Plant-Dier
In 'T Licht Gegeeven Door Joachim Frederik Bolten, Der Medicynen Doctor En Physicus Der Stad Hamburg. Uit Het Hoogduitsch Vertaald. |
Bolten, Joachim Friedrich
VerfasserIn |
3881 |
By Jan Christiaan Sepp, Boekverkooper |
1771 |
Två nya species tobak
Efter Kgl. Svenska Vetenskaps Acad. Handlingar år 1753
Carl von Linné. Utg. av Edgar Lund |
Linné, Carl von |
530a |
Lund |
1930 |
Tre tal
Carl von Linné. Utg. av Arvid Hj. Uggla |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
4198 |
Geber |
1954 |
The natural history of British birds; or, a selection of the most rare, beautiful, and interesting birds which inhabit this country
the descriptions from the Systema Naturæ of Linnæus; with general observations, either original, or collected from the latest and most esteemed English ornithologists; and embellished with figures, drawn, engraved, end coloured from the original specimens
By E. Donovan |
Donovan, Edward
1768-1837 |
131 |
Gilbert |
ca. 1794-ca. 1819 |
The conchologist's text-book
embracing the arrangements of Lamarck and Linnæus, with a glossary of technical terms
by Captain Thomas Brown, Fellow of the Linnean Society, member of the Wernerian, Kirwanian and Phrenological Societies, and late president of the Royal Physical Society, &c. &c. &c. |
Brown, Thomas
VerfasserInIllustratorIn |
4907 |
Archibald Fullarton & Co.
W. Tait
W. Curry, Jun. and Co.
Orr and Smith
Fullarton & Co., printers |
1837 |
The Prince of botanists |
Gourlie, Norah |
4348 |
Witherby |
(1953) |
The Natural History Of Humming-Birds
Vol. I. ; Illustrated By Thirty-Five Plates, Coloured, And Numerous Wood-Cuts; With Memoir Of Linnæus
By Sir William Jardine, Bart., F.R.S.E., F.L.S., &c., &c. |
Jardine, William
VerfasserIn |
2682 |
W. H. Lizars
Stirling and Kenney
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman
W. Curry Jun. and Co.
Ballantyne |
1834 |
The Life of Philibert Commerson, D.M., naturaliste du roi, an old-world story of French travel and science in the days of Linnaeus
By S. Pasfield Oliver and ed. by G. F. Scott Elliot. With illustr. |
Oliver, Samuel Pasfield
1838-1907 |
2966a |
Murry̱ |
1909 |
The Gardeners Kalendar
Directing what Works are necessary to be performed Every Month In The Kitchen, Fruit, and Pleasure-Gardens, As also in the Conservatory and Nursery ... ; With a List of the Medicinal Plants, which may be gathered fo Use each Month ; To which is prefixed, A short Introduction to the Science of Botany, illustrated with Copper Plates
by Philip Miller ... |
Miller, Philip
1691-1771 |
468 |
Author |
1769 |
The "Critica botanica" of Linnaeus
translated by the late Sir Arthur Hort, BT., M.A. ; revised by M. L. Green, B.A., F.L.S., Botanist, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew with an introduction by Arthur W. Hill, K.C.M.G., M.A., Sc.D. |
Linné, Carl von
GeistigeR SchöpferIn |
3919 |
The Ray Society |
1938 |
Termini botanici,
Quos, Consensu ... Fac. Medicæ In. Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, Præside ... D:no Doct. Carolo Linnæo, ... Med. Et Botan. Professore ... Examinandos Sistit Johannes Elmgren Smolandus. In Audit. Carol. Maj. Die XXII. Junii, Anni MDCCLXII. H. A. M. C. |
Linné, Carl von
Präses |
2174 |
1762 |
Tentamen Supplementi Ad Systematis Vegetabilium Linnaeani Editionem Decimam Sextam
Auctore Antonio Sprengel, Ph. D. |
Sprengel, Anton
VerfasserInWidmendeR |
617 |
Sumtibus Librariae Dieterichianae |
1828 |
Tabellarische Uebersicht des alten Linnéischen Pflanzensystems und des verbesserten von Thunberg, so wie auch der natürlichen Systeme von Jussieu und Batsch
für seine Vorlesungen entworfen
von J. Chr. Fr. Graumüller, ... Doctor und Privatlehrer zu Jena, ... und der botanischen Gesellschaft zu Altenburg Mitgliede |
Graumüller, Johann Christian Friedrich
1770-1824 |
797 |
Schöne |
1811 |
Så varför reser Linné?
Perspektiv på Iter Lapponicum 1732
red. av Roger Jacobsson |
Jacobsson, Roger 1947- |
3960 |
Carlsson |
2005 |
Systematics of to-day
Proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Uppsala in commemoration of the 250. anniversary of the birth of Carolus Linnaeus. Ed. by Olov Hedberg |
Hedberg, Olov 1923-2007 Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 |
4255 |
Lundequist; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz |
(1958) |
Systema naturae
Carolus Linnaeus. With an introdroduction and a first English translation of the "Observationes" by Dr. M. S. J. Engel-Ledeboer and Dr. H. Engel, Professor of Zoology at the University of Amsterdam |
Linné, Carl von
VerfasserIn |
3928 |
B. de Graaf |
1964 |
Systema glossatorum
J. Chr. Fabricius. Hrsg. von Felix Bryk |
Fabricius, Johann Christian
1745-1808 |
4844 |
Feller |
1938 |
Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum
editio tertia 1724
John Ray |
Ray, John
VerfasserIn |
4061 |
The Ray Society |
1973 |
Synopsis florae Germanicae et Helveticae
exhibens stirpes phanerogamas rite cognitas, quae in Germania, Helvetia, Borussia et Istria sponte crescunt atque in hominum usum copiosius coluntur : secundum systema Candolleanum digestas, praemissa generum dispositione, secundum classes et ordines systematis Linnaeani conscripta
auctore D. Guil. Dan. Jos. Koch, ...
[Hauptbd.] |
Koch, Wilhelm Daniel Joseph
VerfasserIn |
844b |
Wilmans |
1837 |
Synopsis Florae Germanicae Et Helveticae, Exhibens Stirpes Phanerogamas Et Vasculares Cryptogamas Rite Cognitas, Quae In Germania, Helvetia, Borussia Et Istria Sponte Crescunt Atque In Hominum Usum Copiosius Coluntur
Secundum Systema Candolleanum Digestas, Praemissa Generum Dispositione Secundum Classes Et Ordines Systematis Linnaeani Conscripta
Auctore D. Guil. Dan. Jos. Koch, ...
Pars Tertia |
Koch, Wilhelm Daniel Joseph
1771-1849 |
844c |
Gebhardt et Reisland |
1845 |